Chapter 434 You are shameless

After Li Yujiang left, Mei Baoer shook her head.She doesn't dislike Li Yujiang at all, and of course she doesn't want to have any more contact with him.To avoid offending Li Yuling, and offend her Lord Demon King.

"Master, our people have gone to investigate, but haven't found anything unusual for the time being, and the person named Du Zong hasn't shown up either."

Bai Su didn't know when he had appeared by his side, "It's just, master, do you really want to stop the battle between immortals and demons?"

"Do not."

Bai Su was dumbfounded, "Master, do you say no?"

"Well, this was just a naive idea at the time. If the fairy monster wants to fight, it is impossible to stop it artificially, and the reason for this has been found, and we only need to wait for Du Zong to appear." Mei Baoer fell into a trap. Meditated, "I always feel a little uneasy."

"By the way, is Wu Xing back?"

"not yet."

Hearing this, she frowned: "I've been away for so many years, why haven't I come back?" After so many years in the fairy world, she calculated that those people from the lower realm should come up, but she didn't hear any news of them coming up. So she asked people to inquire in the fairy world, and at the same time sent people to the lower world to see.

Wu Xing had been to the lower realm before, so she sent him down.It's not that she doesn't want more people to go down, but that it will cost too much to go down once.The stronger the strength, the greater the price.

However, after so many years, there was still no news, which made her worried.

"Master, don't worry, there is a battle between immortals and demons in front of you, but there is nothing you can do about it. That kid Wu Xing is treacherous, nothing will happen."

"Let Yu Xing send people to search everywhere in the fairy world."

"Don't worry, master, I have already ordered these things." Bai Su said quickly, "Wu Xing left the soul jade tablet back then, and it is still intact now, which proves that he has no problems, maybe something happened, Got stuck."

Mei Bao'er was silent for a while, and said: "You should pay more attention to this matter. If there is any situation over there, report it to me immediately."



The fairyland is also becoming more and more unsettled. When various sects gather in one place, it is inevitable that there will be some friction.Of course, it's just a small fight, and nothing big can be done.Every school seems to have a tacit understanding, maybe they are waiting for something.

Mei Baoer also knew that these people were waiting for Du Zong to appear. Before each fairy-monster battle, Du Zong would definitely appear and offer some rewards. As long as the more monsters killed, the more rewards he could get.With the help of Wuji Gate, she has learned a lot about Du Zong these years.

However, apart from the fact that his name is Du Zong and he seems to have a treasure house in his hand, there is no way to know anything else.For people in the fairy world, Du Zong is too mysterious, so mysterious that no one knows other news about him.However, every time there will be a battle between immortals and demons, it will bring countless hopes to people.

Before she had been quiet for a few days, Li Yuling, who had thought she would not talk to her any more, came to her door on her own initiative.This made her a little surprised, but also a little incomprehensible.After all, she was not polite at all back then, and it seems that Li Yuling has not given up on seducing her man for more than 20 years.

"I didn't expect you to come to me."

Li Yuling squinted her eyes, looking at Mei Baoer, the hatred in her eyes could not be concealed, now she is not so pure Li Yuling.Time always makes people change.

"Miss Mei, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are still like this," Li Yuling looked around, but she didn't seem to see the person she wanted to see. In fact, she knew that Mo Ming was not by Mei Baoer's side when she came, and she did. Said, Mo Ming has not appeared in the fairy world for a long time, "I don't see Mr. Mo, is it that the two of you are not happy?"

Li Yuling felt a little relieved. The relationship between monks is not long-lasting. It is only for one person day and night, and it has been tens of thousands of years. It is normal to get tired of it.However, after so many years, she is still deeply attracted to that man. Even though she has not met a few times, and even the man has no good looks towards her, his face has always been engraved in her mind, and has not been affected by time at all. obliterate.

"Miss Li is worried. I love him very much, and there will be no trouble."


Mei Baoer raised her eyebrows: "It seems that Miss Li is very disappointed."

"It's a little disappointing. My heart towards Mr. Mo is still the same after so many years and has never changed. Unfortunately, Miss Mei is too domineering. She dominates Mr. Mo and doesn't allow other women to like him. I just don't know Mr. Mo's feelings for Mei. Will you be bored by a girl with such a temper?" While speaking, Li Yuling observed Mei Bao'er's expression, seeing that she was always relaxed and smiling, as if she was really not affected by her words.I gradually became a little irritable in my heart. Could it be that these two people really don't have any relationship problems?
"Miss Mei," Li Yuling approached Mei Baoer, only then did she realize that Li Yuling was tall and tall, and she was indeed not as petite as Mei Baoer. She lowered her head and stared closely at Mei Baoer: "Miss Mei, I don't know why you didn't go to the demon world."

After the words fell, Mei Baoer's eyes moved: "You know?"

"Of course I know. Has Miss Mei forgotten that Li Yujiang is my elder brother and has nothing to do with you. Between my sister and the person he likes, he will naturally stand by his sister's side. Maybe Miss Mei thinks he should Towards you? Big brother has any secrets, so naturally he wants to tell me. But big brother is really infatuated with Miss Mei, and has never liked other women for so many years." Li Yuling said with a smile: "If Miss Mei and Mr. Mo feel that one day It's not suitable, but you can consider my elder brother."

"Li Yuling."

Mei Baoer sneered, "Has anyone told you?"

Li Yuling was taken aback for a moment, a little puzzled: "What did you say?"

"You are shameless!"

She can say such shameless words, she really doubts that this person is Li Yujiang's own sister.She was rather curious, what happened to the other party to become so extreme.She was completely different from the innocent woman she saw first.

Thinking of this, Mei Baoer felt a little regretful.


Li Yuling snorted coldly, "So what? As long as you can get what you want, it's just a mere face. You Mei Baoer is not the same, do you want face? Do you think I don't know about your methods? Isn't it shameless to ask for a price in the fairy world at will with some medical skills? Mr. Mo is such a handsome man, but you are monopolized by you alone, and you don't even allow other women to like him. How can you, Mei Baoer, be so good?"

"none of your business!"

(End of this chapter)

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