Chapter 327 Are You Lying?

Those people were stunned by Mei Baoer's previous methods. When they heard this sentence, they couldn't help but be overjoyed, and told the truth in a hurry.

After everyone heard this, they suddenly realized that someone really wanted to frame Mei Baoer!

Therefore, Mei Baoer awakened those who told the truth as promised and let them go. Although they were not held accountable this time, these people were also blacklisted. As for whether they will be rescued or not in the future Those who are related, that is the future.

"Today, let's go!"

She waved her hand, thinking it was just a small episode.She believes that those who want to punish her will never be reconciled, so she will wait and see what kind of method the people behind the scenes will come up with.

But come and don't be indecent, shouldn't she also prepare something to let the other party understand that there is a certain price to be paid for what they do, especially this kind of framing for no reason, she really doesn't like it.

Everyone knew that they might not be able to see a doctor today, and they were very angry with those who framed Mei Bao'er behind the scenes.After thinking that Mei Baoer would not be required to use the precious fairy stone in the future, they felt even more depressed.

"Is Miss Mei angry?"

Li Yi couldn't help asking, seeing Mei Bao'er reading the book without saying a word, he felt unsure.He thought that if it was his own words, he would definitely be angry.Although the fees are a bit more expensive, these diseases cannot be cured by ordinary people, and only Miss Mei can help.Spending some extraneous possessions and being able to restore it to its original appearance is really a profit.

I really don't understand what those people are thinking.

"Do you want me to ask someone to help you vent your anger, find out the person behind the instigator, and deal with it." An Pingle said with a grin on the side, obviously thinking that Mei Baoer was angry.

From his point of view, Mei Baoer just has a good temper. If it were him, he would definitely teach these people a lesson they would never forget.

"I'm not angry."

Mei Baoer put down the book, and frowned distressedly: "I was thinking, how to teach them a reasonable and painful lesson. Is it too cost-effective for them to beat them up?"

An Pingle opened his mouth, feeling that he had misunderstood something: "Okay, then did you think of a good solution? Do you need my help?"

"No need for now," Mei Baoer looked at him in surprise, "You seem to be in a good mood recently."

"Naturally, my son is in a good mood every day." An Pingle lied uncomfortably, two blushes rose on his cheeks, obviously he was not good at such things as lying.

"Mr. An, you are lying!"

Li Yike was not afraid at all, staring at An Pingle's face, "You blush every time you lie, you are just not suitable for lying."

"You idiot, what do you know, I'm not lying!" An Pingle snorted coldly, and glared at Li Yi.This kid demolished his platform every time, making him lose face at all.

"Let's have something to eat first, and I'll go out and have a look later. I'm going to leave here after the things here are over."

"Where are you going?" An Pingle was a little nervous, "How about we go the same way? Anyway, I have my own people, I won't cause you trouble, and I can help you. If someone dares to bully you, my son's People will take care of them."


Mei Bao'er smiled and took a sip of tea, this arrogant young boy was quite cute occasionally.She read it right, An Pingle was not a bad child, but a spoiled spoiled child with low self-esteem.

Hearing her answer, An Pingle finally smiled comfortably: "Go and get me some delicious food, all of which she likes to eat on weekdays." An Pingle felt a few gazes and coughed a few times , hiding his discomfort.

In fact, he really wanted to call her sister, but he was afraid of scaring people.Didn't you see Li Yi calling her Miss Mei?But he didn't want to, Miss Mei, Miss Mei, this sounds so unfamiliar!
"Brother, do you want anything?"

"No need, you can use it, Bao'er."

An Pingle was a little envious, the relationship between siblings turned out to be like this.I don't know what the relationship between siblings is like.

Faced with Anpingle's longing, Mei Baoer chooses to ignore it.I don't know if there is something wrong with this child. Recently, I always look at her with such a lack of caring eyes, which makes me feel uncomfortable. In fact, ordinary children are fine. Such a arrogant boy is really scary.

After eating some food, several people returned to their houses one after another.Regarding today's incident, Mei Bao'er had already expected it a long time ago. What she encountered this time was nothing more than a small fight, and it might not be so simple next time.Anyway, she has warned these people, and if they really don't want their lives, she doesn't mind helping them.

After the burly man was driven out earlier, he left with his younger brother in remorse.Then he went to find the person who asked him to do things before, but it still failed, and it was impossible to treat his brother again.As a last resort, he had no choice but to come to the inn again, and wanted to ask Mei Baoer to help treat her again. Didn't the genius doctor Mei say before that as long as he could afford the price, he would treat others?

He happily took out all his wealth and prepared to hand it to Li Yi: "Young Master Li, please ask Miracle Doctor Mei to treat my younger brother." Even though he was begging for help, the man was still very arrogant. In his opinion, Miracle Doctor Mei is just a greedy person who doesn't deserve his respect at all, so he doesn't believe that there are such fools who are not profitable.

If he saw that he took out so many things, the other party would definitely help his brother heal his body.Didn't the other party just agree before?He felt that what he did was indeed wrong, but the premise was that the other party charged too much, and he felt unwilling.

Since the other party is capable, then heal his brother?

Li Yi is still a ten-year-old child, but he has experienced so much, and his aura is not weak at all, not to mention there are burly men on both sides of him, who still look fierce.This is the person that An Pingle lent him. Seeing that Mei Baoer did not refuse, he accepted it with peace of mind.The handyman hired outside is really not good, and the price is still very expensive.

"Mr. Chen, I'm afraid this won't work. Miss Mei from my family has already said that you are on the blacklist and will not treat you or anyone related to you in the future. You should take your brother and leave!" Li Yiwang Looking at the pale faces of the two, I couldn't help smiling, "You might as well take your brother to the person behind the scenes. Since he can order you to do these things, he can naturally cure your brother, otherwise why would you listen to him? Are you really As Miss Mei said, it is only for profit, regardless of your brother's safety?"

"How is it possible? Naturally, I was concerned about my brother's safety. Today, I can give away all my wealth. With such sincerity, is Miss Mei also going to refuse?"

(End of this chapter)

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