Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 306 Stealing the Immortal Crystal

Chapter 306 Stealing the Immortal Crystal

"The people of the Hundred Flowers Sect are really capable. They actually want to monopolize the fairy crystal. We have discovered this fairy crystal today. Hua Qingling, is it not good for you to do so?"

A disciple of a certain sect said sarcastically, but got the support of many people. Everything before showed that Baihuazong not only wanted to monopolize the fairy crystal, but also wanted to occupy the entire fairy stone mine.Since this matter was seen by them, it would definitely not go according to the other party's wishes.

Hua Qingling's face was a little ugly. She hadn't dug out the fairy crystal yet, so many people rushed here, it was really a mistake!
"What do you want to do?"

Her voice is still very cold, but it makes people serious. This Hundred Flowers Sect is not a soft persimmon, and thinking of so many sects today, no matter how powerful her Hundred Flowers Sect is, does she still want to be an enemy of all sects?

At this moment, Kong Xin came out: "Junior Sister Qingling, everyone has seen this thing, so naturally it must be divided fairly."

"Fair, how can it be considered fair?" Hua Qingling sneered, "This fairy crystal is estimated to be around [-] yuan, and there are seven or eight sects here. Is it true that each sect only gets one piece? Brother Kong, is he willing? "

Of course he doesn't want to, he wants to swallow it alone, of course it is impossible to swallow it alone now.All factions fell into silence. If they only got one piece of fairy crystal after working for a long time, it would really be a joke.

"Junior Sister Qingling, what can I do?"

Hua Qingling's gaze fell into everyone's eyes: "Of course there is a way, why don't we compete, take one to three, divide the fairy crystal into two parts, give half to No.1, and divide the remaining part into two, and give two How about the three sects? Each sect will send a representative to compete, what do you think?"

"I agree."

Kong Xin immediately agreed, this is the best way, not only can get a lot of fairy crystals, but also can make the rest of the people speechless, if you are not strong enough to get the fairy crystals, you deserve it.

"I agree."



Seeing that everyone agreed, each sect sent a person out to start a discussion.

What they didn't know was that Mei Baoer next door had already arrived in front of Xianjing through special means.

The transparent fairy crystal in front of him exudes a strong fairy power, which makes people feel refreshed.Countless small stars seemed to appear in her eyes, this is the fairy crystal, worthy of being the best among fairy stones.There is such a large area in front of me, it is estimated that 27 yuan can be mined.

Hearing that people outside were still arguing, she secretly smiled.Don't do things too badly, she just mines 20 yuan, aren't they seven or eight sects?It happened to leave seven or eight yuan for them, which was enough for each person just now.

Hua Qingling in the belly of the mountain only felt a little cold, she always felt very cold, and felt that she had overlooked something, but she looked up and down, everyone looked as usual, and nothing happened.

"Jackie, go out and have a look, I always feel something is wrong."

Hua Yaji responded and took a few people outside. Seeing this, the other sects also sent people out, obviously afraid that the Hundred Flowers Sect would take the opportunity to mine the fairy stone.Seeing this, Hua Qingling didn't say anything, just quietly watched the competition, and she was very sure to win them over.

Everyone fought hard, using all their tricks and strength, and Mei Baoer happily mined the fairy crystal inside.Fortunately, no one noticed that when the mining reached 20 yuan, she finally stopped reluctantly.

He glanced at Xianjing reluctantly, but let it go, filled the passage he walked through to the original appearance, and retreated to another road.Feeling that the result of the competition was about to come out, she made a conscious effort to ask everyone to prepare and rush out when there was a situation there.

For safety, let them hand over the fairy stone to one person, and rush out with her later, while the rest of them will cover them and run away when the time comes.

"No, someone dug up the fairy crystal!!"

After Hua Qingling's angry voice came, she ran out with the other people at the same time. They didn't react, so they let her rush out. One of them threw a ring at her, and she gave her a wink. Six people ran away separately.

"Catch them, they have dug away the fairy crystal!!"

Hua Qingling's face was ferocious, not the slightest bit of coldness at the moment, and everyone's face was also full of anger, looking very ugly, staring at the six people who ran away separately, and chased after each other.

When Mei Bao'er ran to a corner, she used the Feng Yin Art to hide it.As for the other six people, when no one saw them, they had already dissipated their immortal power, making it impossible for people to track them.

As for how angry Hua Qingling and the others are, then don't care about her affairs. That thing is an ownerless thing, and whoever has the ability can get it.

I don't know how those sects distributed the fairy crystals, it's a pity that the fairy stones on that mountain.If all of them can be mined, a sum will definitely be issued.But she doesn't regret it, what was mined before is enough.

At this moment, she finally knew where she was. This was the Xuanbing Starfield, and the planet she was on was called Zhanyuexing.Looking at the people coming and going on the street, there is no difference between them and the ordinary world. Thinking that this is a human being, but a relatively powerful person, I don't sigh too much.

The quaint city gates and streets full of antiquity look brand new, but they have existed for an unknown number of years.

There are also some small sects in Zhanyuexing, but the forces are relatively chaotic, and there are still many places that no one has discovered, so the previous mine was designated as unowned.Anyone who has a master has long been strictly guarded by the sect, and cannot enter at all.

Perhaps, she is really lucky, maybe.

His eyes drifted into the distance, and he didn't know what was going on with Ming.Now she is in the fairy world, he should be in the demon world.

Well, he shouldn't be as embarrassed as himself. He is so powerful, isn't it easy to clean up people?And myself, I have to work harder.

"Hey, guest officer, do you want to eat or stay in a hotel?"

Stepping into a nice-looking inn, the smiling face of the still enthusiastic Xiaoer always makes her think that she is still in the lower realm.Shaking his head and laughing, let it go.

"If you want a room, I will send you two plates of signature dishes."

"Okay, guest officer, just wait a moment."

Xiaoer received a piece of immortal stone, seemed very happy, happily took Mei Baoer to the side.After doing a trick, she cleared the table and chairs aside, and then let Mei Baoer sit down.

"Guest officer, you wait here first, the good food will be here soon," Xiaoer still smiled, and handed her a sign, "This is the key to the room."

Mei Baoer took it over and took a look, and found that the sign not only had the location of the room, but also vaguely had a formation, presumably the door was opened with the formation, right?Raising eyebrows, this is a bit like a room card.

The Immortal World is very advanced, and this Xiao Er also does it leisurely, and can clean up the dust and dirt with just one spell.Still different from the lower realm!
(End of this chapter)

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