Chapter 283 You Came Back Alive

"My lord, are you back?"

The ghost general guarding the yard saw Ye Litian who came out, and greeted him cautiously. They said that they didn't see anything when Ye Litian was in a mess before.Lord Ghost Emperor is still as heroic and handsome as before.

"Well, have any major events happened in these colleges?"

"Yes, Mo Ming became the vice president."

Is this a big deal?

Ye Litian said that his head hurts, why did he leave this idiot: "Okay, you can go back to the ghost world, don't come here again if you have nothing to do, the emperor will naturally call you when you are needed, you stay here It is easy to consume soul power here, yes, take everyone away, and take away the little soul from before."

If people in the ghost world are not strong enough, if they go to other places, without the supplement of soul power, their cultivation will be regressed.Anyway, he is his subordinate, he will not do things to harm his subordinates.

"Understood, my lord."

After ordering everything, Ye Litian walked to Mei Baoer's yard, staring at the yard with those blue eyes, saw that the beautiful woman was sitting and drinking tea in the yard, the annoying man didn't seem to be there, and finally opened the door and entered .

Mei Bao'er raised her eyes and saw Ye Litian appearing, she was a little surprised: "You came back alive?"

"Why can't I come back alive, Bao'er, am I just that weak in your heart?" He lay beside the stone table with a charming look, his blue eyes seemed to look into her deep inside.However, no matter how he looked, he couldn't see it in, as if something annoying was blocking him.

By the way, it seems to be that man's face.


Mei Bao'er took a sip of tea leisurely and said, "You are a ghost emperor, why don't you know your ghost world?"

"I want to take you back with me!"

"Hehehe... Who would believe this nonsense!"

"Couldn't it be that with your current strength, you can't open the gate of the ghost world at all? Huh?" Her family's devil king said this. Although the ghost emperor can summon ghost soldiers and ghost generals, he cannot go back.

Ye Litian, whose face was seen through, also had a thick skin: "Bao'er is so smart, no wonder so many people like it."

"Come on, Lord Ghost Emperor, you are doing this for a purpose," she said with some sarcasm in her eyes, "Don't you just know that I am a spirit body and want to use me to help you become a god? But, you don't What kind of treacherous and evil person, if you don't force me, you can still be considered a person!"

Ye Litian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but when she heard her explain her purpose clearly, she felt a little flustered for some reason.It was either Moming who said this, or Nangong Fuchen who said it. Apart from these two people, he really couldn't think of who it was.

He looked at her delicate little face, which had already left the round face of the past. The small face was still so attractive now. In fact, those bright eyes were the most attractive on her body.As if staring into those eyes, one could see countless wisdom.

Looking at him, he seemed a little obsessed with it, and after a while, he smiled awkwardly to cover up his gaffe.

"Yes, that's what this emperor thinks. I really want to use you to become a god, but I will make you willing. I become a god, and you can become a god at the same time. Isn't this a mutually beneficial thing?"

What he said was true, "Why don't you come with me, we cooperate and become gods together, after we become gods, you and I will have nothing to do with each other, how about that?"

When he said this, he stared into her eyes, wanting to see her hesitation and wavering even once, and he felt that he had succeeded.Similarly, if she wavered, he would be disappointed in his heart, and he couldn't even figure out what he was thinking.

"not good."

Finally, she spoke out these two words softly, but it made him feel extremely relaxed, and he felt that he must have had a brain convulsion.

"I'm not the only spirit body, go find someone else!"

Mei Baoer smiled faintly, "Being with someone is because I like it, not because I want to use this person to achieve some purpose. If I have to say one purpose, I just like it. Being with this person will make my heart move and make me happy." ..."

If she just laughed for the so-called becoming a god, then what's the point? She believes in herself, even if she doesn't cooperate with others, she can become a god by her own ability, and she doesn't need to rely on external things.As long as she has a body, a brain, and hard work, she can achieve her goal.

Ye Litian stared blankly at her smile, unknowingly and unknowingly his heart sank into it, he just felt that this smile was better than all the peerless women he had ever seen.

She doesn't have a peerless appearance, but she has a cute and delicate face.

She doesn't have a smile that overwhelms the country, but she can smile deeply into the hearts of the people.

She doesn't have the voice of an oriole, and every sentence makes people feel so reasonable.

She does not have amazing strength, but she has persistent efforts.

In her eyes, there is self-confidence, persistence, and clarity... Her demeanor is neither fairy nor noble, but it is unique in this world.

"You're right."

After a long time, he let out a foul breath: "However, I will not change my purpose, I will let you go back with me willingly. You said you want to like me, will you like me?"

"will not."

The answer without hesitation made him a little irritated for no reason.How could he care about feelings? He was just a master of love who lingered in the flowers but never touched a leaf. He just wanted to use her to achieve the goal of becoming a god.

"Bao Er, do you really think that you and Mo Ming can be together forever?"

Mei Baoer nodded very seriously: "Yes, I think so."

"The journey of cultivation is inherently unpredictable, and the most changed is the human heart. You can be good for one year, ten years, or even 100 years, but what about thousands of years or ten thousand years?"

Mabel tightened her hand holding the cup, 1000 years? 1 years?She smiled, she hadn't thought so far.

"And in this, you need to go through all kinds of tribulations and meet all kinds of people. You are sure to be able to withstand all the temptations and just stay with each other." He has seen too many couples who were originally loving, and finally separated. The matter of choosing a Taoist partner.This is also the norm in the cultivation world.

That's why he was so confident that he would be able to let her go back willingly in the future.

"How long can you like each other and stay like this?"

Mei Baoer's complexion finally changed. How long did she like her? This answer may be too long.Then she laughed, no matter what happens in the future, at least she likes Mo Ming now, and Mo Ming also likes her, that's enough.

"No matter how long you like it, you still like it. Since you like it, then stay together well. If you don't like it someday, just separate." After she finished speaking, she drank the remaining tea as wine, "Night Li Tian, ​​when I like him, no matter how you provoke him, I will not change a bit."

(End of this chapter)

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