Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 507 See you next time, kill him

Chapter 507 See you next time, kill him

"Monster, Bao'er, in order to kill this monster, I used all of my strength, and was almost swallowed by the monster." At this time, several people discovered that the two of them had a little sticky body. Thick liquid, remembering the voice that suddenly disappeared before, could it be that this monster swallowed the two of them?
It's scary to think about.

Lord Demon King spread his palms, and a divine power bead the size of an egg appeared in front of everyone. He handed it to Mei Bao'er: "Let's see if we can break through."

Mei Baoer stretched out her hand and was about to take it in her hand, when a flash flashed before her eyes, a figure disappeared in front of her eyes.

Lord Demon King's expression changed, and Ye Litian was about to chase after him, only to find that the man had disappeared.Several people looked at each other, and looked in Li San's direction, and it was true that he had disappeared.

"I can't catch up. He used the blood shield. It seems that he would rather damage his own foundation in order to get the Divine Power Orb."

Ye Litian frowned: "Next time I see you, kill him!"

Lord Demon King didn't speak, but his expression was very raised, and he pursed his lips, "It's better to make meat sauce."

"Brother Mo, you are so cruel. It's a pity that you scare Bao'er. You want to pat people into meat sauce all day long. It's scary or not." The Lord Demon King lost his eyes and said that he wants you to take care of it. Bao'er is him. Daughter-in-law.

As for who won between the two, they tacitly didn't mention it, and there was no need to let other people know about the contest between them.

"Actually, this monster still has some good things to move about. Let's go in and skin it, and take away everything that can be taken away." After Mei Bao'er finished speaking, several people were not polite.

Lord Demon King and Ye Litian don't care about this little thing, but it doesn't mean they don't care!

Not long after, they dismembered a huge monster and put away all the useful things. As for the other things, they were all still here.Regarding the matter of being robbed of the divine power orb, Lord Demon King was brooding, and he didn't show any good looks along the way.

"If you take it away, take it away. Let's kill him next time we see him. Besides, even if I absorb that thing, I may not be able to break through. In other words, this is just the beginning, and there should be better ones in the secret realm." Baby, don't forget, there is still an ultimate baby, this thing can only be mine."

Lord Demon King's mood improved a lot when he remembered this incident.

"Haha, do you want to know why Brother Mo is so angry?" Ye Litian really wanted not to dislike the incident, maybe it was Mei Baoer's concern for Lord Demon King that made him feel jealous, so he couldn't help but speak Come out and hit.

Of course, everyone's eyes told him that everyone really wanted to know why the Lord Demon King, who was usually quite pleasant, was so angry today. Logically speaking, he shouldn't care so much about a mere divine power orb.

"Let me tell you, in order to dig out that divine power orb, Brother Mo got in through the monster's mouth, but the monster spit on him, hahaha—"

Ye Litian laughed very happily, but he felt that Lord Demon King's eyes were a bit cold, so he stopped him immediately.

Of course, Lord Demon King is not a person who can't fight back. After he glanced at Ye Litian faintly, he raised one hand, and a piece of clothes appeared. Ye Litian's face froze, and it was too late to stop it.

"This fragment of the skirt was found in the backyard of the monster."

Speaking, Lord Demon King threw the fragments to Yelitian's side regardless of the chaos in the wind, and walked to the front with Mei Bao'er in his arms.

Ye Litian slapped the fragments away with an extremely angry expression. Doesn't this mean that he was finally pulled out by a monster? ?

Well, Moming, let's see if the emperor will not bring Bao'er back to the ghost world!
Yes, he must abduct Bao'er, if he doesn't abduct Bao'er back to the ghost world, then he is not the ghost emperor! !

When the few people walked out of the death tomb, their eyes suddenly opened up, and the originally sinister atmosphere was gone. Of course, everything in front of them did not look like the clouds were open, on the contrary, it was even more creepy than before.

Looking from a distance, towering mountain cones stand in front of them. They are really too small to stand in this place.The top of the mountain cone looks very smooth, with rare plants growing, and the whole body is dark in color. If it is at night, it will definitely emit a little dark silver light, as if walking into some mysterious place.

These mountain awls seem to be formed naturally, not man-made. They stood at the entrance of the cave and did not rush out.There are still many people around, and they also came out of the death tomb behind them, looking at the mountain awl in horror.

Suddenly, someone had the courage to step on it, and they found that the only way was to pass through the mountain awls, but no one knew whether it would be dangerous.

Mei Baoer's sharp eyes also noticed the existence of Bai Yuan and the three of them. The three of them did not rush over, but observed from the sidelines.When she turned her head, she realized that something was wrong with Qin Weixue, as if she was distracted, and when she took a closer look, she realized that Qin Weixue was looking in a certain direction.

She already had a little understanding in her heart, and she looked in that direction, and Dongfang Ce's figure really appeared.

Dongfang Ce was dressed in white, so easy to recognize, no wonder Qin Weixue was able to spot him in the crowd at a glance.Of course, Qin Weixue was also dressed in white, and the white clothes of the two of them were simpler than those of the others, so they could be recognized at a glance.

Suddenly, Dongfang Ce turned his head, and his eyes fell on Qin Weixue's face. Before she had time to express too much, she suddenly turned her head away.Mei Baoer happened to see Dongfang Ce's disappointed eyes.

I feel a little funny, and of course I have some doubts.

Could it be that someone is still forcing him to be with other people?

Of course, before she could figure it out, there was a scream from over there, and when the courageous person just walked in the middle, the mountain awl suddenly moved, and at the same time collided with it from all directions, killing the voice of that person. The sound was killed.

Needless to say, by the time the mountain awl is separated, that person may have become a meatloaf.

I am used to seeing bloody Jedi star field immortals, so I am not very surprised to see this scene.Now someone has experimented, and they can't walk over directly, so they have to find another way.

Under the eyes of everyone, Shan Zhuizi returned to its original position again. Except for some bloodstains on the side, there was no difference from before.

After everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they all fell silent.

"Ming, can you see what's going on here?"


Lord Demon King kept his eyes on the mountain awl, and said, "As long as you crack it, you can pass through it. Before you crack it, you can't pass through it."

(End of this chapter)

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