Chapter 427 Treatment
Mei Baoer naturally took advantage of the situation and took An Pingle's illness into consideration from the very beginning.Over the years, she has been constantly improving the plan. An Pingle is different from other people she treats.Other people are all acquired, but An Pingle is born like this, it should be because he was severely injured in the mother's womb, and now he is like this.

After so many years, she is naturally [-]% sure to cure it.

"Let me check it for you first."

Mei Baoer sat on the other side, put one hand on An Pingle's wrist, a ray of immortal power penetrated into his body, and gradually swam in his body, as if he was experiencing a warm current .The corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily, thinking that he could become a normal person, a smile appeared on his face.

From now on, he can wander freely in the fairy world, no longer need to be protected by others, and no longer accept strange eyes and sympathy from others.He can also look down on the fairy world, and even... solve problems that Grandpa can't solve.And... as long as he becomes strong, no one will dare to hurt Sister Mei, and he will protect her.Even if everyone in the fairy world wanted to kill Sister Mei, he would still be able to protect her from now on.

At this time, An Pingle suddenly raised his head and looked at the man standing quietly behind Mei Baoer. The whole body of this man exuded an aura of admiration, and he could not help trembling if he looked at it twice, but Anping Le has the pride of An Ping Le, even if he can't bear it, he still resists.At this moment, he only felt that the aura in front of him completely disappeared, and saw that the man didn't even look at him, his eyes were deep and affectionate, as if there was the woman in front of him, and the others were like air.

An Pingle's heart skipped a beat. It is said that this person is Sister Mei's husband, and he is really worthy of Sister Mei.An Pingle could not help but smile, only such an excellent woman as Sister Mei deserves such a powerful man.Hearing that he was able to slap the immortal master to death with one slap, An Pingle's eyes lit up, a little excited, and even adored when he thought of this.

Mei Baoer felt the change in him, and couldn't help but take another look: "Why are you excited?"

"No... Sister Mei, I..." An Pingle was a little embarrassed, he was like a blank sheet of paper, Tianjizi protected him too well, "I heard that my brother-in-law can kill the immortal, is it true? "

She was slightly stunned, seeing that he looked a little excited, it turned out that her blushing was because of this excitement.Thinking that An Pingle is slightly different from other people, I understand.Although An Pingle is an adult, he has never walked outside alone. Naturally, he has little experience. In his heart, he is still a child.In this way, when you meet a strong person, you will of course worship them endlessly.

Her man will naturally be admired by people.However, the way this kid admired him was really no different from those outside, which made her laugh endlessly.

"That's right, he killed a lot of immortals." When she was talking about this, she didn't realize that her eyes were also very bright, and she seemed to have great admiration for him.An Pingle's eyes widened, and the excitement inside became even more apparent.

Originally, other people said that he didn't believe it, but if sister Mei said it, he would believe it.

"Brother-in-law," An Pingle called "brother-in-law", which made Lord Demon King, who had always ignored outsiders, feel very good. "Brother-in-law, when I can practice normally, can I come to ask you for advice?"


The answer without the slightest hesitation surprised Mei Bao'er. Of course, after being surprised, she didn't say anything.An Pingle is more likable now, not as arrogant as before.Like before, when I saw it, I wanted to beat him up. Also, now that I have grown into a big man, how can I play around like before.

I heard from Chang Lao that the hope of Wuji Sect lies in An Pingle.Although An Pingle can't cultivate for the time being, his talent is excellent, as long as he is given time, he can grow up soon.I believe that Tianjizi has been dormant for so many years, not because he does not want revenge, but because Anpingle can grow up, he can only choose to retreat, otherwise the entire Tianjimen, and even Anpingle, will suffer a devastating and irreversible disaster.

That person probably saw that An Pingle was unable to practice, and he didn't care about it. Perhaps, that person felt that a mere Tianjimen was not a threat. After all, he had already stood at the peak of the fairy world, and his strength had long surpassed that of the immortals. He would feel that the group of ants in his eyes could hurt him a little bit.

"Miss Mei, how is Pingle?" Tianjizi also looks like an old man, without the majesty and mystery that the outside world said at all. At this moment, in front of Anpingle, he is just a kind elder, with a nervous face Caring about grandchildren's body.There is a light of expectation in the eyes, which is moving.

"It will take a month, and I will be able to make him recover without affecting his cultivation. Although there is still a shorter period of time, it is better to treat his condition slowly. The faster the time, the better it is, for the future Long-term planning, everything will be adjusted slowly. After a month, he can try to practice slowly, and he can't be too impatient in the early stage," said Mei Baoer staring at An Pingle, "especially you, no You can be impatient to make a big breakthrough just because your body has recovered, but if you hurt your body because of this, I won’t treat you.”

"Understood, Sister Mei, I won't mess around."

An Pingle said quickly, but Tian Jizi found it funny, his grandson, who was used to being arrogant, did not expect that in front of Mei Baoer, he would be so well-behaved, which made him, an old man, a little jealous.

So, next, Mei Baoer stayed at the Wuji Gate and began to recuperate Anpingle's body. After three days, she began to treat him.The treatment method is indeed very complicated, after all, it is to make up for the deficiencies of Anpingle in the mother's womb.Whether it is the body or the soul, it is undoubtedly very complicated to restore.

Fortunately, she has excellent medical skills, inherited all the inheritance of Danhuang, and helped Anpingle to treat the disease very smoothly.The treatment period has only been about a month, and the most worrying thing during this period is Tianjizi.After seeing An Pingle's face getting more and more rosy, and feeling that his body started to recover, he was relieved a lot.

However, An Pingle hadn't fully recovered for a day, and he couldn't be completely relieved for a day.When Mei Baoer was helping An Pingle to heal his illness, Lord Demon King was not idle, chatting with the old man Tianjizi, and within a few days he emptied his old background, and understood most of the things in the fairy world over the past few years. However, the old man seemed not aware of it, and was still expressing his happiness for being able to make friends with such a person.

He felt it was worthwhile for his grandson to know these two friends.As for Chang Yuan telling him about the situation of the two of them in the Immortal Realm, I also feel that Chang Yuan did the right thing, and from now on Mei Baoer will be his honored guest of the Promise Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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