Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 284 We are indeed a natural couple

Chapter 284 We are really made for each other

"So, your provocation is useless."

She smiled triumphantly, showing a mouthful of white teeth, almost blinding Ye Litian's eyes.He said so much for a long time, but the other party was really not provoked by him.

Her calmness, her gestures are so chic.When she likes it, no matter how provocative she is, she will not change.No matter how long you like it, you still like it. If you like it, then stay together. If you don't like it someday, then separate.

He didn't quite understand this sentence, but after thinking about it a little more, he found it very reasonable.

"However, I won't give up."

Ye Litian said softly in front of her, his eyes were burning, as if something had changed unconsciously.She doesn't care, Ye Litian is still a real villain.

He poured tea for her, got up and left gracefully.There is a faint smile on the corner of the mouth, believe it?Like it?He doesn't believe it, he really doesn't know what kind of feelings can go through years of tempering.

"Heh, Vice President Mo is back?"

As soon as he went out, he met a powerful man with a spark in his eyes.This man has treated him like this, it is simply a humiliation, his ghost emperor has never been treated like this, so he wants to pry the wall even more and take Mei Bao'er away!
"Elder Ye, this is not the place for you to come."

Lord Demon King is obviously very angry.

"Why can't you come? Now the elder and Bao'er are considered friends. Vice President Mo, even though you are a close friend of Bao'er, you can't stop her from making friends, right? Otherwise, wouldn't you be too domineering?"

Mo Ming took a deep look, and felt that the punishment last time was too light, so he simply killed the Ghost Emperor.But it seems that it can't be killed. As long as the ghost world is not destroyed, the ghost emperor will not be destroyed. It is really a troublesome thing.

The more he looked at Ye Litian, the more he felt it was an eyesore. Ye Litian just felt a little cold: "Vice President Mo, do you know what Elder Ben and Bao'er said?"


"I told her that there is no relationship that can withstand the ravages of time. Maybe 100 years is not long, or tens of thousands of years, that's not necessarily the case. You think, you will always keep her, or even forever, like Can she, or can she like you forever?"

There is no eternity in this world. In short, he doesn't believe it. He only believes that strength is eternity, and only being strong can live forever.If he hadn't refined the ghost world, he would have been killed by countless enemies, and it would be his turn to be the ghost emperor now.

With a chuckle, he patted Mo Ming, and stepped up to leave.

"As long as you like it, you can always be together. I will always like her, even if she can't like me forever, I will find a way to make her like me again."

What is the answer?
Ye Litian was stunned for a moment, this man's words were really like his character, he was still so domineering and confident.

After thinking about it, he said again, "Do you want to hear her answer?"

"I don't want to, especially from your mouth, I don't believe it." No matter what the answer is, his answer shall prevail.

Mo Ming stepped into the yard, and a formation fell, the yard and the outside world became two worlds, and he hugged the person sitting on the stone bench over there into his arms.He kissed her lips hard and let go for a long time.

"What's your answer?"

He naturally cared, and it was impossible not to care.Although he knew that she would not be provoked, he was a little scared in his heart.If she really doesn't like him one day, will she leave?
"You want to know?"

May Baoer hooked his chin: "Then I'll tell you, if I like it, I'll be with you."

"Don't you like it?" He asked, his voice a little cold.

"Don't like it?" She lay in his arms and chuckled lightly. After laughing for a long time, she looked at him seriously and said seriously: "I'm afraid I can't not like you. If you don't like me someday..."

"I can't not like you, there is not a day." His lips blocked her words, and she closed her eyes. The real meaning of her words was that if she liked him, she would be with him Together, the latter sentence, if you don't like it, then separate, it's just a lie, as long as she still likes it, this man will never be allowed to leave her.Why is it a lie, because if she doesn't like this man anymore, then if this man still likes her, he will do whatever it takes to keep her, and even make her fall in love with him again.

"Want to hear my next answer?"

Regardless of his stop, she continued, "If you don't like me any day, don't even think about running away, I will tie you by my side, even if I poison you, I will keep you." worries dissipated.

"The same is true for me." He put his arms around her slender waist, "My Bao'er, how can I know my heart so well? It's really hard to put it down. We really are made for each other."

Absolutely not allowing the things he likes to slip out of his hands, his smile suddenly became bewitching, and the scent of lotus exuded from his body made her a little drunk.This man is indeed too attractive, she thinks it is almost impossible for her not to like him.

If you don't like him anymore, where can you find such a perfect man.

"You guy is really a gift from heaven to me." She pecked his face, "If it weren't for that person, I wouldn't have met you, for this sake, let's let him die happily in the future How about some?"

"Naturally listen to you, let's go to the house to discuss."

The two moved to another place, the sun was high, and there was indeed a scorching and ambiguous atmosphere in the room.She is very satisfied with this man, no matter what aspect she is satisfied with. Since there is such a perfect man, she will not wrong her needs in certain aspects.

Ye Litian looked at the small courtyard full of formations, some of them had disappeared in the courtyard, and he always felt a little astringent in his heart.Damn it, isn't he sowing discord?
How can the relationship between these two people get better and better?
"It seems that you are very angry."

Ye Litian raised his head impressively, and saw Nangong Fuchen walking slowly.Occasionally, his gaze would look towards the yard, and the disappointment in his eyes could not be concealed.He laughed loudly, he was angry or not, the man in front of him should be unhappy!

"Brother Nangong, don't talk about me, it doesn't feel good to see the woman you love with other people, right?"

"It really doesn't feel good."

Nangong Fuchen still answered honestly, "But it's her choice." Whether it's uncomfortable or not, he has to bear it, and there is incomparable sadness in his eyes, a missed step is a wrong step.If he could have appeared earlier, he should be the closest to her, but she met him first. It can only be said that fate is so unpredictable!
(End of this chapter)

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