Chapter 451 Discovery
Time flies, and the situation in the fairy world is obviously tense.In the past two days, I heard that the people from the demon world are almost gathered on the opposite side. They are currently on a relatively abandoned planet, and this is their main battlefield. In fact, it is not correct to call it an abandoned planet.

The sky is full of desolation, as if the entire sky is filled with misty ashes, and it is impossible to see a place a thousand steps away with the naked eye.The sound of Xiao Sha sounded in the ears, the tip of the nose seemed to be able to smell blood, and the eyes seemed to see thousands of corpses, stained with bright red blood, condensed, dried up, and weathered.

Finally, the day began, and the two sides seemed to have a tacit understanding. As soon as the people from the two sides arrived at the main battlefield, they began to fight. On the ground, or a loud bang on the body.

The smell of blood was really strong, and it came out of the misty dust and spread to the noses of everyone behind.The heads of the various sects were watching everything in front of them on the city wall at the back, their faces were expressionless, as if the fighting here had nothing to do with them.

Perhaps, what they saw was not a corpse, but a demon pill and a treasure.

Mei Baoer gazed into the distance, looking over from the main battlefield below, trying to see if there was a familiar person on the opposite city wall.It's just that after looking for it for a long time, I haven't seen it yet, and my heart suddenly became suspicious, but I held back and didn't move.

A few days later, the fighting between the fairy and demon realms was still going on, and both sides were red-eyed. When they saw a monster, they hacked randomly. It doesn't matter if you can hack to death, as long as you don't die.

Seriously injured people were being dragged off from the main battlefield, dying, Li Qingshui led the people in the hospital to get busy.

"Qing Shui, you watch here."

Suddenly, Mei Bao'er looked into the distance, and said softly, "Li Yi, Bai Su, you should be careful yourself, if you can't handle it, you can ask Yu Xing for help."

The three of them didn't understand what Mei Baoer was going to do, so they had to agree.

Mei Bao'er turned and left, walking a little anxiously, she had already felt it, just now she felt that the evil spirit generated from the main battlefield was all concentrated, and rushed towards a certain direction.The force of attraction constantly passing from that direction made her somewhat understand.If the guess is correct, the person who did all this is likely to be Du Zong.

Everyone didn't notice that after Mei Bao'er walked out, there was another person following behind her.

A good immortal, what to do to collect evil spirits, should have an ulterior purpose.Without thinking too much, she ran in that direction, and soon saw a barren planet, the entire planet was shrouded in evil spirit.

As soon as the consciousness moved, it gradually extended upwards, only to see a black shadow, doing some exaggerated movements, and slowly absorbing the evil spirit.His face was ferocious and terrifying, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Soon, both the fairy and demon realms will be in my pocket, haha——"

Hearing the terrifying laughter coming out, she just felt terrified. This voice belonged to Du Zong, and it seemed that the other party was going to harm the fairy and demon worlds.She quietly hid aside, not daring to speak out, with her own strength, she was no match for Du Zong at all.

She stared at Du Zong's movements without blinking, and took out the messenger jade pendant: "Ming!"

She didn't see the person she wanted to see on the high city wall before, and she didn't dare to move in front of so many people.Now that she is alone, she has no scruples.

A message quickly came from over there: "Bao'er, where are you?"

"I found Du Zong."

"do not move!"

Listening to his voice, Mei Baoer seemed to have understood: "Are you there?"

"Well, I noticed him before."

Hearing this, Mei Bao'er understood that she might have discovered something wrong with Du Zong, so she didn't care about the affairs of the demon world, but came to guard this place, and she really found Du Zong's figure.

"Don't worry, I hid it well, but do you know what Du Zong's purpose is? I just heard what he said, it seems to be bad for the fairy and demon realms. What should I do?"


Suddenly there was a concerned voice from behind, and she couldn't help laughing, the sweetness in the corners of her eyes couldn't be resisted no matter what.The whole person was surrounded by him in his arms, this person really, took advantage of this moment to come to her side.

Before they could speak, footsteps came from behind them. They turned their heads together and saw Li Yuling and Hua Yaji appearing.

"Mei Baoer, you really colluded with people from the demon world!!"

Hua Yaji seemed to have grasped something, and her voice was a little loud, as if deliberately attracting the people behind her.Even Li Yuling's face was full of joy, as if it meant that if you don't get it, you will destroy it.

The eyes of the two of them turned cold, this is troublesome.

As soon as such thoughts fell, they only felt the terrifying pressure coming from the air. Hua Yaji and Li Yuling didn't react, and they were immediately pressed to the point of bleeding, lying on the ground, their faces pale, and they looked very embarrassed.

On Mei Baoer's side, the two were prepared, so they only felt the pressure, and there was no embarrassment for the two of them.

Hua Yaji and the two looked at the figure in the air with some horror, and Du Zong appeared in front of the four of them with a very ferocious face.

He squinted, looked at a few people, and finally settled on Mo Ming: "Are you a demon?"

"You caused the battle between immortals and demons just to practice kung fu?" Lord Demon King has no reason at all, in fact he hesitates to be suppressed by the fairy world, at this moment his strength is not stronger than Du Zong.But the aura in his body made Du Zong feel terrible.

A possibility arose in his heart, if he didn't get rid of this person, then this person would probably kill him next time.As soon as this thought came to him, he figured it out. He must kill this person. Seeing Mei Baoer next to him, he squinted his eyes, "You colluded with the demon world!"

It was not a question, but a direct affirmation. After saying this, Mei Baoer understood that Du Zong would not let the two of them go.The two immediately appeared in a fighting state, and Du Zong dismissed it when he saw this.

The little ants dared to resist.

At this time, Li Yuling suddenly became a little anxious, especially when he felt that Du Zong had murderous intentions towards the two of them. It would be fine to kill Mei Baoer. If Mei Baoer died, wouldn't it be that no one would rob her of Young Master Mo? up?

"Mr. Mo, it's already this time, with your strength, you should leave as soon as possible!"

As soon as the words fell, not only Mei Baoer glanced at her, but Du Zong's eyes were also attracted by Li Yuling.Originally, he didn't care about these two tiny ants, and he could make them succumb if he used any means at will.

Li Yuling was a little apprehensive when Du Zong looked at her. She seemed to understand that she had encountered something extraordinary just now, and Hua Yaji also understood that Du Zong had clearly absorbed the evil spirit from the main battlefield before.

"Du...Senior Du!" The smile on Hua Yaji's face froze, "I'm sorry to disturb Senior Du, we... let's go first."

(End of this chapter)

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