Chapter 531

"This is just a small lesson!" He ignored the discomfort in his heart and let her go.

She looked at a few people, and raised her head slightly: "My girl is in a very complicated mood now, so I left first. Again, I am Mei Baoer. When I still have hope in my heart, I will continue to work hard. Until you believe it. If one day," her thoughts suddenly drifted far away, "if the girl in Japan feels tired and bored, then so be it! But I will not let Shui Xinyue go, my Meibao Not everyone can snatch my son's things."

Turn away.

Mei Bao'er returned to the room alone, but in fact her heart was far from the peace on the surface, she was ignored by the person she loved, and she couldn't recognize her, no one would be calm.

Get rid of the distracting thoughts in your mind, mobilize the Danhuang inheritance and read it over and over again.Although she studied most of it at the beginning, she didn't understand it thoroughly. Now the only thing that can help her should be the Danhuang inheritance.

As long as she finds the headquarters of Danmen, she can form a group of forces again, and then she will have the ability to compete with Momei Palace.Unexpectedly, the Momei Palace created by herself has become her biggest obstacle.

For several days, she didn't appear in front of everyone again, just when everyone thought she would give up, Shui Xinyue felt inexplicably flustered in her heart, and even used the excuse of ignoring Mo Ming, secretly with Ye Litian So I left Momei Palace to play.

When the news came out, the whole Momei Palace was surprised.The two used to be so in love, Mei Baoer would never do such a thing, of course they will always be loyal to her, after being surprised, they chose to accept.

Others can accept it, but Mo Ming can't accept it. You can feel the coldness from him.When Mei Baoer came out, he found out that he had gone all over the place to find the two, but there was no news in the end.

"What are you here for?"

She stood silently in front of his door, and when she heard the sound of him opening the door, she was a little excited.However, his voice was like icy water pouring on her heart, freezing her whole body.

She raised her head and smiled and said, "Why can't I come over, can't I come to see my man?"


He made a gesture to close the door, looking indifferent, but she rushed in quickly and stood at the door, staring at him with a pair of dark eyes.Being stared at by such a pair of eyes will always make him a little strange, and he doesn't like this kind of strangeness.

"Moming, do you still remember what you said? You said you would never leave me. You said it yourself before entering the secret realm of the Jedi Starfield. You said you would never do what Dongfang Ce did. I Said that if you dare to do that, I will ignore you." She smiled with tears, "I didn't expect it to be a prophecy, this separation will last for 30 years, and the people around you are just the shell of Mei Baoer My son, I am the one!!" The voice was hoarse, as if shouting from the bottom of my heart, "Why don't you believe it?? Have you forgotten all the years we have been together? Every movement of mine, every hobby, and even ..."

"Go away!"

There is nothing but impatience between his brows, and his eyes are full of warning: "Leave immediately now, how can Bao'er be compared to you?"

"Don't go, I don't go, I'm going to be here!"

She lolled in front of the door with a stubborn look, but her heart was slowly splitting. How much could she be hurt as much as she was loved?Is it bad to trust her once?She was afraid that one day she would not be able to hold on anymore and gave up everything.

But he pushed her away, and his figure swept outside, without thinking about her silently following behind him.The only way now is to get along with him more, maybe then he will be able to recognize it.

His speed is very fast, and her speed is not slow, using the secret method he taught her.Suddenly he turned around and landed in front of her. She quickly stopped his figure, and the sudden stop made her almost fall down.

"Don't use this!"

"I want you to control!!" Mei Baoer roared, "I can use whatever I want, you have the ability to kill me? If you kill me, you will never be entangled by me, unless some The Japanese girl is tired, so I won’t pester you anymore, okay? If you have the ability, don’t let this girl pester you! Moming, you can forgive ‘Mei Baoer’ for leaving with other men, why can’t you believe it? I am Mei Baoer, do you think she is really half-hearted?"

"Bao'er just lost her memory, I don't tolerate your slander, she will remember one day."

He looked so persistent that she didn't know what to say even when she opened her mouth.

"She can't be Mei Bao'er, it's me, Moming, is Nima blind? Could it be that you can't recognize her after changing a layer of skin?? Even if you can't recognize the skin, at least we have been together for so many years ,you……"

"You just possess Bao'er's memory." Mo Ming said mercilessly, turned around and was about to leave, she suddenly said: "One day I will kill her!"

A strong wind came, and her slender neck fell into his hands again. Looking at his ferocious face, she was not afraid at all, and said triumphantly: "Yes, I will kill her, Mo Ming, you have the ability Choke me! I tell you, if you strangle me, you will lose me."

"You..." Feeling the sudden force of his palm, she opened her mouth, and her originally arrogant face suddenly felt sad, "You really don't believe me!" A few drops of crystals dripped from the corner of her eyes, she thought it would stimulate him, If you show your temperament, he will find that something is wrong.

But he only has "Mai Baoer" in his heart, other than that, no one can shake his heart.

"Why don't you move? Do it, you strangle me to death, and when I become a soul soul, I will follow you all day long, so that you will not be at peace, and will haunt you forever and ever!!"

Mo Ming frowned and stared at her very excited face, this face was very strange, in the past he would have crushed her without hesitation.However, when she saw her face flushed and she couldn't breathe, she let go of her hand.

As soon as he threw her away, the figure disappeared.

"Your memory is intact."

His voice came from afar, as if telling her that the reason why he didn't kill her was because she had Mei Baoer's complete memory, it was really funny! !

"Bao'er, you don't need to worry about it. Even if you really die, he won't frown. Now in his heart, only the person in May Bao'er's skin is real. You are just a person who has Don’t say he doesn’t believe in the people that Mei Baoer remembers, this deity thinks that no one will believe it.”

An's voice was still gloating, as if she was very happy to see her unlucky.

"Hehe..." Mei Bao'er raised her head, "So what, An, what is your intention, why do you hit me like this over and over again? I won't admit defeat, at least everything about me can't be taken by Shui Xinyue! !"

" continue."

"If you are tired from playing, come with me!"

His voice was a little ethereal, and his figure gradually dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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