Chapter 316

Zhuo Xuanyu shook his head and laughed: "I have no talent in alchemy." He waved his folding fan, "If this inheritance is about refining tools, I'm still interested."

"Master Zhuo is a craftsman?"


Mei Baoer followed him to look at the folding fan in his hand. She thought this folding fan was special before, so it was also made by the other party?

Seeing her gaze, Zhuo Xuanyu did not deny it.

"Folding fans are very special. It seems that Mr. Zhuo's talent in refining weapons must be astonishing." She calculated in her heart, "If I come across a cheat book about refining weapons in the future, I think I can grab it. Maybe Mr. Zhuo can be useful."

Zhuo Xuanyu laughed dumbfounded, and didn't refuse anything.In fact, in the fairy world, there are indeed a few mysterious inheritances, and now that the alchemy inheritance has appeared, then the rest of the inheritance should appear in the future.

Arrays, refining tools, spells... and so on, his eyelids twitched, why did he think that the fairy world would be lively.

"Maybe one day."

Mei Bao'er didn't quite understand, so he continued to say, "Actually, the Dan Emperor, the Array Emperor, the Qi Emperor, the Talisman Emperor, and the Beast Emperor were the five untouchable characters in the fairy world. After they ascended to the God Realm, , all have inheritances, and we will find the most suitable successors for them. Their relationship is good, except that the Danhuang is a bit unlucky, everything else is fine, but now the inheritance of the Danhuang is the first to appear. "

Speaking of this, he glanced at Mei Baoer, saw that she was vigilant, and said: "But these things are a long time ago, few people know, they don't know that the inheritance in your hand belongs to the Danhuang."

After all, the fairy world has existed for such a long time, and every generation has amazing and brilliant people, so it is normal to leave a few inheritances.

Hearing this, Mei Baoer became much more stable.

"The Beast Emperor?"

"He is a summoner who can summon all kinds of beasts to deal with the enemy. He is the luckiest man. He has already found the heir many years ago." Speaking of this, Zhuo Xuanyu coughed uncomfortably, thinking of his old lady He is the descendant of the Beast Emperor, somewhat blushing.

People in the fairy world don't know about these things. After all, no one will publicize such things.

Mei Bao'er didn't think too much, and ignored the other party's discomfort, but asked: "Then the inheritance of the remaining formation emperors, Qi emperors and talisman emperors hasn't been born yet?"

"Well, not yet. I remember that the inheritance of the Beast Emperor appeared 1000 years ago, and the Pill Emperor appeared after 1000 years. It can be seen that this matter is unpredictable. Don't force it, it belongs to you, and you can't escape after all."

Although he really wanted to get the inheritance of Emperor Qi, God already favored their Zhuo family very much.It's good to be able to get it, and he won't be upset if he can't get it.

Mei Bao'er's eyes shone with joy, Ming was very knowledgeable in formation techniques, if he could get the inheritance of the formation emperor, it would be like icing on the cake, if he came over by then, he would have to tell the news.

As for the talisman emperor, she had a kind of expectation in her heart, after all, besides refining medicine, she was also very talented in talismans.It's not a problem for her to practice, so it's not bad to have time to practice these two.

She was also happy if she could get it, and she would not be disappointed if she couldn't. At this moment, she had reached the same state of mind as Zhuo Xuanyu.

Zhuo Xuanyu observed carefully and found that she had no other expressions of urgency except joy, so she couldn't help but nodded.


After getting along for some time, the relationship between the two has become much closer.Mei Bao'er really treated this man as her elder brother, at the right time, Zhuo Xuanyu recognized her as her younger sister, and she also readily recognized this elder brother.

The two of them let all this go with the flow, and they are both very satisfied with each other.

"Bao'er's potion is very special."

Zhuo Xuanyu twirled the potion in his hand, and then drank it in one gulp. In an instant, he felt steam rising from his dantian.There was a light in his eyes, and he was just a little bit closer to being promoted to the Immortal King.I thought I would wait another year, but now it won't be long.

"It's all because the elixir is not enough. If the elixir is enough, it will definitely help the elder brother to advance successfully."

Mei Baoer was very enthusiastic, and if Zhuo Xuanyu was promoted to the Immortal King, they would be extremely safe.Studying the inheritance of Pill Emperor happily every day has really made her improve a lot in refining medicine.

Zhuo Xuanyu nodded: "Then let's go all the way and look for some good elixir. It just so happens that there are many good places in the fairy world, and they are all unowned. Let's go and grab them back, which happens to help you improve your strength."

He learned that even though Mei Baoer was a pharmacist, she was really surprised that she didn't know how to use this thing to improve her cultivation.After all, each has its own way of cultivation, which is also good.

He was just at the bottleneck of the Xianjun peak for too long, and needed elixir to wash it off.If it is normal, he will not take the pill.Besides, the Immortal World has never seen a very powerful alchemist, and it is impossible to find a pill, especially this kind of breakthrough pill is very difficult to find, even if there is a elixir, it may not be successful in alchemy.

Mei Baoer's potion is different, as long as she doesn't make any deviations, the success rate is [-]%.That's why she will constantly improve her medicine refining technique and understand the inheritance of the Pill Emperor. Of course, she usually does alchemy. After all, the Pill Emperor must like her to continue this inheritance.

She thought about it, and if she met someone with good aptitude in the future, she would accept her as a disciple and train her well.Her potion is not so easy to pass on, most people may not be able to learn it.

"Brother, you said earlier that the Beast Emperor is a summoner, then..." Mei Baoer suddenly remembered something, "Then is he from the fairy world or the demon world?"

Zhuo Xuanyu obviously did not expect that she would suddenly ask about this matter, and said with a smile: "Naturally, he is from the fairy world."


Isn't the fairy and demon intolerant of each other?What's going on here?

She didn't ask, but Zhuo Xuanyu saw it, and couldn't help explaining: "Every time there is a battle between the fairy world and the demon world, it's just for the benefit. I don't treat people in the demon world and the fairy world differently."

"So I am relieved."

Mei Baoer smiled sincerely. If the other party really had prejudice against the demon world, she really didn't know what to say. On the one hand was a big brother who had no purpose to help her, and on the other was her lover.

"What's bothering Bao'er?"

"Yes, big brother, do you think the demon world and the fairy world can pass messages?"

Zhuo Xuanyu understood after a little thought. Seeing that she was cautious earlier, there might be someone very important to her in the demon world, so she asked about this from the side.What a careful girl, it's good to be so cautious.


(End of this chapter)

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