Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 522 One day I will take everything I get

Chapter 522 One day I will take back everything I got

All the way without talking, the figures of the two quickly passed by the scenery beside them, and An Pingle was also looking at Mei Baoer all the time.He couldn't believe that he hadn't seen this woman, and he didn't think that there was a mistake in his memory, let alone that he couldn't remember the people he had seen.

There was a strangeness about this Miss Lin, but he couldn't figure out what this strangeness was.

"Miss Lin, where are you from?"

Mei Baoer paused, knowing that this kid was going to check her household registration, and said: "Mysterious Ice Starfield." Wasn't she in the Mysterious Ice Starfield when she first entered the Immortal Realm?

"Oh, did you and Sister Mei meet in the Xuanbing Starfield?"

"Well, I only met a few times and got to know Miss Mei's medical skills well, but I haven't seen her for many years."

An Pingle frowned. Could it be that Miss Lin really knew Sister Mei before him?If that's the case, he really doesn't know.

"May I ask, do you know where Miss Lin has been all these years?"

"Retreat," Mei Bao'er smiled with an unknown emotion, "After all, her cultivation is too poor, so I can only work harder." Imagine an accident that delayed her for 30 years. After waking up, she used After a period of time, he finally broke through to the realm of the immortal, but he was not so happy in his heart.

In 30 years, she actually lost everything she had gained in her life.

An Pingle only felt that there was an indescribable sadness in her body, "You can practice slowly, this kind of thing can't be rushed."

She didn't expect this kid to comfort her, she said with a smile in her eyes, "Yes, but sometimes you can't help yourself, you can't stop practicing, if you don't work hard, you won't be able to get what you want."

"Miss Lin seems to be in distress?"

"There is indeed a distress."

Mei Baoer took a deep breath, "You said that someone robbed all my things, can you not be distressed?"

An Pingle was surprised, but he didn't expect such a problem, "It turns out that it is like this, it is really a trouble, I wonder if Miss Lin snatched her things back?"

"Not yet, but one day I will get back all I got." She smiled faintly, her figure was a little ethereal, and An Pingle didn't quite understand.The sadness on her body suddenly made him not want to see it. In fact, when he saw Miss Lin, he always felt that she had a very familiar feeling.

It was this familiarity that made him more vigilant.However, after getting along for so many days, his guard seems to have let go.

"If Ms. Lin needs help, I can help you. You might as well ask."

"You can't help me, maybe you will..." She didn't finish, and it's useless to say it now.In fact, in this case, if Ming can trust her, then the matter will be settled easily.

"Are you still expecting him to believe you, Bao'er, you are so naive, Mei Bao'er is by his side, how could he believe it!" A dark voice suddenly appeared in her ear, if she hadn't gotten used to it. Knowing this person's elusive appearance, I'm afraid he was so frightened that he fell down.

"What else?"

An Pingle frowned: "Could Miss Lin still have something to hide?"

"No, no, it's just that you can't help me with this matter." She didn't mean to speak anymore, and her ears were full of blows to her, "Dark, you really shouldn't appear here, you know, If you weren't so powerful, you would have died a thousand times already."

"Bao'er, you have no conscience, at least I saved you." He leaned against her side and said softly, "Even if that person dies, I won't die, and of course I won't let you die. "When she was about to say something, the breeze around her cleared away, and there was no dark breath left.

She also guessed what An's identity was, but she never guessed it.His strength cannot be guessed, and he can freely travel through time and space. How much ability does he have to be able to do this.

"Miss Lin, you've arrived."

Mei Baoer quickly came back to her senses, there was a mountain gate under the clouds, and there was a pattern she was very familiar with on the mountain gate.What is it if it is not the symbol of Momei Palace? I remember that she painted this Momei flower herself.

"Pingle, is this Miss Lin?"

The person who came out to greet her was Mei Zhuang. Mei Zhuang's eyes fell on her face and then moved away, as if she was not interested in her at all.

"Yes, this is Miss Lin," An Pingle introduced, "This is Meizhuang."

"Girl with plum makeup."

Mei Baoer felt a little helpless, it seemed that Mei Zhuang couldn't recognize her, but in fact she just had some extravagant hopes.After all, most people recognize people by recognizing their soul and skin, and she is a brand new person to face them.The soul has changed, and the appearance has also changed. Who can recognize her so well?
The hands hidden in the sleeves also trembled, could he recognize her?
"Oh, Miss Lin, please come in, Boss Mei and the others are out temporarily, go in and wait!" Mei Baoer was inexplicably relieved, but also a little disappointed, did she go out?

Mei Baoer followed Mei Zhuang into the Momei Palace. She had never been to this new place, and everything was a strange scene, only some familiar faces passed by her vision.However, when these familiar faces saw her, their eyes just passed by lightly.

Even knowing that the result is like this, I still can't help but feel a little sad.

"This is just the first heartache, Bao'er, there will be more unbearable things in the future."

At some point, the dark voice entered her ears again.Her figure was a little stiff, but she didn't answer his words.

"You're starting to lose your confidence."

"Do not."

Her voice was low-pitched, it was more like a voice than a cry from the bottom of her heart.

The ridicule came from her ear, which made her mind a little blank, and even panicked, no!Looking at the unfamiliar environment and familiar people, I said no to myself again.She will take back everything she has, and she will not let Shui Xinyue succeed.

"Xiaozhuang, is this Miss Lin?"

Suddenly, a voice attracted her, and she couldn't help but look up, her eyes were filled with uncontrollable excitement, Zhuo Xuanyu, this is the only elder brother she recognized in the fairy world, she didn't expect him to be here too.It has been decades since the last farewell.Zhuo Xuanyu was still holding a folding fan, with a calm and confident smile on his face forever.His eyes flicked across her face lightly, but he didn't take another look.

She felt a little lost again.

I don't know what Mei Zhuang and Zhuo Xuanyu said. She was invited into the hall. During the period, she met the four brothers Yu Xing, Wu Xing and Bai Su, and Ling Shuang, a person she was not very familiar with. When Li Qingshui's mother and son left in a hurry.However, no one paused for the slightest bit towards her strange face.

Only at this time did she finally understand that sentence, what is right and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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