Chapter 426 The Shy Anpingle
Now that he came to invite someone, although he knew that Mei Baoer must be very sure, he still couldn't help asking.

"Chang Lao wants to be as confident as he is, so he is as sure as he is."

The light tone was full of confidence, but Chang Lao became excited.As much as he hoped to be sure, then she had as much certainty, which meant that she was [-]% sure that she could cure the little prince? ?

Originally, he estimated that it was [-]%, but...but she actually said it was [-]%, what should he say?He was trembling with excitement, and finally even laughed out loud.

After a long time, Chang Yuan said excitedly: "Miss Mei, as long as you cure the young master, no matter what conditions you ask, I will agree to you!!" He believed that even the head of the sect would say the same.The young master is the only hope for the sect master, as long as the young master recovers, it will be better than anything else.

"I'll remember Chang Lao's words." Mei Baoer said with a smile, "I don't know how that kid An Pingle is doing now?"

"Young master is very good, but he often mentions Miss Mei. I think he really regards Miss Mei as a friend." Chang Yuan murmured silently in his heart, not only as a friend, but also made the head of the sect jealous.It was obvious that the young master valued Miss Mei more, but of course he didn't say that.

Also, the young master's situation caused him to have no friends since he was a child, so he finally met someone he could talk to, so he naturally attached importance to it. It should be said that the young master finally met someone he valued.

"Then Chang Lao, will you tell me, what did that kid say about me?"

Mabel was a little curious.

So, Chang Yuan hurriedly said: "Young master is always talking about 'Sister Mei's medical skills are the best, no one can compare, and all of you can't compare...'"

Mei Baoer and Mo Ming glanced at each other, with smiles in their eyes, this kid actually called her Sister Mei, what a proud young man, no, after so many years, that young man should have grown into a handsome young man.


"Grandpa, when will Sister Mei come?"

In the Promise Sect, a certain old man was already extremely irritated by his grandson.If he hadn't seen An Pingle's pitiful and pale face, he couldn't help beating someone.

"Pingle, I have sent Chang Lao to invite someone, and he should be back soon."

Can you stop asking me every other hour, I really can't stand it.Of course, it is not suitable for him to say these words, as he is the head of the Wuji Sect, such rough words will damage his image.

"Chang Lao has been away for so long and hasn't come back yet. Grandpa, do you think something will happen? You know that sister Mei, she hasn't stopped since she came to the fairy world, and she keeps causing trouble all day long. Now the fairy world is better. Everyone wanted to kill her, so she was intercepted on the way, right?"

"You boy, can't you not speak ill of me?"

Mei Baoer said with a smile, the figure appeared in front of An Pingle.

When An Pingle heard this familiar voice, his whole face changed from worry to surprise, and when he remembered what he said just now, his pale face couldn't help but look like a ripe red apple.Very uncomfortably put away all his expressions, his whole face turned serious, as if everyone owed him millions.

"You came?"

The cold and clear voice was completely different from the eagerness just now.Now, not only did Tianjimen feel that his grandson's face changed quickly, but Chang Lao also saw An Pingle like this for the first time.

However, Mei Bao'er is obviously very familiar with it: "Yes, I'm here. Seeing Mr. An's stinky face, it seems very unwelcome. Then, Ming, let's go!"

So, she made a gesture to pull Mo Ming away, An Pingle couldn't hold back anymore, her face became more and more red, and then turned from red to pale, and she was a little at a loss.He opened his mouth, not knowing what to do.

"An Pingle, you are still so arrogant, but I heard Chang Lao said that you are nagging me every day at home, why am I here, trying to say something that makes me unhappy, trying to drive me away? "

"No... no, I..." He was just so happy, seeing Mei Bao'er, he couldn't help but return to the appearance of a child, and even, he hoped that he could truly recognize her as his sister.If I act like a baby to my sister, won't my sister come over and coax him?
Mei Bao'er looked at An Pingle, although he had grown into Mr. Pian Pian, with a very handsome appearance, but his body was very thin, his face was pale and transparent, and his eyes were shining with water, as if a stream could flow out at any time.Especially now that he is at a loss, it is the most moving.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

Mei Baoer smiled: "How is your body?"

"Very...very good." An Pingle was extremely nervous, and looked eagerly, "That... Mei... girl..." It can be seen that he doesn't think about the word girl at all.

"Why aren't you called Sister Mei?"

An Pingle's pale face was dyed again, looking at Mei Bao'er, his expression changed, as if he had blasted out, "Sister Mei!" After calling out, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had spit out something , when I saw Mei Baoer again, I felt a little more at ease.

Seeing that instead of laughing at her, she looked at him with a smile on her face, he was really relieved.

"Sister Mei, since you're here, let's stay here for a while!"

An Pingle looked at Mei Baoer longingly, he hadn't seen her for many years, he felt that the happiest days for him were living in the same inn with Mei Baoer.Every time he sees someone who troubles her and is easily solved by her, he feels very happy in his heart.From her, he also learned a lot, and even saw that the fairy world is not as simple as he imagined.

In the past few years when we haven't met, he often sends someone to bring her the latest news.Hearing that she was hunted down and disappeared, he was also frightened and worried. He even sent people out to look for her. Hearing that she fell into the fairy cliff, he felt that the blood in his whole body was about to freeze and become cold. He was the only one he identified with.

Only from her eyes, he did not see sympathy and pity.

Later, I found out that she was back, and luckily escaped all kinds of pursuits. Of course, she also made enemies with many sects.He laughed and worried at the same time.Her medical skills are also becoming more and more miraculous. In fact, he has long known that sister Mei's medical skills are unparalleled.

But he was afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. If he can't be cured, what if grandpa troubles her?
Everything that happened afterwards made him feel that Sister Mei would definitely be able to cure him.It was also this time that I told my grandfather that he was willing to receive treatment, and asked Mr. Chang to invite someone in person.

(End of this chapter)

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