Chapter 305
"Haha, it turns out to be a girl from the Hundred Flowers Sect."

Kong Li let out a strange laugh, and kept looking at the group of women in front of him, with a look of obsession in his eyes, all the women of the Hundred Flowers Sect are very beautiful, if he can hook up with one, he will be considered a lucky woman.

However, these girls are not easy to get along with, and a disagreement will kill them.The charm of that body is also amazing, ordinary people can't stand it.Even so, many people still want to be their servants.

"Junior Brother, since you know they are members of the Hundred Flowers Sect, it's better to be careful, don't forget, they will kill people when they talk and laugh." Kong Xin looked at Hua Qingling and his party with some vigilance, and his expression was as expected. Said to be so vigilant, it can be seen that this is not the first time we have met.

"Junior Sister Qingling, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Kong Xin cupped his hands as a greeting.

However, Hua Qingling just glanced at this person coldly: "Senior Brother Kong, I'm afraid time will be delayed. If you want to get something, let's see the real chapter!"

Obviously, the cold Hua Qingling didn't want to say anything more to this person, and Kong Xin's face was offended by just one word, which made him a little annoyed.However, he knew that what the other party said was the truth, if he didn't hurry over, he would definitely be preempted by other sects.

"The two brothers Kong..."

At this moment, Hua Yaji threw a wink at her, and the two of them inadvertently dazed for a moment, and when they woke up, there was no one from the Hundred Flowers Sect in front of them.


Kong Xin said angrily: "Junior Brother, go, you've been tricked again."

"These stinky bitches!!"

Kong Li was also angry, his face flushed red, it was obviously not the first time he had been tricked, the two stared at the distance, and quickly chased after him.For the people of Hundred Flowers Sect, I have always hated them to the bone, but their sects are very close to each other, and it is not easy to kill them, otherwise it will cause disputes between the two factions, and let other sects who are eyeing the tiger take advantage of it.

Occasionally there is a little friction, and that's how it goes.But against the Hundred Flowers Sect, they have repeatedly suffered losses, and they are somewhat unwilling. If possible, they certainly hope to destroy the Hundred Flowers Sect so that they will never recover.

Mei Baoer has long followed behind the Hundred Flowers Sect, and she took a high-level look at the charm technique Hua Yaji used just now. From her perspective, she found that Hua Yaji might be able to get started. If there is a more advanced one to use Just now, those two people probably wanted to burn themselves to death.

I have to be extremely vigilant in my heart, this fairy world is indeed terrifying.

Of course, neither of the two sects noticed the existence of May Baoer, she quietly sneaked aside without saying a word.Feeling that Peacock Door Industry was catching up, he was cursing, obviously still angry about what happened just now.

"Senior sister, this is it!"

Hua Yaji showed joy on her face, "Let's go in quickly, it seems that we are the first ones here, I found the fairy crystal earlier and brought it back to Master." She glanced behind her eyes and snorted coldly, her expression was rather smug , "Those stinky men still want to grab things from us, stupid!"

"Okay, Ya Ji, let's go in first! Let's stop talking nonsense, if the other party catches up, it will be a little troublesome. Let the two sisters stay here and deal with it."

After Hua Qingling finished speaking, she went inside.Hua Yaji looked a little reconciled, she glanced inside, followed Hua Qingling's instructions, and then followed.

Mei Baoer followed the two of them far away, she was afraid that she would be exposed if she was too close.At this moment, she also felt the more intense celestial power inside. The Xindao Mine was indeed a mine, and the celestial power here was dozens of times stronger than the previous place.

That fairy crystal has naturally become her goal. She has to find a way to get to the front of the two of them. I don't know if there is only one road in the mountainside. If there is only one road, things will not be easy to handle. .

Perhaps the heavens favored her a little, but not long after, several roads appeared in front of her.

"Sister, which way should we go now?"

Facing Hua Yaji's question, Hua Qingling was silent for a moment, and chose the first path in the middle.After several people went in, Mei Baoer hesitated for a while, and chose the side road, the middle road was undoubtedly the most correct.Among them, Xianli is the most intense, and Hua Qingling's selection is also very normal.

However, if she wanted to get ahead of a few people, she couldn't walk this way.Picking one that was next to each other, she let go of her body and ran.

A piece of white dangled in front of her, and she showed some joy on her face.Xin Dao said that the fairy crystal may not be able to be snatched, she might as well dig some fairy stones first, if she doesn't grab the fairy crystal by then, she won't have difficulty in the fairy world.

Thinking of this, she took out the spirit-gathering book and the spirit-gathering pen, transformed five men and women with strange faces in one breath, and gave them five rings.Then he ordered one person to stay here to dig, and at the same time let the other four go back and take other passages to dig the fairy stone.

After doing all this, she dug up a fairy stone and recovered on the spot.After a while, he was full of energy, and rushed inside quickly again.She didn't expect that the spirit-gathering book and the spirit-gathering pen would help her a lot this time. At first, she thought that these two things were useless to her, but now she feels that they are simply invincible treasures who have traveled all over the fairy world.

Not long after Mei Bao'er and the Baihua Sect disappeared in the mountainside, some sects of all sizes came after them one after another. The news that there is a fairy stone mine here must not be kept.

As for the two disciples of Hundred Flowers Sect guarding outside the gate, of course they couldn't stop so many people, they could only pester them and let them in.Mei Bao'er had already gone to a deeper place at this moment, and the rich celestial power made her almost moan comfortably.She felt that God treated her well, so when she woke up and encountered such a good thing, it showed that her luck was good.

Seeing that the quality of the fairy stone was getting better and better, as soon as she realized it, she asked those few people to dig inside, and told them to be more careful. If anyone came, they should give up and hide.

The main members of the sect who came behind all walked into the middle path, while the rest scattered to other paths. After all, the fairy stones here are also very rich, although they are not as good as fairy crystals.

But the fairy crystal may not be snatched, so it is better to make two-handed preparations.

Mei Baoer looked at the wall with no road in front of her, her eyes flickered, it seemed that she could only get through.After thinking about it, she decided to dig a hole underground. She could already feel the sound of arguing from the next door, presumably they were arguing about how to distribute the fairy crystals.

After thinking for a while, she first changed her face, and then still used Feng Yin Jue to hide her aura.Even if he is discovered later, he is not afraid of being recognized.After doing all this, she took out the potion she had concocted, which could melt the soil and rocks in front of her silently, without making any sound at all.

(End of this chapter)

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