Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 453 Take it out, baby, let everyone protect you

Chapter 453 Take it out, baby, let everyone protect you

After giving the image stone to Li Yujiang, Mei Baoer could not help following after hearing the sound of the fight between Lord Demon King and Du Zong getting farther and farther away.

On the barren land, he looked at the image stone in his hand in a daze, and after making great preparations, he finally opened it.The cool wind around him covered him, and after a long time, he only felt a little stiff in his body, and the pictures in the image stone flickered in his mind one by one.

The so-called truth also appeared in front of his eyes, he staggered back two steps, his face was full of bitterness, who should he blame?

When he woke up, he was the only one left in the desolate area.The battle between the fairy and demon worlds seemed to have stopped, he held the image stone tightly, turned and left.Regardless, the war between the two realms should be over.

"Boy, you dare to ruin my business!!"

Du Zong was very annoyed, while fighting, he glared at Mo Ming angrily.He thought it would be easy to deal with a kid, but who knew that the other party would fight harder and harder. He really couldn't figure out when there was such a character in the demon world.

Thinking of his many years of hard work being messed up by this kid in front of him, Du Zong really has the heart to kill the other party, but the other party is actually on par with him, and he even has a kind of panic. If he continues, I am likely to lose! !

Yes, he will lose!

Although he didn't know why, but with the opponent's speed of getting bigger and stronger, he had to admit this reality.Seeing that Mo Ming's attack came again, Du Zong's figure suddenly flashed, flipped in mid-air continuously, and disappeared in a few blinks.

"Boy, you wait, I won't let you go!!"

Du Zong's voice came from far away, Mo Ming stood where he was, his eyes flickered, and he didn't intend to catch up.Looking up at the passage to the God Realm, his dark eyes were bottomless, and it was not the time to return to the God Realm.


Mei Baoer chased after her, but when she got here, she was the only one she saw. She seemed to feel the sky above, and when she looked up to the sky, she saw a gap gradually closing.

"That is?"

"Du Zong went to the God Realm, he should be from the God Realm." After speaking, he pulled her into his arms, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, so he shouldn't come down to make trouble?"

"Not for the time being. It is easy to go to the God Realm, but it is not easy to go from the God Realm to the Immortal Realm."

Hearing this, she was also relieved.

But when she just came over, she felt the sadness between his brows: "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing, let's go back!"

Moming like this is very rare, but seeing that he didn't want to talk about it, she didn't ask.The two held hands tightly, their figures soared into the sky, and returned to the main battlefield in a short while.At this time, people from the demon world or the fairy world stood on their own side, as if they were waiting for something.

The appearance of the two attracted everyone's attention, that is, only for a moment.

"Nowadays, it is not appropriate for us to have wars between the fairy and demon realms. I don't know what you think?" It was Mei Jingyuan who spoke. When he said this, his eyes shone brightly, as if in It's the same as calculating.

"Master Mei, I think our priority now is Mei Baoer's collusion with the demon world. Although the fairy and demon worlds are about to cease fighting, she colluded with the demon world when there was no truce between us, saying that nothing can be done." Let this go by easily?"

Who else could speak besides Hua Yongmei?

There was a deep smile on that beautiful face, and the eyes swept over Mei Baoer and Mo Ming, and saw the two holding hands tightly, anyone could see the relationship between the two.

"I believe that Mr. Li also thinks that we should solve it. I believe everyone can understand how Miss Ling'er died before. Mei Baoer not only colluded with the demon world, but also harmed people in the fairy world with people from the demon world. This matter alone, Can't tolerate it!!"

After the words fell, many people showed their approval. During these days of the fairy-monster war, they have seen the power of Mei Baoer, especially the power of the medical hall. If Mei Baoer is driven out of the fairy world, the medical hall probably will It's theirs.

Now that Du Zong is gone, the battle between immortals and demons is meaningless. No matter how many monsters they kill, it will not benefit them at all.It's better to borrow a step to step down, but without what Du Zong has brought out, how can they make up for what they deserve?

Everyone's eyes fell on Mei Bao'er, as if she was a sweet pastry.

"Miss Mei, although your clinic helped a lot of people in the Fairy-Monster War, well, help is only help. If you make a mistake, you will naturally be punished." Hua Yongmei squinted her eyes, and her eyes fell on Mo Ming, "Actually, it's fine if you don't want to be punished. I heard that Mr. Mo is also a great figure in the demon world. More than half of the demon world today listens to him. Why don't we ask the demon world to give us some compensation?" , and if he can kill himself here, this matter will be over."

"After all, Mr. Mo's strength is comparable to Du Zong. I believe everyone in the fairy world will be very worried, right?"

As soon as these words were said, the people in the demon world all cursed shamelessly, but their eyes fell on Mo Ming. If the war had not ceased, they would have raised their long knives and charged at the people in the fairy world, slashing at them to save them from talking I can't spit out ivory.

"Can you be any more shameless?"

Mei Baoer laughed angrily: "Master Huamen, I think everyone should know where they are and what they can get with their own strength. If you are arrogant, you will easily lose everything, okay?"

Hua Yongmei smiled faintly, and the corners of her mouth were bent: "Of course I know, Miss Mei, although you have a medical center and control the business in the fairy world, do you know that once the various sects attack, your medical center, and you It is impossible for the business to exist anymore. You may not understand that no matter how much you have, it is not as good as having the power of a sect!!"

The underlying meaning is that you have many treasures, but you don't have the strength to protect them, so you take out the treasures in your hands and let everyone help you protect them.

Hearing this, Mei Bao'er couldn't laugh or cry, and her eyes were cold.She felt that the man beside her was a little upset, the bursts of air-conditioning from his body were even colder than hers, as if she wanted to crush all the people in front of her.

Tighten his hand: "I will do it myself."

She is not a vegetarian anymore, although she is a good man, she is not bad.After so many years of hard work in the fairy world, it is time to see the results.

"I don't know how many people think this way, think that I should hand over what I have in my hand, kill my husband, and finally cripple myself and drive me out of the fairy world??"

(End of this chapter)

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