Chapter 530 Don't Know Her

"Do you want to say that you are Bao'er?" Joy said, "Miss Lin, I don't think you have any bad intentions, but you are really not Bao'er. You just merged her memory. There are quite a few people like this, and many things happened at the time of the big bang, and it is possible that you will forget your original memories.”

Mabel is a little depressed, forget it.

"Okay, let's not talk about it, you see we have met twice, can you do something for me?"

"As long as it doesn't hurt Bao'er, I'm still willing to help you."

Mei Baoer doesn't mind that Joy puts "Mei Baoer" in the most important position, and asks him to help find the elixir.The pain once every three years will become more and more painful. If it is at a critical moment, she will lose her life. She hopes that this threat will be resolved as soon as possible.

Monk Huanhuan naturally agreed, and told her again: "Miss Lin, you should give up your mind. I found the elixir for you, but you are really not Bao'er. Bao'er has been with us all the time, no There will be fakes, your memory has been confused, and you don’t know when you will be able to wake up. But you’d better not provoke Bao’er, Mo Ming and Ye Litian would not be so polite, many people were beaten by them before. Slapped to death."

Joyful Monk is a warning, but also a worry for her.

She responded casually, only feeling that her situation was really difficult!

Before Monk Huanxi left, he gave thousands of instructions, as if he was very afraid that she would irritate the people in Momei Palace and endanger her life.Her heart is also very complicated. At this time, the people who are most familiar with her don't believe her at all. On the contrary, those who are not familiar with her still care about her safety even if they don't believe her.

The eyes that were originally lively and lively, did not know when they became heavy.The corners of the eyes that are always smiling are also a little more sad, the brows are deeply locked, and the eyes are looking into the distance.

Looking at the people who were getting closer, her expression was a little moved, and finally she couldn't help but walked over at a fast pace. When she reached her, she shouted with a smile: "Weixue." It was just Qin Weixue's puzzled eyes It made her heart sink, is it true that no one can recognize her?

"This girl, I don't know who you are?" Qin Weixue's voice was clear and cold, as faint as a pool of clear water, without any fluctuations at all, as if she was just a stranger in front of her, but in fact she was really a stranger at this time people.

"I said I was Mabel, would you believe me?"

Mei Baoer clenched her fists and looked at her seriously, Qin Weixue's puzzled expression turned indifferent: "I don't believe it."

"Girl, are you afraid that you have fused Bao'er's memory? If you want to make other plans, I advise you to leave." Qin Weixue didn't say anything more, her emotions were not as excited as the others, but she was cold He warned her, turned around and left.

Even the last explanation was not left to her, and she didn't catch up any more.

Rubbing her forehead, she sat aside, what should she do in the future?Here is all her hard work, and the people here occupy her whole heart.At this moment, footsteps sounded next to her ears again. She raised her head and saw Qin Weixue retreating. She was a little happy. Did she find out?
Unexpectedly, Qin Weixue said expressionlessly: "Girl, no matter who you are or whether you know who you are, there are some things you cannot do. If you want to be greedy for Momei Palace, I advise you to leave. If you are in It's Moming's idea, please leave too, I will not forgive anyone who borrows Bao'er's memory and wants to meddle in their feelings. I hate people meddling in other people's feelings!!"

This time it was Chi Guoguo's warning, without the slightest mercy, which made Mei Baoer's smile stiffen on her face.

She didn't explain anything, Qin Weixue took a deep look at her, turned and left.

She sat down a little dejected, and suddenly there was another person beside her, and she didn't want to look up anymore.Everyone here doesn't believe her, so what is she going to do?Do you really have to wait until you go to God Realm to expose Shui Xinyue?

"Miss Lin."

Shui Xinyue's voice rang beside her ears, pulling her back from her thoughts, and when she met those eyes, her heart stopped.

"Miss Lin, I know you must be in pain now, but please understand that you are not me."

Shui Xinyue said lightly, with a smile from the beginning to the end, which was so dazzling, "If Miss Lin is asking for something else, then I can satisfy you. If you want to touch the people around me, then just Don't blame me for being rude."

"Do you like Moming, or Yelitian?" Mei Bao'er finally couldn't help asking, she didn't understand how a person could accept the selfless dedication of two men with peace of mind, didn't she know how to treat them like this How much does it hurt?
She never knew that the person she loved in her heart could tolerate Mei Baoer like this, and because of her, she had to endure Mei Baoer's change of heart due to amnesia, and this Mei Baoer would even wantonly hurt him.

Then she remembered her situation and sighed, isn't she the same?

"This is not what Miss Lin should care about. Both Ming and Litian are good people. I am very happy to be with them, but I am also conflicted. Why do they treat me like this. Until now, I don't know what to do. No matter how I choose, I don't want any of them to leave me."

Shui Xinyue said with a smile in her eyes, even the slightest complacency.

Mei Bao'er finally couldn't bear it anymore, she slapped Shui Xinyue across the face, before she was grabbed by the wrist.Looking up, she saw Ye Litian's serious face, and wanted to withdraw her hand, but he held it tightly, as if to crush her bones.

From the corner of the eye, he glanced at the other figure, and seeing the moves that he hadn't made yet, his heart sank.

Ye Litian's words came from above his head: "Miss Lin, the emperor has warned you not to hurt Bao'er. If the emperor hadn't stopped you just now, you should have died."

The ruthless words fell on her heart, and the corners of her mouth were slightly bitter.Yeah?If Ming's move was sent to her, would she really die?The whole person seems to have no strength. What kind of feeling is this? She just feels a little hopeless.

Eye sockets were reddish, but she no longer dared to hold tears, and just looked straight at that person.

That person walked over slowly, without even looking at her, instead he greeted Shui Xinyue in front of Shui Xinyue, she could hear the sound of her heart breaking.

"Let me go!"

She said lightly, her voice was a bit cold, but could it be compared to her cold heart?
She needs to adjust well, otherwise she won't last until they believe her.Ye Litian frowned, and only then realized that her wrist had been pinched by him to the point of discoloration, and even the bones were somewhat dislocated, so she let go.

(End of this chapter)

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