Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 331 Can Still Cure This Unruly Temperament

Chapter 331 Can Still Cure This Unruly Temperament
Madam Kong met the pair of eyes that seemed to be piercing her, as if she had been seen through, and felt nervous for the first time.Couldn't help pinching his sleeves, and regained his momentum again.

Showing a dignified smile: "I heard that Miracle Doctor Mei is quite capable, so Miracle Doctor Mei can cure everything?"


Mei Bao'er showed a smile, "However, some of them can be cured now, and some can be cured in the future." The meaning of this is great, even if she can't be cured now, she can be cured in the future.Mrs. Kong felt that she was about to be laughed at by this little girl, but surprisingly she was not angry.In fact, the first time she saw this little girl, the depression in her heart almost dissipated, which made her very curious.

Then she felt something was wrong, the house was surrounded by smoke, her eyes fell on the incense burner, the smoke curled up, she took a deep breath, she just felt refreshed.

Is it the spice?
"what is this?"


The tranquilizing incense in the fairy world is not comparable to that in the ordinary world. In order to prevent the patient from going crazy, she developed this thing.Madam Kong's eyes lit up, she often has a bad temper, if she had this soothing incense, it would calm her down.

Everyone says that gods are good, but they don't know that gods also have troubles with mortals.Compared with ordinary people's troubles, their troubles can be magnified countless times.If they have a disease, how can ordinary people be able to cure it?Luckily, now there is Mabel.

Mrs. Kong showed a sincere smile, as if she felt a sense of relief when she came here, she turned around and said, "I don't know if this Anshen incense is sold?"

"Not for sale."

Mrs. Kong felt a little regretful, but she was not as impatient as she was outside the Baolai Inn, nor would she show a fierce look, and her expression was a little softer. From this point of view, she could vaguely find that she was a little sad.

"After seeing Madam's illness, the tranquilizing incense is given as a gift."

Mrs. Kong was surprised, did such a good thing come as a gift?In her opinion, even if this Anshenxiang is lighted aside during cultivation, it can clear one's mind, and will not easily go mad.If it is sold out, it will definitely be welcomed by many monks.

"Ma'am, tell me what help you want. I don't see any discomfort in your body."

Mrs. Kong was not surprised that the other party could see it, and now she understood that this miracle doctor Mei was really capable.Thinking of her purpose, she looked anxious.

"I want a child, but I wonder if Divine Doctor Mei can help?" Speaking of this, she felt a little disappointed, "I have been married to my husband for more than 500 years, but I still have no children. Although I know it is not easy for monks to have children, but Many people can have two or three hundred years, but I..."

"Does Miracle Doctor Mei have a solution?"

Mrs. Kong looked forward to it, if Miracle Doctor Mei couldn't help her, she really couldn't find anyone.There are many alchemists in the fairy world, but no one can refine the elixir that makes it easier for her to have children.

She wanted a child not because of her husband, but because she really liked it.Although the husband said that he didn't mind, it was normal for a monk to have no children, but she was not a native of the fairy world, she came up from the lower realm and was once a mortal.She is a princess from a certain mortal world, and by chance, she embarked on this path.Therefore, her temperament is more graceful and luxurious, rather than fairy-like.

Seeing the expectant look of the other party, Mei Baoer nodded, she could see that the other party really wanted a child, not for any other purpose.This is very simple for her.



Mrs. Kong couldn't believe it. Did Miracle Doctor Mei answer too easily?

"However, there are gains and losses. I will stimulate your body with silver needles and take some medicines at the same time. The price is that you may not be able to use a little bit of cultivation during this period, and you will even lose all your cultivation during pregnancy. It will recover after the child is born."

After all, the bodies of immortals are different from those of mortals. Since there are such laws, there are reasons for them.

Madam Kong just nodded, not caring about the price at all.She is usually in the sect, and she will walk around everywhere. Since she became the wife of the Peacock Gate, she has rarely done anything.

"I can accept all of these."

Mei Bao'er nodded, and she could fully understand the woman's desire to be a mother: "Then madam, go back first, and I will come to Peacock Gate early tomorrow morning to perform acupuncture for madam. After the acupuncture, you will not You can walk around at will."

It is a big deal for a fairy to want to violate the law to have a child.If the body is not well maintained, the fetus will absorb the cultivation of the mother and cause the death of the mother. At that time, not only the mother will not survive, but the fetus will also die.

Madam Kong nodded with tears in her eyes, expressing her understanding.Wiping her tears, she held Mei Bao'er's hand: "I offended Miracle Doctor Mei earlier, I was just too eager to have a child."

She knew that her temperament was overbearing when she was a princess in the mortal world, and she couldn't change it for a while.

Mei Bao'er naturally understands that the other party is not bad, but willful and savage, she is a princess in the mortal world, and there is a sect master and husband in the fairy world who dotes on her, so she can't be a bit domineering.

Mrs. Kong bid farewell to Mei Baoer with some embarrassment, and left behind a few people who said they would lead her the way tomorrow, so she took the rest back.

Li Yi sent Madam Kong away in surprise, and couldn't help but said, "Miss Mei is really powerful. Not only can she cure illnesses, she can also cure this savage temper."

The people around were all amused by his words, weren't they?Madam Kong's ferocious appearance when she came here was really frightening, but when she left, her appearance was almost tender.

They were very curious about what Mei Baoer did to make Mrs. Kong change so much.

Li Yi saw off the last guest, and finally ran in impatiently. An Pingle was also a little curious, and followed behind.

"Miss Mei, what did you do to Mrs. Kong, why did she become so polite, and apologize to me."

Facing Li Yi and An Pingle's eager looks, she smiled and said: "Just said a few words, Xiao Yi, send a notice, don't accept patients for the time being, tomorrow I will go to Peacock Gate to help Madam Kong see a doctor. "

Now both of them were stunned, Mrs. Kong was able to hire the famous Miracle Doctor Mei.Mei Baoer didn't explain to them, she packed her things and left the room.

"Miss Mei said she was going to the Peacock Gate, Mr. An, did you hear me right?"

"That's what she said, why don't we follow up tomorrow and find out."

However, they didn't get what they wanted after all. Mei Baoer refused because they were all boys, and it was inconvenient for them to go to see a woman.The two had no choice but to wait helplessly in the inn.

Neither of them understood this arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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