Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 452 Can You Give Me An Explanation

Chapter 452 Can You Give Me An Explanation
However, Du Zong didn't let the two escape, he slapped her with a slap, Hua Yaji looked at the menacing attack in horror, the celestial power with evil spirit was extremely fierce, and a slap fell on her chest in an instant, only She felt a pain in her chest, blood spurted from her mouth, her eyes widened, and she just went limp like this, until she died she didn't understand that she died just like that.

Li Yuling was terrified, as if she wanted to run away, as if she knew she couldn't run away, seeing the opportunity to run towards Mei Bao'er, Du Zong's mouth cracked into a cruel smile.

The palm stirred the surroundings, and the fusion of immortal power and evil spirit instantly changed the color of the world. This movement has already alarmed the people on the main battlefield.Du Zong glanced lightly, and the power of the agitation was getting stronger and stronger, forming a huge vortex on the spot. Seeing that Li Yuling was about to rush to Mei Baoer, at the same time, Du Zong's attack also came.

In an instant, Lord Demon King held Mei Baoer's waist with one hand, preparing to avoid Du Zong's attack. Li Yuling saw the mournful look on his face, and grabbed Mei Baoer's hand. In an instant, Du Zong's attack had come .

Seeing that the power stirred by the huge vortex was about to fall on Mei Bao'er, in an instant, Lord Demon King pointed his palms up, and Mei Bao'er could only feel a wave of turbulent power oscillating around, Li Yuling's face was full of tears. frightened.

Seeing that the three of them were about to flee, Du Zong slapped them again. His face was obviously a little impatient. If other people in the fairy world knew about this, then his chance would be broken. Without these evil spirits, he If you can't cultivate into a peerless secret book, you won't be able to return to the God Realm for revenge.

Thinking of this, he showed all his ruthlessness, as if showing ferocious fangs, the world was getting darker and darker, and all the evil spirits were concentrated.When countless evil spirits attacked, Li Yuling wanted to push Mei Baoer in a hurry, but she didn't expect that Mei Baoer had already prepared and kicked Li Yuling away.

Not under the protection of Lord Demon King, Li Yuling was shrouded in a strong evil spirit, and there was a scream from inside, which made people's ears numb.At this moment, people from the fairy world had already rushed over. It was a coincidence that they happened to see the scene of how Li Yuling fell down.


The sound of Ling'er came from Li Yujiang. His voice was terrified, unbelievable, and even miserable. He ran very fast, and soon left the other people in the fairy world behind, and landed in front of Li Yuling.

At this time, Li Yuling was enveloped by the evil spirit, Li Yujiang didn't care so much, and quickly dissipated the evil spirit with his immortal power, and finally saw Li Yuling's face clearly.


After seeing that Li Yuling had no life at all, his eyes became dull, and he was holding her body in a daze.His mind was in a mess and he didn't know what to do.

Du Zong didn't think that it would take so much effort to deal with two ants, and now he was discovered by the people of the fairy world, and his heart was ruthless. If it wasn't for the obstruction of Mo Ming and the other two, he would never have lost such a good place.

Immediately, Du Zong rushed towards Moming fiercely, the Lord Demon King protected Mei Baoer behind him, and jumped into the air in a flash, the figures of the two were as fast as lightning, and they fought quickly, as if there was a ringing sound in the sky. There were bursts of thunder.

Those dark clouds seemed to have been scattered.Everyone in the fairy world looked up blankly. They really didn't know what happened. Seeing that Mo Ming and Du Zong were able to fight so many times, they were stunned for a while. At the same time, the abandoned planet fell in their field of vision. Anyone who is not a fool can understand the floating evil spirit, especially when it is still gathering from the main battlefield.

"Du Zong provoked the battle between immortals and demons just to absorb evil energy and practice kung fu!"

Mei Baoer said something at the right time, and everyone fell silent.

Seeing the pity in everyone's eyes, she seemed to understand what they were thinking. If Du Zong didn't want to put her to death, she wouldn't have said so much.When she knew the truth, she had already thought about the reactions of these people.

"When I first came here, I heard him say that one day, both the world of immortals and demons will be in his pocket. You should understand, right? Now that Du Zong has been exposed, the battle between immortals and demons is meaningless. It's better to just leave it at that Stop, as for how you choose in the future, then don't care about my business. In short, just don't bother me!!"

Everyone was silent again, and their eyes locked on Du Zong who was in midair. Although they didn't speak, they could tell clearly whether the treasure in Du Zong's hands was more important than their own lives.


After Mei Jingyuan's voice fell, everyone retreated one after another.Not long after they left, the main battlefield was quiet.At the same time, the evil spirit seemed to be blocked, and it did not gather here again.

However, Du Zong and Mo Ming were still fighting in the air, and it seemed that they couldn't stop for a while.Mei Baoer's brows were a little worried, although she knew he was very powerful, but Du Zong was not weak either.

Besides, he came to the lower realm after being harmed by others. Du Zong's strength has already surpassed the realm of immortals.Normally, he would slap people to death with one slap, but it took him so long to deal with Du Zong, which only shows that Du Zong is very difficult to deal with.

The sound of slow and heavy footsteps came from her ears, and a look of hatred fell on her body, causing her to turn her head. It was a familiar face, compared to the face that always smiled at her. , Now there is no smile, doubts, and hatred. From the time Li Yuling wanted to push her over, she knew that sooner or later she would face Li Yujiang's resentment.

But does she care?
She is not a person who can endure everything. For his sake, she has forgiven Li Yuling so many times, but in the end she still doesn't have a long memory. Her patience has been worn out.

"Can you give me an explanation?"

Li Yujiang's voice was a bit hoarse. Seeing Mei Baoer's face was calm, he couldn't help roaring, "Why are you doing this to Linger? Even if Linger likes Brother Mo, it's not a crime to die for!!"

"So, Mr. Li is going to kill me?"

Li Yujiang was shocked, did he kill her?Did he clenched his fist tightly and killed her?Killing her can avenge Linger, yes, she killed Linger, he should take revenge.


"I'll just say it once, if it's not her death today, it's me." After she finished speaking, she threw something in her hand. After discovering that Du Zong was absorbing evil spirits here, she took out the image stone. Recorded Du Zong's crimes, but didn't want to record something else by mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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