Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 429 Planting one of you, I will train it slowly

Chapter 429 Planting you out, I will train you slowly

A group of people returned to White Mist Star, during which Li Yujiang brothers and sisters heard the news of several people's return, and came over several times.Li Yujiang was fine, since the last time, Li Yuling gave Mei Baoer a worse and worse feeling. Many times she felt that her baby was being watched.

"You bastard, you are always messing with me. I don't know how many wild flowers you will meet in the future. Can you cover up when you go out in the future? This face will come back home and let me One person sees it, and no one else sees it."

While chanting, she touched the black lotus seed, and suddenly she remembered something: "By the way, there is one more thing I want to ask you. You ate a lot of good things from me before, and even ate it secretly." took my snow lotus."

The snow lotus was found in the ruins of the emperor. She originally put the snow lotus in the ring, but when she searched for it later, she only saw an empty jade box. If it turned out, she must have guessed that it was for other reasons. Someone stole the snow lotus from her.But this seed made such a deep impression on her that she couldn't help thinking that it was what it did.

"How do you say you want to pay?"

The man looked at her while looking at the brochure, his eyes gleamed with water, but they were deep and bottomless, but she could really feel that the fragrance in his eyes was overflowing, as if To make her drunk.Especially when those eyes moved suddenly, the face appeared more clearly in front of her.

She walked in front of him slowly, without saying a word, she fell into his arms as soon as she fell into his arms: "How is it, are the old man's things useful to you?"

"not bad."

It was rare to hear something that he praised, and she expressed that she was also very happy. After all, this guy has an unusual background, and he must have seen countless treasures. It's really useful.

"By the way, you have to explain to me that the seed you gave me is really something to protect me, not some vampire?"

Moming raised his hand and pinched the seed in his hand, felt the breath coming from above, his eyes flashed with surprise: "It's interesting." The seed belonged to him, but since he gave it to Bao'er, he didn't pay any attention to it. I didn't expect this seed to change so much.

"What's interesting, tell me, how did it become like this, stealing my elixir every three days to eat, and if I continue to eat like this, I will become a poor ghost."

It's not an exaggeration, this seed only eats good ones, and all the elixir in the ring that it takes a fancy to will be nibbled by it quietly, no matter how defensive Mei Baoer is, she can't escape its eyes .

"Didn't Bao'er ask in the past, if this seed can be planted, can I be planted?"

Her eyeballs moved: "Could it be that if you plant it now, you can be planted?"

"do not know."

She rolled her eyes: "Then what do you mean by that?"

"It can't be planted without my permission."

"It means that with your permission, it can be planted."

"Almost." As she said that, Mo Ming's palm moved slightly, and the black lotus seeds glowed with light. Suddenly, she felt that there was something more on the seeds, and she couldn't help asking: "What did you do?"

"There's a bit of soul power in it." He hooked the corners of his lips, and devoured the things that shouldn't be in it by the way.The only person who will accompany Bao'er in the future will be him. Although the consciousness of not knowing anything at that time is still his, but he can't stand it.

Mei Baoer only felt a little weird, but didn't say that much.

"If you treat me badly in the future, I'll plant this seed and plant you out. I'll slowly train it to the way I like it." As she spoke, her face showed color, observing him The expression on his face was not angry at all, and he was surprised that this guy's reaction was abnormal.She glanced at the seed, what did he do?
The seeds were indeed different, and of course she didn't know what was different.

"It won't eat anything indiscriminately in the future."

The Demon King has a very deep mind, and it is him who planted it, and he will devour it at the same time.Certainly Bao'er didn't know what this fellow was thinking, and was still complacent about her wit.

"You stay alone first, I'll go out and see Yu Xing and the others." After biting Lord Demon King's face, leaving a tooth mark, she opened the door and went out.Now everywhere in the fairy world is seriously waiting, as if they are really preparing for the future battle between fairy and demon.

Looking at her leaving back, Lord Demon King's eyes sank for a moment, and his mind, which was originally immersed in the formation, couldn't help shaking.He suddenly discovered that little Bao'er had grown up a bit.He will take little Bao'er back and let everyone know that she is his.

Thinking of this, he pursed his lips and smiled.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the door, followed by a knock on the door, and then a clear female voice came: "Excuse me, is Mr. Mo there?"

"Yes." Mo Ming withdrew his previous smile, "Bao'er is out."

Standing outside the door, Li Yuling still had conflicts in her heart, her pink face flushed with nervousness, remembering what she was about to say, she immediately wanted to stand in front of the man she liked and express her heart, holding her hands tightly.

"Mr. Mo." She pushed the door, and found that she could easily open it. She didn't know where the courage came from, but she pushed the door and walked in.Seeing the sudden appearance, Lord Demon King was a little unhappy.

Didn't you say that his Bao'er is not here?
How did this woman get in here?
Lord Demon King, who was in a good mood at first, was really upset, and put away the booklet, his face was not as soft as before, cold and frightening.Li Yuling felt a chill when she came in, she subconsciously glanced at Mo Ming.Although it was still that uncanny face, the coldness on it was something she had never seen before.It seemed that except for the first time, every time she saw this man, he was by Mabel's side.

At that time, he was always quietly guarding Mei Bao'er's back, with affection in his eyes that anyone could see, and a smile that he couldn't detect at the corner of his eyes, and the lines of his whole face were very Rou Rou, everyone knows that this man is infatuated with May Baoer, even no matter what she does in front, he never talks too much, as long as someone bullies his beloved, he will shoot and kill her without saying a word Shoot to death.Several immortal masters were shot to death before, doesn't that explain everything?
Li Yuling severely suppressed the throbbing in her heart. Few people would not be tempted by such a man.There is a frenzy in the fairy world now.If not everyone knows that Mei Baoer is not easy to provoke, even this man has no good looks towards other women at all, so he would probably rush forward to express his admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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