Chapter 509 Broken Soul Bridge

Mei Baoer vaguely felt that something was wrong, her eyes were fixed on the river, but she couldn't see anything clearly.When Bai Yuan and the others saw something with mysterious power coming from the tower, they couldn't help but quicken their pace.

"Junior Junior Sister, let's go there first." The figures of Bai Yuan and the other three leaped over, as if someone was chasing after them to snatch a treasure.

"Let's go too, the emperor thinks that the things on the tower are a bit weird." Ye Litian's tone was a little more cautious than before, and his eyes fell on Mo Ming's face, "Brother Mo, did you see it?" What's going on?"

Unexpectedly, Lord Demon King ignored him, and followed after leading Mei Baoer.

When they got to the river, when they went down under the mist, they could finally see what was below. Pieces of red blood made up the rushing river, and there were floating bones. Horror, only horror, I don't know what words to use to describe it.

"This..." Mei Zhuang couldn't help but covered her mouth, and looked at the bottom of the tower, where a steady stream of blood flowed out, and even a lot of bones fell from that place.

Ye Litian also felt his heart beating a little faster, "This is really surprising."

"Broken Soul Bridge!"

Bai Yuan's voice came, and they looked along, and they saw these words written on the bridge, this is the Broken Soul Bridge, it really is the Bridge of Broken Soul.When they came over, many people had already jumped into the tower, but very few came out. It seemed that there was no other way beyond the bridge except for the mountain.

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in the eyes of several people. It was not Li San who snatched the divine power orb earlier, but Li San looked a little strange. Although his strength had increased a lot, there were swellings on his body pustule.

It's like... It's like the skin on that monster from before.

After several people looked at each other in blank dismay, they all looked at Mei Bao'er.

Mei Bao'er glanced lightly: "It seems that this Li San saved me from a difficult situation."

She could tell at a glance that the reason why Li San had such symptoms should be that there was a residual consciousness of monsters inside the Divine Power Orb. After Li San absorbed it, he knew it was too late. Presumably the current Li San was the whole person Very regretful, even very painful, need to resist the soul of monsters, the surface of the body has revealed the characteristics of monsters, and in the end, most of them can only be half human and half demon.

This time Ye Litian also felt his scalp tingling, he felt that Li San grabbed it well, if it was really Mei Baoer who absorbed the divine power orb, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Lord Demon King was also a little scared, and held her even tighter.

"Don't blame yourself, even if I absorb it, I can do it, don't forget, I am a miracle doctor!"

Mei Baoer laughed, she knew that the two of them hunted monsters and obtained the magic power beads before for her to break through.Seeing Li San's eyes now, I must be blaming myself.Ye Litian withdrew his gaze from Li San and looked at Mei Baoer, still feeling a little uncomfortable.

"Next time, be sure to check."

Lord Demon King finally spoke, if his baby was hurt like that, he would not forgive himself.

Even if this incident is over, they saw Li San jumping into the tower, and they seemed to be very eager to find a way to recover themselves.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yuan and the other three also jumped over.There was also a steady stream of people coming from behind, and many of them hesitated for a while before going into the tower.

"Let's go too!"

Ye Litian said that there seems to be no other way besides being able to pass, although everything under the bridge looks very scary.However, judging from the bones, the owners of these bones should have been dead for a long time.

Afterwards, several people also stepped onto the Broken Soul Bridge, and jumped towards the mouth of the tower without hesitation, just like the previous people, without any danger.It's just that when I first entered the tower entrance, there was a brief darkness. When I opened my eyes, I came to a very spacious place. I heard the sound of water flowing from the outside, and I could understand that it was inside the tower.

"It's a little different from the outside, it doesn't look so scary." Qin Weixue glanced around, the place was so spacious that one couldn't believe it, like a giant square, surrounded by various elixir.

It's just that the level of these elixir is not high, so the people who come in are not very interested in these elixir, and go directly to the second floor.

"Master, shall we go up too?" Wu Xing said.

After Mei Bao'er looked around, she looked carefully at the neatly arranged elixirs, and remembered each of the medicines in her heart, and suddenly she had a flash of inspiration.

"Wait a minute."

At the same time, she found that Bai Yuan and the others did not go up directly, but chose these elixir, a little bit of each, and then started alchemy on the side.As long as the alchemist came in, there would basically be this scene.

Therefore, in the confusion of several people, she also selected a lot of elixir, all of which were for their people, and refined the potion. For her, the effect of the potion was much better than that of the elixir.

After finishing all this, she said, "Let's go up!" At the same time, she distributed the potion to everyone. She believed that anything placed in front of her was not aimless, since this place is the ancestor of the Mei family. Let her come, and don't tell her how to get the things directly, so if you want to get the last thing, there will definitely be a test about the potion.

She also became more and more curious in her heart, what is the purpose of the ancestors of the Mei family who tried so hard to arrange all this?She really couldn't figure it out. Recalling the information given by the other party, she should be a top figure in the God Realm now. Why would such a figure go to great lengths to plot against her, a small role?
"What is Bo'er thinking?"

Lord Demon King noticed his baby all the time, and seeing her ecstatic eyes, he couldn't help asking.

"Think about something that you don't quite understand." The two walked in front, holding hands, stepping up the stairs step by step, and set off for the second floor.Ye Litian stared at the backs of the two, his face was extremely distorted, probably wishing to separate the two.

Mei Zhuang walked to his side and said, "Young Master Ye, you should not think about separating Boss Mei and Young Master Mo. They are very affectionate and not anyone can destroy their relationship."

"Let's go, Ling Shuang, let's follow." Mei Zhuang laughed at Ye Litian, and quickly jumped behind Mei Bao'er. Ye Litian gritted his teeth and stared at them with hatred.

Qin Weixue also passed by his side: "Those who destroy other people's feelings will suffer retribution sooner or later." After she finished speaking, a gloomy expression appeared on her face.

 happy New Year!
(End of this chapter)

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