Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 330 Someone Always Wants to Harm Miss Mei

Chapter 330 Someone Always Wants to Harm Miss Mei

Outside the Baolai Inn, a carriage suddenly flew over.The surroundings of the carriage are covered with light pink gauze, and the carriage is pulled by three strong flying horses.There were attendants on both sides of the carriage, and the carriage carefully landed at the door.

"Ma'am, here we are."

The maid on the side also stayed aside, and then opened the curtain, and a jade hand appeared in everyone's sight.

Then the jade hand was put on the maid's wrist, and the woman came out.However, in the past [-] years, his appearance is beautiful.With picturesque eyebrows, smooth muscles and vermilion lips, he raised his head and glanced at the Baolai Inn, a gleam of light flashed from the corner of his eyes, making people feel cold in vain.

"Let's go, I heard that this Miracle Doctor Mei is very good and has a lot of airs."

The woman's soft voice contained coercion.Everyone I knew was surprised, this turned out to be the wife of the Peacock Gate's door owner.Thinking back to the past few days, the Peacock Sect sent people to invite Mei Baoer several times, but Mei Baoer ignored them, and Li Yi also said that they would come here if they wanted to see a doctor, but he didn't expect that the person really came.

Li Yi had seen Mrs. Kong a long time ago, but he didn't go forward to greet her.They are all patients who come to see a doctor, so they should be treated in the same way, right?There was a wicked smile on her small face that didn't belong to that age.

Coincidentally, An Pingle was also on the side, and also saw the menacing Mrs. Kong.After thinking about it for a while, I gave up the idea of ​​going out.

"I'm not going out today."

The dog legs have long been used to the little boy whose temperament changes from time to time.He took Anpingle to the other side, picked a good location, and took out a pot of good tea.

Li Yi glanced at the other party from the corner of his eye, his eyes flickered and he didn't say anything.Looking at An Pingle's pale and thin appearance, he felt that he was a pitiful person.He asked Miss Mei if she could treat An Pingle's illness, Miss Mei just smiled and said she would in the future.Although he didn't quite understand, after spending so much time together, he didn't see Li Yi making such a request. Although he found it strange, he wasn't so persistent.

Since Miss Mei said so, he believed it.

"This is Young Master Li?" Mrs. Kong looked down at the ten-year-old child in front of her, her eyes twitched slightly, feeling a little funny.The person she sent was fooled by a child, what a shame!
"I don't know who this lady is? She also came to see a doctor? Why don't you register first!"

Li Yi held the booklet on the left and right, and the pen in his right hand, with a calm expression on his face, not at all overwhelmed by what he saw.When Mrs. Kong saw it, she felt that this child was indeed not an ordinary child.

"Please ask Miracle Doctor Mei to come down!"

Mrs. Kong sat on the side, didn't say anything else, and seemed to be waiting for Mei Bao'er to come down to flatter her, but something surprised her again.

"Madam, if you don't register, you won't be able to see Miss Mei. If you want to get medical treatment, you must register. Now Miss Mei only sees ten patients a day, and there are still three places left. If it is full, Please come back tomorrow, madam."

As he said that, Li Yi closed the booklet, and the old god sat beside him. He was clearly a child, but he was even more grown-up than an adult.

Madam Kong's smile froze for a moment, she had never seen someone who was so ignorant and more airy than her.She has come here, and she is asked to abide by such rules. Isn't this insulting her Peacock Gate?

"Now my wife is going to see Miracle Doctor Mei, is Miracle Doctor Mei looking down on me, Peacock Gate?"

"Madam's words are wrong. Miss Mei doesn't know who Madam is. Madam Cai didn't register just now, so I don't know who Madam is. Of course, even if we knew, we didn't insult the Peacock Gate. Madam, don't wrong good people. !" Li Yi fiddled with his sleeves and stared at his black eyes, "Besides, if Madam has any evidence to prove that we are insulting the Peacock Gate, it can be shown. We will not admit a few plain words. "

Madam Kong's heart exploded with rage.

Before she could speak, Li Yi continued: "Ma'am, don't listen to slander, our girl Mei doesn't know how to swear, and she doesn't know anyone from Peacock People. By the way, a few days ago there was a person who claimed to be from Peacock Sect." He came here and said that he wanted to take our Miss Mei to the Peacock Gate to treat their wife, but he didn't register, and he looked arrogant, so he knew it was a counterfeit at a glance."

Madam Kong clenched her fists so hard that she almost didn't hit anyone.

"Recently, there are always people who don't like Miss Mei. Maybe Miss Mei has saved some people's enemies by curing diseases and saving people. There are always people who want to harm Miss Mei. Everyone knows that Miss Mei will not come to see a doctor. If you want to see a doctor, you can do it yourself. He went to line up at the door, and I don't know if that person is stupid, but he yelled outside for a few days, and was thrown out by Ah Da and Ah Er." Li Yi said, looking at Madam Kong's uneasy expression, "Madam Kong Could it be that he was deceived by someone?"

Madam Kong suppressed the face that was about to collapse, and showed a dignified smile: "Of course not, Madam I don't know that person." Madam Kong saw the two big men on both sides of Li Yi, her pupils shrank, and it turned out to be a body repairer. .It seems that the strength is not low, she has heard of these two people, and knows that these two people are not from Mei Baoer.

"So madam is still registered?"


Although Mrs. Kong was furious, thinking that there must be someone special in the Baolai Inn, she didn't get angry.Eyes half-downcast, a sneer smirked at the corner of his mouth.If Mei Baoer can't help her, then don't blame her for being rude.

Li Yi nodded, and opened the booklet again, and Madam Kong was recorded on it.Seeing this, Mrs. Kong was in a bad mood. This was the first time she had been treated like this, and she felt really bad.

Li Yi didn't care about these things, and called the patients one by one to go in. After half a day, it was finally Madam Kong's turn to wait impatiently.

"Mrs. Kong, please."

Li Yi opened the door, Madam Kong walked in.The house is not big, but there is plenty of light. The most important thing is that there is a beautiful view from the outside with the windows open.She murmured in her heart, this genius doctor is very discerning, and the direction of this room is very good.

"Mrs. Kong?"

Hearing Mabel's unemotional voice brought her back to her senses.I saw a young woman sitting in front of me. She looked very petite, but her face was very bright. She was sitting there without smiling, but she always felt like a ray of sunshine.

"Miracle Doctor Mei."

Madam Kong put away her temper and sat aside.

"What's wrong with Mrs. Kong?"

Mei Baoer's eyes fell on this graceful and luxurious woman. She had a deep impression before, but of course, she didn't have many good impressions.After all, she doesn't like bullying like this.But the other party is not a treacherous and evil person, and can be cured.

(End of this chapter)

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