Chapter 317 Contact
With Zhuo Xuanyu's permission, although Mei Baoer did not tell the other party who she wanted to contact, Zhuo Xuanyu expressed that she was willing to help.Knowing the method, she took out the sound transmission jade pendant and handed it to Zhuo Xuanyu.

After Zhuo Xuanyu used a few spells to go up, the originally gloomy jade pendant brightened up as before.

Zhuo Xuanyu was surprised: "It seems to be connected over there." He was also a little surprised, it seems that this person is also unusual.

Mei Baoer glanced at the jade pendant, and Zhuo Xuanyu handed it to her: "Go back and have a look first!" He held back his smile, and seeing her anxious look, he understood that this person should be her lover Bar!

Mei Baoer nodded gratefully, ran back to the house in a hurry, and closed the door tightly.Only then did he take out the jade pendant. I haven't seen him for a few months, and I don't know what happened to Ming.

Carefully connected, but no one answered, which made her a little anxious.She stared at the jade pendant as if she wanted to stare through it, after a long time, there was finally a movement, which made her happy.


The voice was a little joyful, Mei Baoer finally let out a long breath when she heard the familiar voice.Although they can't meet each other now, they can finally understand each other's situation.

However, it seems that it is not peaceful over there, all kinds of sounds of crossing swords, is he in trouble?
"Ming, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, a few Xiaoxiao, it will be resolved later."

Hearing his relaxed tone, she also calmed down a little.Waiting patiently, but her expression is not so calm, the demon world does not seem to be as calm as imagined.Now that she can get in touch with the other party, she doesn't have any obsessions to see immediately, as long as Ming is safe and well.

The fairy world and the demon world have a deep relationship, so it's better to plan well.Otherwise, what the two of them do will be easily discovered by others, and it may cause a war between immortals and demons.Listening to the voice over there, while thinking about the way ahead.

After a long time, it finally subsided over there, and she breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

"Bao Er."

It seemed to be quiet, only his voice could be heard over there, and he just heard him asking not to disturb him.It can be seen that this guy is a formidable guy, and he even took in another group of younger brothers.That's fine too, the more powerful he is, the less she has to worry about, and she can let go of wandering in the fairy world.


She yelled tremblingly, suppressing her excitement for several months.After they were together, it was the first time that she had been separated from him for so long. This man had long been a part of her life.At this moment, she seemed to be able to feel how seductive his voice was. Perhaps in front of her, he had already developed such a habit, always tempting her all the time.

However, no matter how small the trick, she would always fall for him.

"Bao'er, what's the matter? Are you okay in the fairy world? Has anyone bullied you, are you not injured?"

Her eyes suddenly became warm: "No, I wasn't hurt, and no one bullied me. I'm doing fine in the fairy world..." It's just that I'm not used to it without him by my side. I have to start over a lot of things and learn to eat alone. , one person rushes, one person faces.

During the nearly 20 years they were together with him, they were inseparable, and they were used to his care. She didn't even know that so long had passed, and he had influenced her so much.

Suddenly I couldn't help laughing: "I don't know that I seem to be an imbecile in life until you are not around."

A joke, but there was silence for a while: "Bao'er, I will finish everything as soon as possible and come to find you. At present, there is a deep grievance between the fairy world and the demon world, and it may be temporarily impossible to come here rashly, but as long as I can subdue the demon world, You can do whatever you want."

Hearing his voice, which obviously didn't have much ambition, speak so boldly, she felt sour in her heart.


Responded, "Don't worry, you protect yourself. Now we can talk at any time. It's not so important to meet early or late. The important thing is to do everything possible to save your life." With a sigh in his heart, the fairy world wants to change , where is a word thing.Even if he really subdues the demon world, he still has to deal with these people in the fairy world!

People in the fairy world are probably more difficult to deal with than those in the demon world. Human beings have always had a lot of scheming minds. How can they give up their own interests and let others command them? It can be seen that a battle between the two worlds is inevitable.

Unless...unless someone can also subdue the fairy world, and the two worlds become friends, then everything will not be so difficult.

Conquer the fairy world?

Thinking of this, her eyelids twitched, and her own thoughts also frightened her.

"Bao'er, what's wrong with you, Bao'er?"

The anxious voice over there woke her up, and she quickly withdrew her thoughts: "It's nothing, I just lost my mind about things."

"Thinking about something, what is it, is it important?" The voice suddenly became bitter, "It seems that after being separated for so long, Bao'er has acquired something important, and has forgotten me."

"No, it's impossible to forget you if you forget everything. What are you thinking about!" She suppressed her heart, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "You are the most important person in my life, bar none."

"Bao'er is yes, it's all mine."

The two of you and I talked about the pain of being separated for several months.Then Mei Baoer told the other party about a series of things about her trip to the fairy world, and she also told about the fact that she recognized a big brother. As for the matter of Qiankunmen, she chose to hide it for the time being.The other party is in the demon world now and can't do anything, so it's better to keep it a secret, and she will talk about it when we meet again, maybe she will have solved it by then.

She was just used to the days when he wasn't around, but she wasn't really a delicate flower kept indoors, unable to stand the wind and the sun.She suddenly felt that a certain idea of ​​hers was not impossible.

Perhaps, she can give it a try, not to mention the unification of the fairy world, but the establishment of a large force, so that she can have a certain right to speak in the fairy world, and when there is friction between the two worlds, it may be able to play a role.

The life of the two of them is destined not to be peaceful, so it's better to be more high-profile.

Mo Ming was very concerned about the fact that she recognized a brother at first, but later he realized that the two really only wanted brother and sister feelings, and after hearing Mei Baoer's narration, he also knew that he was thinking too much.If he could have such a strong person by her side temporarily, he would feel much more at ease.However, he was secretly planning in his heart that when he went to the fairyland in the future, he must meet this person to see if he really regarded Mei Baoer as his sister, or if he had other purposes.

While telling her to protect herself, at the same time worried that she would be abducted. Unexpectedly, they have been together for almost 20 years, and the big devil is still worried.As long as he was alive, he thought, he would have to worry about it for a day.

The two chatted all night, and finally broke up reluctantly.

(End of this chapter)

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