Chapter 428 You Broken Child
"It seems to be ok."

An Pingle opened his eyes and felt the warmth in his body. Just now, Mei Baoer asked him to try to practice, and within a few breaths, a stream of immortal power poured into his body, nourishing his body. The warm feeling is like bathing in hot springs, which makes people feel extremely comfortable.

"Sister Mei, I can practice now."

An Pingle's eyes revealed joy, and when he looked at Mei Bao'er, he was full of gratitude.The way Mei Baoer stared at him made him a little embarrassed, now that he is no longer a child, naturally he can't be as arrogant and unreasonable as he was when he was a child.Thinking about the unreasonable troubles with Sister Mei back then, now I feel a little embarrassed when I think about it, "Thank you, Sister Mei."

"It seems that there is no problem. If there is no problem after a month, you can practice at a normal speed. However, in the early stage of cultivation, laying a good foundation is the main thing. Don't be greedy, otherwise you will be hurt. The future cultivation is not good, I believe your grandfather will tell you this."

When Tianjizi heard that he was being called, he quickly said: "Yes, Pingle, I have been here for so many years, and the cultivation will come slowly. Even if I practice too quickly, I can't reach the sky in one step."

"Got it, grandpa."

After An Pingle finished speaking, his eyes fell on the man in black robe over there, hesitated for a while, and finally expressed his thoughts.Ever since she knew that Mo Ming was able to slap the immortal to death with one slap, An Pingle was very envious.In the past, he was unable to cultivate and had a bad temper. If he wanted to do something, he had to tell the people around him.His body is extremely weak, but who knows, in fact, he is very envious of Ah Da Ah Er, who can beat people by himself.

When Tianjizi heard that An Pingle wanted to practice with Mo Ming, he hesitated.My grandson finally got well and could practice, but in the end he was going to follow others. It was not a good idea to think about it.On the other hand, he felt that this was a good opportunity. Mo Ming was powerful, and he himself was a strong Immortal Venerable. As a result, he couldn't see Mo Ming's strength at all. One could imagine how powerful the other party was. .

Thinking of him being able to slap the Immortal Venerable to death with one slap, it's not so strange, Tianjizi's heart moved, could it be that Mo Ming's strength is stronger than Du Zong's?Thinking of this, his heart is burning again. Du Zong hurt his children, and now there is only one grandson left. Why doesn't he hate him? After so many years, he has been huddled here, although countless people in the fairy world are still very afraid of him. But in front of Du Zong, the Promise Gate is nothing at all.

An Pingle's situation is not good. He has never dared to reveal the idea of ​​revenge. Now the deep anger buried in his body is quietly burning again. Perhaps, he should re-prepare for revenge.Pingle knew the reason of the incident since he was a child, and he probably would not give up revenge.

So, Tianjizi decided.

"I wonder if Mr. Mo can bring Pingle with him?"

Mo Ming took a deep look at Tian Jizi: "Are you sure?" Mo Ming meant that Tian Jizi understood that Mo Ming was not from the Immortal Realm, and he had already known it from the side.Even Li Yujiang was able to find out, and the Promise Sect often noticed Mei Baoer, so how could they not guess it.

"Of course, Pingle is lucky to be able to follow Mr. Mo. Mr. Mo is powerful. If an old man like me does not agree to Pingle, he will be anxious with me." When the grandson grows up, he has to go out on his own. It is protected under its wings, and it should be allowed to rush.


Mo Ming didn't refuse, he thought An Pingle was pleasing to the eye, so he took it as a follower, and called him brother-in-law anyway.

An Pingle didn't know that Mo Ming was willing to take him with him, not because of his good talent, nor because of Tianjizi, but because of his brother-in-law, which was really wonderful.Lord Demon King has been called by many names, but he has never been called brother-in-law.

Mei Baoer looked at the Lord Demon King who was smiling inexplicably, and twitched the corners of her mouth. She didn't know what this guy was laughing at, and she really didn't know what was there to laugh at.Of course, Lord Demon King will not tell her such secret things.

Time flies by, and they have been in Wuji Gate for another three months, and An Pingle has just started to practice. Although he didn't deliberately practice quickly, his talent is indeed against the sky, and it has grown rapidly.There is no physical problem, and Mo Ming is getting better and better. He used to follow Mei Bao'er every day, but now he follows Mo Ming every day, and he has become a small follower. Tian Jizi can't laugh or cry.

Under Tian Jizi's reluctant gaze, the two left with An Pingle.This time, An Pingle didn't bring anyone with him, so when he left, there were only the three of them and Baisu Wuxing.As for whether Tianjizi will secretly send someone to protect it, that's not their business.

"Pingle, do you really want to follow your brother-in-law there?"

Mei Baoer couldn't help but asked again, "I heard that the demon world is scary."

"Sister Mei, do you think I'm still the child I used to be?" An Pingle smiled, dressed in white clothes, with fair cheeks, handsome appearance, spotless, and a faint smile that seemed harmless to humans and animals.If it wasn't for Mr. An's vicious reputation, everyone who saw him would have thought he was a gentle young master.Who knows, this gentle young man's temper is not good at all.

"Sister Mei, it's you, you probably really want to follow?"

When An Pingle made it clear, Mei Baoer looked a little uncomfortable: "You poor kid, can you not expose it?"

"I'm not a bad boy, I've grown up." An Pingle's brows can still reveal the arrogance and stubbornness of childhood, and his expression is full of arrogance. Unlike the teenagers I have seen before, he is full of confidence , There is no more decadence and sadness that appear in vain.

This boy has become a youth, and has gone from decadent to glorious growth.

"Okay, you guys go!" Mei Baoer muttered helplessly, "I really envy this poor kid."

This was just heard by An Pingle, and he laughed for a while: "Sister Mei, although I am with brother-in-law, brother-in-law is probably full of you in his heart, don't look at brother-in-law who treats me well on weekdays, it's because of you For the sake of face. If it weren’t for you, I guess he would not talk to me.” Not to mention that he is still guiding him in cultivation, and even teaching him formations, let alone, Anping is happy in formations, and still Really talented.

Mei Bao'er looked at Lord Demon King enviously: "Hey, you are so lucky, the person I rescued actually has a talent for formation, which is really cheap for you."

(End of this chapter)

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