Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 326 I don't like ungrateful people very much

Chapter 326 I don't like ungrateful people very much

In just an hour, more than [-] patients came outside the inn, all of whom fell into a coma for no reason.This matter has alarmed many strong people, who are hiding around to observe the direction of the matter.

After a long time, the shouting and noise stopped abruptly, and they all looked at the beautiful woman who came out.Her clothes are very bright, just like her smile.

However, even though it was a sunny day, they always felt that the woman's smile was somewhat cold.

"You are so dissatisfied, why do you want to cooperate with others to frame me?"

Before anyone could question her, Mei Bao'er said, "Do you feel a little grudge seeing me living too comfortably, or earning too much fairy stone from you?"

Everyone was silent, indeed, Mei Baoer's consultation fee was very expensive, so expensive that everyone felt pain.

"In this case, let's make a rule today!"

Hearing what she said, everyone had a bad feeling.

"From now on, anyone who comes to me for medical treatment will look at my mood for treatment. I think that those who are treacherous and evil are not worthy of treatment. If it is restored to its original state, whatever disease you should have, or what disease you have, the fee will be refunded to you.”

As soon as these words fell, everyone's expressions changed.

"Hmph, it's just a fake genius doctor with a reputation, Mei Bao'er, my brother is still unconscious, what do you think, if it weren't for you, my brother is still alive at least now."

The one who spoke was the burly man who had appeared at the inn from the beginning.

Mei Bao'er glanced behind him and shook her head: "You are also cruel, and you are willing to let your brother suffer such pain for a little profit. With a brother like you, I don't know what will happen to your brother's heart." Think. You clearly know how much he wants to return to a normal person, but because of your selfishness, you once again ruined his chance to return to a normal person.

Remember, today I will bring your brother to his senses, but... I will take back everything I have done and restore him to his former self.Moreover, you have entered the blacklist, and the two of you will not be treated for life. "

"Xiao Yi, did you remember?"

Li Yi nodded: "Remember everything, Miss Mei."

"very good."

The burly man was a little nervous: "Mei Bao'er, don't be alarmist, it's your treatment now that made my brother unconscious, not only my brother, there are so many people here, every time you treat people Yes, so, this is because your medical skills are not enough, that's why this happened, did you give my brother something to eat?"

As he spoke, he was about to step forward, but was stopped by someone.He took a closer look and found that the person who stopped him was taller than him, and he looked like he was in physical training. Just stopping him like this, he took a few steps back, feeling a little horrified, who is this person?

"Didn't she say she was going to wake up your brother? You will soon be able to restore your brother to his original state. If you do it, I'm afraid your brother will never be able to wake up." An Pingle said behind him, gesturing to the big man before Get out of the way.Having received the order from the young master, the dog leg Zijia was very happy, the young master could use him again.

The burly man saw An Pingle's extraordinary demeanor, and everyone around him was also a master, so he knew that he couldn't go head-to-head.Hearing what An Pingle said, he didn't dare to refute it. He couldn't say it. Naturally, someone would help his brother recover afterwards.

He had to say: "Mei Bao'er, if you have the ability, let my brother wake up."

Mei Baoer squinted her eyes halfway: "Of course, I will restore your brother to his original state, and it will not change at all. Xiao Yi, take out the fairy stones he gave, and throw them away after this person wakes up." give him."

"Okay, Miss Mei."

Then, Mei Baoer walked to the side of the burly man's younger brother, and checked the other's condition. Silver needles appeared in his hand, and he stuck them one by one without hesitation.In the end, he fed another elixir, and after a while, the man woke up.

Before the burly man was surprised, Mei Baoer's actions startled him.

"Don't blame me, you should know about this, right? I saved you, but you want to frame me with your elder brother, so I can only take back the medical skills I used on you." Said, Mei Bao Er'er tapped the man a few times, pierced with silver needles dazzledly, making people dazzled. The burly man wanted to stop him, but An Pingle's dog legs stopped him one step earlier.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, just now they naturally felt that there was nothing wrong with the burly man's younger brother.

However, following Mei Baoer's needle injection, they discovered in horror that this person's vitality was actually weakening, and gradually recovered to a very sick appearance.

"If it's poison, I won't re-install it. I haven't lost my mind to that point. My poison is all one step down. After poisoning, he will die."

They were clearly explaining something calmly, but everyone felt a chill in their scalps.

When she retracted the needle and walked back, the burly man's eyes were red, and he punched him, but when Mei Baoer stabbed him, he felt his arm went numb and couldn't move at all.He vaguely felt a frantic force rushing through the meridians in his arm.

"I don't like ungrateful people very much, take your people, take your money, get out—"

That reddish mouth is not polite at all.

The burly man suddenly received something in his hand, it was the fairy stone he gave to save his younger brother.The bag was still his, and it seemed that it hadn't been tampered with.

"Brother, what's wrong with me?? Brother..."


The burly man felt a little regretful now, and wanted to say something, but An Pingle felt extremely annoyed by his appearance.He waved his hand and greeted his dog legs.

"I don't want to see them, take them away."

"Yes, son."

The dog legs finally had something to do, and they seemed extremely excited.One dragged the burly man, and the other dragged the burly man's younger brother, and they just got rid of him.During the period, some people naturally wanted to stop them, but they were so powerful that they could stagger people when they bumped into each other.

These people are all physical practitioners, and their physical bodies are very strong.

An Pingle left with a bit of a smile on his lips, and looked at Mei Bao'er from the corner of his eyes, as if he was asking for credit.Looking at that look, Mei Bao'er couldn't help but smile, and cast a complimenting look in the past, which really made him very happy.

Is this child too lacking in love?
Mei Baoer thought about it silently, but turned her attention to the rest of the people, and chuckled: "Give you a choice, tell the truth, I will help your relatives recover, and I won't take back your medical skills. Don't tell me, I will help you." The loved ones are restored to their original appearance, so how to choose is up to you.”

(End of this chapter)

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