Chapter 523
After An Pingle introduced her into the hall, she found an excuse to go out, and then the other people seemed not very interested in her, and went about their own affairs.In the end, only she and Zhuo Xuanyu were left. She looked up and saw that there was no one outside the door, feeling a little nervous for no reason.

His eyes fell on Zhuo Xuanyu's face, who raised his head in surprise: "What's wrong with Miss Lin?"

The very alienated tone relieved the tension in her heart.

"No, no."

A little bit bitter in her heart, she kept telling herself in her heart, don't give up, one day, everything will be hers, the people who love her, and everything she has, she will get back.Holding the teacup, he took a sip of the tea slowly.

"Cousin has some things to go out, and she should be back soon. If Miss Lin is tired, she can go back to her room to rest first."

cousin? ?
Mei Baoer was surprised, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. Zhuo is Miss Mei's cousin?" If the previous incident shocked her, then this incident made her a little surprised.

Zhuo Xuanyu nodded, with a smile in his eyes: "Yes, I am Bao'er's cousin. In fact, I guessed her identity since I met her, but I didn't recognize her at that time, but I didn't know her. When I thought about getting ready to meet each other, something happened again."

Mei Baoer's hands holding the teacup trembled a little, and the corners of her eyes twitched a little, so she said why Zhuo Xuanyu was treating her better and better before, even if she was a recognized girl, she wouldn't help everything her?
It turned out that she still has a cousin, so to speak, no, now that she has returned to her body, Zhuo Xuanyu is not her cousin, at best she is an elder brother with her soul.It's not that she has forgotten the elder brother's kindness, it's just that he probably won't recognize her either.

"I heard from Pingle that Miss Lin met her cousin in the Xuanbing Starfield? I don't know when?" The implication is that he and Mei Baoer have been together, why don't they know?

Mei Bao'er couldn't hide her complicated heart, "When Miss Mei first arrived in the fairyland, she met a few times. The two of us discussed medical skills, and then I left the Xuanbing Starfield and went to other places." She can only lie, her goal is Ming, and when she hasn't seen him, she doesn't want to tell others too much, the person who knows her most in this world is Ming.

If...he couldn't recognize her, it is estimated that other people wouldn't recognize her either.

Her heart became more and more uncertain, this was the most restless time for her.

Zhuo Xuanyu's eyes fell on her and looked at her, and he naturally saw her nervousness, although he was surprised, he didn't ask any more questions.Mei Bao'er knew that Zhuo Xuanyu was smart, so she must have been secretly observing her abnormalities, she didn't find it strange at all, if it was her, it would probably be the same!

The two talked for a few words and did not speak again. She kept looking outside. Suddenly, Zhuo Xuanyu said, "Miss Lin really came to look for Bao'er?"

Just at this time, footsteps sounded outside the door, and there was also the faint sound of conversation.She could hear clearly, that familiar female voice was her former voice, hearing the footsteps, there were more than two people.Zhuo Xuanyu also noticed it, so he didn't ask this question again, but his eyes still fell on her, and he always felt that Miss Lin gave him a certain feeling of deja vu.

It was getting closer, the sound of footsteps was getting closer, she squeezed her hands tightly, and there was a tension in her eyes that had never appeared before, if it wasn't for the control, she would have rushed out directly.

His eyes locked on the door, not daring to move a little.Finally, with the sound of footsteps, several figures appeared in her field of vision, but she could only see one person in her eyes.Time has passed 30 years, but in her memory, the days of their separation are not long.

It's just that when she saw him again, she only felt a little sad.

He hugged the woman next to him carefully and lovingly, it was so heartbreaking, but the woman next to him, "Mai Baoer", was her past, she didn't know how to explain it, so she just sat there, Staring blankly at his face.There was a little light in the eyes, and he was even a little absent-minded.


He called out his name unconsciously, and everyone present could hear him clearly, and he couldn't help but frown and look at her with deep affection.She was also a little annoyed that she couldn't control herself in front of him, obviously she should laugh, obviously she used to be so straightforward.

But when faced with it, I don't even know what to do.

Now that he has called out his name, she can only look straight at him, but this look made her realize what sadness is.His gaze didn't mean to recognize her, but a little disgusted, as if she shouldn't call him by his name.

With one arm around the woman beside him, while looking at her unkindly, he made eye contact with Shui Xinyue, as if he was explaining something through sound transmission.

At this time, she stared at Shui Xinyue, the woman who occupied her body.Shui Xinyue also looked at her with eyes that didn't quite understand, even very puzzled, and even had some precautions, as if she wanted to rob her.

"This is Miss Lin, right?"

Shui Xinyue spoke, using her old voice.Such familiarity made her more and more uncertain.She thought about all the difficulties and dangers that would arise on the way of cultivation, but she never thought that it would evolve into what it is today.

She raised her head, did not answer Shui Xinyue's words, got up and walked in front of him, controlled her excitement and sadness, and finally summoned up the courage to say: "I am..."

"It doesn't matter who you are." Without waiting for her to explain, he was interrupted mercilessly, "I don't know you, if you are here to find Bao'er, then Bao'er is here." The implication is, He didn't know her, and he didn't want to know her.

She opened her mouth to suppress the soreness in her heart. When she came, she was already prepared, and she didn't find it strange at all to face such a situation.The real person is here, no matter what she explains, I am afraid it will not be convincing!
"I don't know why Ms. Lin is looking for me. I heard that she wants to discuss medical skills with me?" Shui Xinyue said with doubts in her eyes, "It is said that Ms. Lin and I used to know each other, that's really strange Sorry, I can't remember the past. But, judging by Miss Lin's appearance, do you know Ming?"

"Bao'er, look, it must be where this man went to provoke the peach blossoms, and now they have come to the door, I see, it is best for Bao'er to go back to the ghost world with me, after so many years, I refused Countless peach blossoms are just waiting for you, Bao'er!" Ye Litian hurriedly expressed his feelings on the side, and at the same time looked a little more into Mei Bao'er, "If you have the ability, hook this man away! "

(End of this chapter)

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