Chapter 433 Goodbye
Speaking of the demon world, Monk Huanxi looked a little more serious: "Yes, most of the sects in the fairy world want to participate in this matter. Master just asked me to come here to experience and practice, saying that it will be good for me."

Although he didn't know what good it would be, "Say there is a chance here."

Mei Bao'er put away her smile, and understood that the opportunity mentioned was probably Du Zong.Indeed, in every battle between immortals and demons, Du Zong would bring out all kinds of things, such as exercises, magic weapons, elixirs... as long as he was a monk, he would have everything he wanted. It was as if there was a treasure house on his body. It makes everyone covet it, but no one dares to snatch it.

For so many years, she has never figured out what Du Zong's purpose is.What kind of benefits does the battle between immortals and demons have for him?

"Monk, do you really think there is a chance here??"

Monk Huanxi straightened his face: "There is no mistake in what Master said."

She gritted her teeth and laughed: "What if your master lied to you?"

"Master won't lie, if anyone will lie to me, Brother Huanxing probably still has a possibility." Seeing him analyzing over there with a serious face, Mei Baoer didn't plan to tease him anymore.

The sects from the Immortal World came one by one, during which she saw many sects that she was very familiar with, many of whom had made enemies in the past, naturally they would not have any good looks when they met, and of course, there would be no conflicts That's it.

Now that Mei Baoer is participating as a miracle doctor, didn't she agree to it?As long as someone is injured, you can come to her, and she can help with treatment.Everyone in the fairy world knows her ability, so of course they will not refuse.

Of course, the Li Yujiang brothers and sisters also came, and when they met again, they were no longer familiar with each other.Especially Li Yuling, when he saw her, although he didn't express his anger easily like before, he still couldn't hide her true feelings in his eyes.

"Miss Mei, I didn't expect you to come so early," Li Yujiang didn't know what to say, "What happened back then was wrong. Thank you Miss Mei for being lenient. I hope Miss Mei won't mind."

"It's over."

What happened more than 20 years ago, Mei Baoer has almost forgotten it.In fact, what she really wanted to say was that it wasn't that she wanted to mind, but that Li Yuling wanted to mind with her.The man who robbed her was still aboveboard.Looking at her now, she still looks disgusted. People who don't know, think that they are heinous.

Li Yujiang obviously felt that Mei Baoer's expression was not good, and he didn't know what to say.Originally, the two were considered life-and-death friends, but now...he couldn't recall what it was that made their distance grow far.

"Brother, let's chat first, I'll go and look around."

Li Yuling turned and left, obviously not wanting to face Mei Baoer.After so many years, she felt that her hatred for Mei Bao'er was still undiminished, or even worse. She did those things at the beginning, but because she saw too shallowly, she didn't think of the consequences at all.If it were her today, she would definitely not be so impulsive.Conflicting with it head-on will only ruin your own reputation, and you will not be able to achieve your goal at all.Even if you want to confront head-on, you have to be strong.

Li Yujiang's face was a little uncomfortable: "Ling'er has such a temperament. I didn't discipline her well and brought trouble to Miss Mei." Apart from saying this, he was horrified to find that he really couldn't talk to her about anything else.

"By the way, I don't know why Mr. Mo didn't come?"

He naturally understood in his heart that Mo Ming had disappeared many years ago.As for where he went, it was a mystery in the fairy world, but he knew that Mo Ming probably returned to the demon world.If Mo Ming hadn't betrayed the demon world for such a big event, then he would definitely go back.

He didn't understand how these two people would get along with each other in the future. The grievances between the two worlds would definitely affect their relationship.The most important thing is that the relationship between them is still so good, he knows exactly what the two of them think.

"He won't be coming for a while."

"So that's how it is." Li Yujiang hesitated for a moment, but still said, "Miss Mei, you and Mr. Mo have such a good relationship, why do you need to participate in the affairs of the fairy and demon realms?"

With your identities, why not find a hidden place and live well.If your identities are discovered by everyone in the fairy world, I am afraid you will never have a chance to be peaceful again.

He had participated in the Fairy-Monster War, and he knew how crazy those people were in the face of interests.In the face of interests, other people are nothing, even if they are close relatives, they may not be able to stop them.

What's more, Mei Bao'er has offended many people in the fairy world. Once exposed, there will be no peaceful days.

"Then why did Mr. Li participate? Doesn't everyone have their own reasons for participating?"

At the beginning, she just wanted to be with her beloved in a dignified way, but later she discovered one conspiracy after another.Now that she found out, she didn't mean to back down.

Even if she doesn't participate, will these people in the fairy world let her go?

Especially Xi Shuang and Mei Jingyuan, the two of them wished to kill her and seize the token in her hand.

"Because I want to take revenge, my parents' death, and Ling'er was injured back then, all because of the battle between the fairy and the demon." Having said this, his tone softened, "However, Miss Mei is different, you are different from the fairy and demon. The battle has nothing to do with it, so you don't need to participate, Mr. Mo is powerful, even if he is not from the fairy world, as long as you are careful, you will not be discovered."

Mei Baoer squinted her eyes, and looked at Li Yujiang seriously: "So you know."

"I know, I knew it a long time ago. In fact, it is very difficult to make a choice in my heart. Later, Miss Mei's words made me understand that it is the same in the fairy world or the demon world. I have no hatred with Mr. Mo, so naturally I have no conflict with you. .If the only quarrel between us is Linger. Linger is young, ignorant, and has little experience. Mr. Mo is so outstanding, so he will naturally attract her."

"I misunderstood you at the beginning, and I apologize here."

"No need, it's all over. As long as she doesn't mess around, I don't care."

Li Yujiang breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good." He felt a little disappointed. The woman in front of him would never smile at him without any grudges again.

He knew the reason for everything, and because of this, he didn't think about blaming her for anything, and he had no reason to blame her.He just wanted to find an excuse to talk to her more.Whether it was good words or bad words, it made him feel good to be able to say a few words to her.

After so many years of not seeing her, she hasn't changed at all.Thinking of this, a smile appeared in his eyes: "Actually, I have no other intentions, I just hope that Miss Mei can be well."

"Okay, don't bother Miss Mei anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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