Chapter 508

Hearing Lord Demon King's words, Mei Bao'er didn't ask any more questions, she already felt that this man was observing how to break the formation.She leaned against him and looked around. It is not an exaggeration to call it a sea of ​​people, and there are countless mountain awls. In short, all the places that can be seen are such mountain awls.

The ground is another scene, very smooth, and the shadow of the mountain awl can be reflected from the ground.Nothing even exists except where the mountain awl stands upright.

The ground looked like it was made of bricks, but when she looked down carefully, she found that it was not a joint but a whole piece, which really surprised her.It's not that she hasn't seen the formation before, but she has never seen such a strange formation.

However, using mountain awls to block people is a bit like forming an army. Ordinary people often say that immortals sprinkle beans into soldiers, but it is somewhat similar to it.As for the others, she has not been involved.

There are also many formation masters who came here, each of them scratching their heads and scratching their heads, unable to figure out the reason.

"If our speed is fast enough, can we pass through?" Suddenly someone asked.

As soon as these words fell, many people were indeed a little shaken. Yes, the person who rushed over just now was not yet in the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Can't it pass?
"Maybe, you can give it a try."

Even so, no one passed by.It seems that the previous scene did cast a psychological shadow on them. It's good to be able to pass. If they can't pass, wouldn't they lose their lives in vain?

"Why don't you catch a monster and throw it in?"

"good idea!!"

Soon someone caught a monster, controlled the monster and walked into the range of the mountain awl, and the speed was very fast. When the monster walked to the middle, the mountain awl suddenly moved, so he He controlled the monster and rushed over at the fastest speed.

However, the next scene made people look horrified. For some reason, the mountain awls in front of them suddenly disintegrated and collapsed at the place of the monster. The monster screamed and died.

Everyone heard the sound of their bodies being crushed, their scalps were slightly cold, and their hearts, which were originally a little hot, were also awakened by the coolness.

When the monster was too dead to be able to die any more, the rocks that had collapsed jumped up quickly to form the original mountain awl and returned to their original position. All this made people silent.

Just now, the body of that monster is stronger than some experts in the realm of Immortal Emperor, yet it was easily crushed. What does this mean?Even the Immortal Emperor powerhouse will be crushed to death in an instant.

As for the immortal masters, they don't know, but none of the immortal masters will tell them at the price of their own lives whether they can hold on.

Everyone stayed here for three days like this. The original waiting has become anxious, and more and more people came from outside. Relying on his own strength, the immortal master wanted to pass through the sky, but for some reason he fell from above, and was inserted into his body by a mountain awl and died.

The formation master is also thinking of a way, but still has no clue.

"Brother Mo, is there a way?"

Ye Litian suddenly said, and several people looked at Lord Demon King, and saw that he had raised his head from the silence, his eyes were no longer looking at the formation in front of him with a challenge, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Holding Mei Bao'er with one hand, said: "We can pass."

It was not loud, but it was heard by many people.

"Tch, I don't know who that person is, but he speaks so loudly."

"I think it's another one looking for death. Now I've made a decision. If I can't pass in a month, I'll leave here. No matter how good a baby is, it can't bear the preciousness of life."

"That's right, let that idiot pass by, it will look really good when it's photographed as a meatloaf!!"

However, few people paid any attention to these people's arguments, and Lord Demon King didn't care at all about these gossips.

"You guys catch up later, Brother Ye is at the end."

At this time Ye Litian did not refuse, he also knew the purpose of Lord Demon King's words, but he was afraid that other people would be attacked later.He responded, saying there was no problem.

Lord Demon King led Mei Baoer, and was about to step in. At the same time, Bai Yuan and the other three also followed, greeted, and said that they would also go together. They didn't say anything. They wanted to follow. Didn't even bother to stop it.

Everyone held their breath, and saw Lord Demon King stepping over, followed by Mei Baoer, his voice was very soft: "Pay attention to your steps."

It was only at this time that the few people understood, and quickly took note of where he had gone, and quickly followed.Under the eyes of everyone, the group of people turned left and right, and gradually reached the center of the mountain awl. What everyone was waiting for did not happen.

When they reacted, the backs of several people were almost hidden by the mountain awl, and they could vaguely see that the other party was about to come to an end.

At this time, some people who did not move found that many people followed them and were not attacked.

Of course, there are also people who remember their steps wrong, and naturally they were turned into meat sauce by the mountain awl.

Those who didn't keep up were very annoyed, but they had no choice but to go over, unless they could find the law of the mountain awl.

"These people will take advantage."

Mei Zhuang muttered, feeling a little uncomfortable with the people behind her.

"Xiao Zhuang, don't be angry. Even if they don't come here now, there are quite a few people who can find a way to come in. There will still be a lot of people. Look ahead, there are actually a lot of people."

Ling Shuang's words drew everyone's attention back. Behind them was the area of ​​the mountain awl, but the front was a little different. There were still high mountains on both sides, and there was a river under the mountain, which could not be seen clearly from a distance. Because of the thick fog in the river, there is a faint smell of blood. There is a bridge on the river, and there is a tower beside the bridge. It is simple and looks very old, like an abandoned tower.

There was a slow sound of water in my ears. There were many people on the bridge, and there were also people on both sides of the river. Without exception, all of these people looked at the five-story tower next to them.

At this time, they finally saw clearly that there was a mysterious force on the top of the tower, and a little bit of golden light descended, as if it was going to ascend to the god realm.

"What is that? Where did these people come from?" Mei Zhuang couldn't help asking.

(End of this chapter)

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