Chapter 442 Looking for trouble

"Young Master Li is serious."

After a long time, Mei Baoer spoke, her face was indifferent, as if she didn't care about Li Yuling's affairs.The more so, the more panic Li Yujiang felt.This kind of panic made him not know what to say or what to do, so he could only quietly wait for her next words.

Li Yuling over there almost exploded with anger. What she saw, her elder brother apologized to Mei Baoer humbly.When her elder brother endured such humiliation, why did she have to apologize to Mei Baoer, even if she, Li Yuling, did it, what does her elder brother have to do with it?
"Mei Baoer, my elder brother didn't apologize to you. If you want to do something, just come to me. Don't just rely on my elder brother to like you and humiliate him endlessly!! I tell you, the fairy world is better than you If there are too many women, go to you, you are still a married woman, and you are still here to seduce my elder brother, it is shameless! No matter what I, Li Yuling, do, I don’t care about my elder brother’s affairs, please don’t harass my elder brother in the future..."


Li Yuling only felt that she was slapped hard on the face, and she realized that it was true when she knew the pain was coming. Her elder brother hit her for Mei Bao'er, and even hit her! !
"You hit me?"

Li Yuling raised her head, the red palm prints on her face were clearly visible, her eyes were filled with tears, but she tried her best not to let them fall.Instead of crying, he laughed instead.

"Li Yujiang, you hit me for an irrelevant person. If you hit me, I just want to say that Mei Baoer is shameless, so what? You hit me, this side of the face hasn't been hit yet , try calling again? Yes, a Mei Baoer is more important than your own sister!!"

"Ling'er, I'm sorry." Li Yujiang was about to grab Li Yuling, but was pushed away by the other party. She stared at Mei Baoer angrily: "You have a man, why do you want to grab my elder brother??"

Mei Baoer didn't say a word, what she could say, the two brothers and sisters were talking all the time, and what she said could have any effect.No matter what she said, Li Yuling would not change her mind. It would be better not to say that a man who robbed her of her man also said that he was shameless, and that he had mistaken the man.

Although she doesn't dislike Li Yujiang, one size fits the other.She glanced lightly at the two people in front of her, and now she doesn't want to talk to any of them, they can quarrel as much as they like, Li Yujiang doesn't owe her anything, and she doesn't owe these two brothers and sisters anything, plus this time, if it wasn't for her With strength and Huanxiezong helping her, maybe something bad will happen in the end.

Speaking of which, without Li Yuling's presence, she would be safer.She felt that her eyes had been bitten by dogs, so why did she still think that Li Yuling was a nice girl.

After thinking for a while, she said softly: "Qingshui, Xiaoyi, let's go, it's too lively here, I'm not used to it." After that, Mei Baoer turned around silently and left, she didn't have any intention of entanglement with Li Yuling, as for Li Yuling In the future, Yujiang will be less troubled.

"Mai Baoer, stop!!"

An exasperated voice sounded behind him, who else could it be if it wasn't Li Yuling?She frowned impatiently, and there was more to it.

"Mr. Li, please take Miss Li back. Although I am usually a talkative person, I don't have patience every day. If I hurt her one day, I will bear the consequences. As for the previous things, as she said, mutual No debt, you don't need to apologize to me in the future, and I don't want to have any more contact with you, so let's stop this relationship!

You have your ideas, and I, Mabel, have my way of life, Mabel. "

Li Yujiang opened his mouth, but he didn't say what he wanted to say.He didn't expect things to turn out like this, so he could only sigh helplessly, looking at her leaving back, his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of sadness.

This time, there was really no chance, just to get close to her or to talk to her.

Should he blame Ling'er?

Linger is his sister, no matter what her sister does, he should tolerate it.


Mei Baoer colluded with the demon world, but it only became an episode.Compared with this, everyone is more concerned about how many good things can be obtained in this battle between immortals and demons.As the time draws closer, the fig leaf covering the outside seems to be ripped off, leaving only real and ugly faces.

A few days later, another big event happened here. It is said that some sects of the Liuguang Sect clashed with the Qiankun Sect. The casualties on both sides are unclear. Later, it was rumored that the Xuanbing Sect also intervened. , in short, the already chaotic fairyland is even more chaotic.

Originally, everyone was waiting for the start of the Fairy Demon War, but before it even started, it was already a mess, and a fight started at the door of their own house.If he didn't know that the legendary senior was coming soon, he estimated that this inexplicable fight would never stop.

Originally, it was a good thing that the fighting stopped, but many people were disabled during the period. If there is no advanced medicine, it will not be healed for a while.This can give these sects a headache, the great sects are okay, especially the sects like the Qiankun Sect, which have a very good foundation, so they should survive a lot, and it is easy to make some pills.

However, some smaller sects have a headache, and now even with the fairy stone, they may not be able to buy the pills they need.So, their eyes couldn't help turning to the medical hall.

It's so hard to die, they once offended Mei Bao'er so much that they were blacklisted by the medical center long ago.Xing Guangzi was so angry that he vomited blood, wishing he could go up and catch Mei Baoer and torture him severely.

But there is no other way, if they don't help with treatment, what can he do?There are also several immortal emperors in his sect, all of them were injured, and the injuries were not serious. Seeing that the battle between immortals and demons is about to start, if it is not good, how can we kill more demons? , definitely can't tell anything good.

The more I think about it, the more anxious I become. What the senior gave is not something that ordinary people can have.Among them, there are not many pills to improve strength. As for immortal stones, some established sects have no shortage of immortal stones for a long time.That senior has something more exciting than the fairy stone, and Xingguangzi is already in a state of anxiety.

Later, Hua Yongmei heard the news from nowhere, and said meaningfully: "Master Xingmen, can we just let it go that Mei Baoer colluded with the demon world last time? Doesn't it prove that she is so helpless? Are you helping the demon world? If you save you, then the strength of the demon world will be relatively stronger, and if word gets out, she, Mei Baoer, will not be able to argue with it."

One sentence made Xingguangzi understand, and his heart became clear.That's right, as long as he spreads the words, she, Mei Bao'er, will have to be treated even if she is unwilling to help his people, otherwise it will prove that she has indeed a relationship with the demon world.If you don't help them, aren't you helping the demon world?

(End of this chapter)

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