Chapter 532 The first person to believe

Mei Bao'er got up in a panic, the surrounding was empty, she looked a little decadent, and slowly returned to the original path.When he arrived at the mountain gate, he found a familiar figure with slightly startled eyes.

Who is this person if not Dongfang Ce?

Dongfang Ce was still dressed in white, his aura was much stronger than before, and there was no Chen Lurou beside him.His face was full of sorrow, and there was some longing, more of an infatuation, his eyes were fixed on the mountain gate, and he never moved away.

Even when she walked to his side, she didn't realize that the helplessness and sadness on her body were so similar to hers.

"Oriental policy."

Dongfang Ce suddenly heard a stranger call his name, turned around and found Mei Baoer's existence.Naturally, he didn't recognize this face, and he didn't have the memory of this girl in his mind.

"I don't know who the girl is?"

Mei Baoer took a deep look at him: "Are you waiting for Weixue here? Aren't you with Chen Lurou?" At this moment, her mind became clearer, Dongfang Ce didn't want to betray Qin Weixue's feelings .

"Yes, I'm waiting for Wei'er. He refused to believe that I was forced to do so. Chen Lurou is already dead." His voice was also extremely flat, with a hint of helplessness in the flatness.

"Is that so? Didn't you take the initiative to be with Chen Lurou back then?"

"Who are you?" Dongfang Ce reacted, his eyes were full of vigilance.

Mei Baoer smiled: "If I say I am Mei Baoer, will you believe it?" She has given up hope, as An said, with her current state, no one will believe her!

After a long time, Dongfang Ce's voice came over, which surprised her.


He slowly turned his head, with a smile in his eyes: "Because no one believes me, that's why they don't know about it, and more people believe what they see. However, behind what they can't see, there are many things that cannot be seen. Estimated reasons. For example, no one believed my helplessness at the beginning, but I don’t blame them. Weier didn’t forgive me, and I don’t blame her. I just need to come over every day to see if she is doing well and see if she is safe. Is it enough for me if someone comes to bully him and help her solve some troubles secretly. "

"No matter what the story behind it is, after all, I let Wei'er down." There was only deep emotion in his eyes, "Even if she never forgives me, I don't hate her."

"What if she finds someone she likes?"

Dongfang Ce's expression became ferocious: "I won't give her this chance, I'll be by her side every day, and I'll kill anyone who dares to get close to her!"

The obviously heavy atmosphere suddenly made her a little relaxed.The previous disappointment and frustration have disappeared a lot, but I don't want to be with Dongfang Ce one day.

"Perhaps I can trust you."

Mei Bao'er said seriously, "I'm really Mei Bao'er. More than 30 years ago, after the big explosion in the secret realm, my soul was broken, I left my body, and was rescued by an expert. When I woke up, it was already 30 years ago. Years later, an expert pointed out to me that the instigator of this incident was Shui Xinyue, and the soul in my body at this moment is Shui Xinyue. She used some special means to make Ye Litian unable to detect the difference in the soul .”

"Do you believe it?"

She stared at Dongfang Ce with a nervous look on her face, didn't she mean that no one believed her?Then she really wanted to ask if anyone believed her.


Dongfang Ce's eyes were also very serious, "Bao'er, I believe you are Bao'er."

"Why did you believe it so easily?" Now it was Mei Baoer's turn to be surprised. The others let her explain and she didn't believe it, but Dongfang Ce believed it after hearing her just a few words.

"Perhaps, this is the fan of the authorities! For more than 30 years, they have been together day and night, how can they believe that you are true, it is precisely my own situation, and I watched from the side, and I think your words are more credible. I believe, even if Mei Baoer has amnesia, and she won't be entangled with two men at the same time."

Mei Baoer finally got some comfort, and then smiled wryly: "I didn't expect such a result."

"Bao'er, I actually received the news when you came to Momei Palace."

Dongfang Ce was just guessing at the beginning, but after discovering many differences, he finally confirmed that the person with this strange face was the real Mei Baoer.But both of them are not welcomed by Momei Palace, even if he knows that she is Mei Baoer, others will not believe it.

The two changed places, and then carefully explained their own experiences. After understanding each other, they were helpless and lamented that fate was so strange.

"Bao'er, what are you going to do now? Looking at it now, no matter how you explain it, he can't believe it. You must also know that there have been many people pretending to be Mei Bao'er in Momei Palace in the past 30 years. At first, I thought There is something wrong with Shui Xinyue, but she has been in Momei Palace and I can't get in, and later I heard that she left suddenly, I felt very strange, but unfortunately I didn't find any evidence."

Dongfang Ce felt a little regretful, "Otherwise I can help you."

"You can't find evidence. This is all Shui Xinyue's calculation. That body has been supported to the limit, and there is only a trace of her soul in it. When the time comes, it will disappear with the body."

"Dongfang, it's you, do you really want to go on like this forever?"

Dongfang Ce said bitterly: "What else can I do? No matter what I say, she won't believe it. Back then, space was turbulent, and I was already dying when I arrived in the fairyland. At that time, I just wanted to live first, so I agreed to Chen Lurou's request. I didn't expect Chen Lurou to ignore it. The trick is to refine me into a puppet, so that she can control it at will, and then hurt Wei'er later, it's normal for her to hate me."

"One day, we'll all have an explanation."

"At first, I was a little desperate, but when I knew you were Bao'er, I was also a little surprised. When I heard the news of you from Momei Palace, if I were you, I don't know what I would do."

Dongfang Ce turned around again, "Now Shui Xinyue has cultivated to the extreme. With her talent, it is estimated that it will be a matter of time before she crosses the catastrophe. Bao'er, what do you think? Go back to Momei Palace?"

"I want to go back, I don't feel relieved if I don't look at them." Mei Baoer lowered her eyes halfway, "At least when I don't give up, I want to stay by his side more, Dongfang, what do you want to say? Weixue? I think you have a better chance of making her believe it."

And she... It is estimated that few people would believe such absurd things!Although there are countless strange things in the cultivation world, this one is too unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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