Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 443 You Didn't Wipe Your Butt Clean, Blame Me For Not Sending Paper

Chapter 443 You Didn't Wipe Your Butt Clean, Blame Me For Not Sending Paper
These people don't care about morality or immorality, they made up their minds and spread this rumor.Many people couldn't help but sigh, and of course they were waiting and watching.In fact, anyone who understands in their hearts knows that this is nothing but Xingguangzi and other sects persecuting Mei Baoer.

"Miss Mei, these people are really too much!"

After Li Qingshui found out about this news, his whole body exploded with rage, wishing to arrest Xingguangzi and the others and whip them severely!They had already announced that those who offended Ms. Mei were all blacklisted and not given treatment, but the results turned out to be good, and they came up with such a despicable method.

"What's the rush? Don't worry, don't they just want me to help them treat the wounded?"

Mei Baoer smiled lightly: "Qing Shui, you go and ask them if there are any of them, I will treat them all."

Li Qingshui was confused for a while, and then remembered something, with an unusual smile on his face: "Okay, Miss Mei, I'll go right away. Since they did this, we must teach them a profound lesson."

"Well, let's go!!"

Mei Bao'er rubbed her chin, and then took out a communication talisman: "Yu Xing, check, who came up with such a method, and by the way, check all the deeds of the other party."

"Understood, master."

Putting away the communication talisman, she squinted her eyes, plotting against her?If in the past, she really had nothing to do, but now that she is going to hit the gun, don't blame her.

Not long after, all the sects in the fairy world knew that Mei Baoer had agreed to treat those who were seriously injured.And Li Qingshui also counted the number of people and took them to a specific place.

Many people felt that things were not that simple, and followed to watch the fun.

When Mei Baoer showed up with everyone in the hospital, there was a sea of ​​people again, and everyone's eyes fell on her face, wanting to see something.

"I heard that if I don't help these people heal, I won't help the fairy world, but the demon world?"

Everyone didn't expect that Mei Bao'er came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime first, so she kept silent and turned her eyes to Xingguangzi and other sects, wanting to see how they would answer.

Xing Guangzi said lightly: "Miss Mei, we have injured a lot of people here. If they haven't recovered before the fairy-monster war, wouldn't it be a big favor to the demon world? Something happened a few days ago. If Mei If the girl doesn't help us treat them, she is really suspected of being involved in those things."

"You mean, if you didn't wipe your own butts clean, you still blame me for not delivering the paper?"

Everyone couldn't help laughing, couldn't they?It was obvious that several of their sects were robbing Qiankun Sect for things, which caused a series of fights.If it weren't for the fairy-monster war, it probably wouldn't have stopped.It's really not moral to blame Mabel for this matter.

Xing Guangzi concealed his uncomfortable expression: "No matter what, Miss Mei hopes that you will cure them first for the sake of the fairy world. If the loss of the fairy world is great, then the crime will be great."

"You mean, you didn't wipe your butt clean, blame me for not delivering the paper, and if you lose face, you still want to settle accounts with me, Xing Guangzi, do you want shame? No, you don't even want your butt, let alone face .”

Xingguangzi's face turned red, and when she wanted to say something, Hua Yongmei saw that something was wrong, and quickly said: "No matter what, let's cure the person first. Mei Baoer, don't talk about those useless things. It’s not a big deal to save a few people.”

"Indeed, with the ability of our medical center, it is really easy to save a few people to wipe their buttocks. But, everyone has always known that my medical center will not wipe people's buttocks for nothing. You want these people to recover. Naturally, a certain price must be paid." Seeing the changes in the faces of several people, she sneered and said, "I promise to cure these people, but the premise is that they follow the rules of our medical center, and don't rush to give me shit. Besides, with so many of you wounded, you probably can't deal with the hospital." She smiled complacently, and in the eyes of the factions, this smile really deserves a beating.

Even Hua Yongmei couldn't bear it anymore, she reviewed again, the next time she meets Mei Baoer, she must think of an excuse first, otherwise she will be speechless every time.

"Qingshui, report our price package, and let the heads of Xingguangzi carefully choose what kind of package to choose. But seeing that you are a little anxious, and you don't want to hold back the fairy world, you should choose the time The shortest package."

At the end of the sentence, Xing Guangzi and others couldn't justify themselves, their faces were so green that it was more uncomfortable than eating a stool.

"Then, I'll make a quotation for you next," Li Qingshui touched a brochure and came out, "I have the following three packages for you to choose from. The first one is for one month, and the price is 100 million immortal stones. The second time is half a month, and the price is 300 million fairy stones, and the third time is three days, and the price is 500 million fairy stones."

After Li Qingshui finished speaking, everyone gasped, and their faces turned red.This opening is millions of fairy stones, are they crazy about fairy stones?Why not grab it? ?

Bad people have very ugly faces, and they never thought that Mei Baoer would use such a method from the beginning to the end.

"Oh, by the way, these are for one person, not for everyone. I see that many of you are seriously injured. For example, those with missing arms and legs need to be treated in time!"

Li Qingshui kindly reminded everyone, which stunned everyone who was still in shock, and felt incredible after being stunned.Originally, they thought it was expensive to treat all the people, but they said it was only the price for one person, so...they counted the wounded over there, at least there were dozens of them, even though they came from different sects, the sum is A lot of money!
Everyone suppressed their heartbeats fiercely, resisting their hearts not to jump out, their minds were already in a mess.Staring at Mei Bao'er without blinking, this little mouth moves for millions, it's really grabbing! !
"I believe that all the masters are in such a hurry because they want to recover the disciples in the sect as soon as possible, so which package do you choose? By the way, there are still two months left in the battle between immortals and demons. I don't know if you have decided. Yet?"

The faces of the sect leaders could no longer be described in words, they were basically white, red and green, constantly changing, making people unpredictable.But most people can tell that they are not in a good mood.

Mei Baoer secretly smiled, can you please?I thought I would get a bargain, but who knew I would be tricked for no reason?
(End of this chapter)

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