Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 521 Miss Lin, have we met?

Chapter 521 Miss Lin, have we met?
"This is Miss Lin? When did you know Sister Mei?" An Pingle came back in a hurry, looking at her full of eyes, "Why didn't Sister Mei mention you?"

"Perhaps the relationship with Miss Mei is not very good!" Mei Baoer vomited in her heart, this kid can't recognize her anymore, she tried her best to make her behavior look the same as before, and her smile was the same of.

However, An Pingle frowned: "Do you really know Sister Mei? Or do you have other plans?" He saw a little familiarity from Mei Baoer, but he didn't expect the twists and turns. Bo'er was relieved.

"I don't have any intentions, I just want to discuss medical skills with Miss Mei. Is it possible that Mr. An thinks what to do? How dare I provoke Momei Palace!"

"You also have medical skills? How can your medical skills compare to Sister Mei's?"

In An Pingle's heart, only Mei Bao'er is stronger.Although Sister Mei has lost her memory and can't remember many things, in his heart, Sister Mei is the most powerful. Even if she has amnesia, her medical skills don't seem to be forgotten.

Mei Bao'er wanted to slap this kid out, and when she heard his protection for her, she really wanted to laugh and cry, she really understood what she said in secret.

In this case, in other words, the better the person who used to be to her, the more he will hurt her.She was just hypnotizing, trying hard to bear it, because this matter had nothing to do with them.

"Then try your medical skills first, otherwise, I won't take you to see Sister Mei!" An Pingle looked arrogant, still suspicious of her identity, Mei Baoer was already gnashing her teeth in her heart I've done it countless times, but everything about me has changed, no wonder people can't recognize it.

"Then what does Mr. An want to try?"

Hearing her calm tone, An Pingle was full of confidence and was a little surprised, and then said: "You wait, I remember that there are several people in the city who want to go to the hospital for medical treatment recently, and you just cured them. As long as you can cure them, you can come with me to see Sister Mei."

"it is good."

As for curing diseases and saving lives, Mei Baoer dared to say that even if Shui Xinyue got her own ability, she could only maintain it, but not improve. It doesn't exist in my memory.

Anping was happy to see that she agreed so readily, and her previous doubts were dispelled a lot.He told Mei Baoer to wait here, and after a while, five people were brought in. These people had all kinds of illnesses that ordinary people in the hospital could not solve, so they wanted to see Mei Baoer.

At first An Pingle made this request, but he wanted to prevent Mei Baoer from going to Momei Palace. He felt that this woman was uneasy and kind.Seeing her so confident appearance later, I felt inexplicably wanting to take a look.

"It's them. As long as you cure them all within ten days, I will take you to see Sister Mei."

Mei Baoer's eyes were still observing the situation of the five people, and she replied that she was especially serious about curing diseases and saving lives.An Pingle also had some doubts in his eyes. He always felt that he saw some familiar shadows in this Miss Lin, but when he turned around, he found that this was just an extremely strange person.

I still can't remember where I saw this woman.

Mei Baoer checked the conditions of the five people at the same time. After about a moment, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "I have already been able to treat them. After three days, they will all recover."

An Pingle couldn't believe it, his eyes were full of surprise, how could it be possible?

In this world, besides Sister Mei, who can see a doctor so quickly and prepare?Even if Sister Mei's memory was disrupted and scattered to other people, no one can compare to the real Sister Mei.

Mei Baoer fell on An Pingle's face from the corner of her eye, seeing his unbelievable look, she couldn't help shaking her head: "Why, Mr. An wants to break his promise?"

"Of course not. Well, I'll come back in three days."

An Pingle left with doubts, he really couldn't believe it.While walking out, he was preparing to send news to Momei Palace. The confidence in this woman always gave him a familiar feeling.But no matter how hard he thought about it, he would never think of the reason.

This kind of thing has never happened since ancient times. Although Mei Baoer found that An Pingle had already explored her, she never thought of confessing her identity at this time.She knew that at this time, no matter what she said, the other party would not believe it.

Three days later, An Pingle pushed the door open with an unknown feeling.

His eyes were fixed on the back of the woman, and he always felt that he had overlooked something, but he had never seen this woman before.

"Miss Lin."

Mei Baoer turned her head and said with a smile, "They're fine."

An Pingle followed her gaze to look at the five people, and then questioned and checked them one by one. The five people's painful appearance disappeared, their faces were rosy, and they were even a little excited. They also thanked Mei Baoer for a while, and then left up.

"Miss Lin, have we met? I always feel that you are somewhat familiar." An Pingle couldn't stand it anymore. He could always see a little bit of familiar shadows, but he couldn't recognize who the shadows belonged to.

He didn't even move his eyes, he just didn't want to miss the expression on her face.

"Maybe I have seen it! After all, Mr. An is the son of Wuji Gate, and anyone who has walked in the fairy world for a while should have seen it."

Mei Baoer said slowly, after this incident, her heart became more and more peaceful.Faced with An Pingle's question, she was not surprised at all. Of course, she was a little happy, at least he could see something familiar.

"Is that right?"

An Pingle doesn't believe it, but he has to believe it if he doesn't believe it. It seems that apart from this reason, he really can't find any other reason to explain all this.

"So, can you introduce Miss Mei for me?"


An Pingle still kept his word, "I've sent a message to Sister Mei."

Mei Baoer finally breathed a sigh of relief. Of course, she was more nervous. They were finally able to meet each other, and she didn't know what happened to the others.She no longer dared to think about what would happen when they met, would he still recognize her?
"Miss Lin, what's wrong with you?"

An Pingle felt that Miss Lin was so weird that she was still distracted in front of him.

I don't even know what to think.

When Mei Bao'er came back to her senses, she found his serious eyes. Time flies, and the old poor kid has become a leader in the fairy world. She tidied up her messy mood and tried to calm herself down.

"Okay, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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