Chapter 538 Pain and happiness
"Okay, then, there are 49 left, and today I will ask you [-], how about it?" After a long time, she raised her head, her eyes were slightly red, but there were no tears inside.Holding the clothes tightly with both hands, he looks thin and thin, standing in the cold wind, it seems that he can fall down if he blows.

Zhuo Xuanyu stayed aside, looking at the two of them quietly, without speaking, especially seeing the stubborn look on her face, he had no choice but to overlap her face with the familiar Mei Baoer.Compared with Mei Baoer who is now amnesiac, he really thinks Miss Lin looks more like Baoer.

"it is good."

Mo Ming agreed, and stared straight ahead indifferently, not looking at her.It seemed that when she stood in front of him, it was just a wisp of air.

"Mo Ming, do you believe that I am Mei Bao'er?" She breathed a sigh of relief and finally started.

"Do not believe."

She stared into his eyes: "Have you ever suspected that the people around you are fake?"


"So you think I'm Mabel?"


She took a deep breath, opened her mouth tremblingly, and covered her chest with one hand. Even though her body was intact, she still heard the pain of tearing her heart, and the heat in her eyes evaporated in an instant, "You believe me Is it Mabel?"

"Do not believe."

"Do you believe I'm Bao'er?"

"Do not believe."


Zhuo Xuanyu held the folding fan tightly, stared at the woman and asked every question tenaciously, hoping to get the answer she wanted from Mo Ming's mouth, there were more than 30 questions without exception, Mo Ming As if he didn't see her, he subconsciously agreed, don't believe it, don't believe it, no...

"You really don't believe it?"

Her tears were still unbearable, and there was no time to dry them up, "You don't believe it, do you?"

"I know, you still don't believe it."

"There are only three left today."

She wiped her eyes dry indiscriminately, with a smile on her lips, "Mo Ming, the last question I want to ask you is, do you love Mei Baoer very much?"

Zhuo Xuanyu was a little surprised, and Mo Ming naturally raised his head. Seeing the smile on her face, he always felt a little uncomfortable. Of course, he loves his baby very much, "I love it very much."

"Even if she did all the wrong things, you still love her?"

"Love too."

"If she wants your life, give it?"


She shook her head, turned around, raised her head and looked at the white clouds in the sky, smiling a little wryly, what is pain and happy.Her thirty-seven questions, asking him whether he believed she was Maybelly or not, had taken away all her confidence.She used three questions, asking him if he loved Mei Baoer, if he loved her very much, how much he loved him, and if he was willing to sacrifice his life, and he said yes.

Thirty-seven questions killed most of her confidence, but three questions were able to revive her.

Perhaps the people listening on the side didn't understand what this meant to her, but to her, the last three questions could bring her back to life. Didn't she still have nine chances?

"Then, today, I'm leaving."

She turned her back to the man, since he loved her, she tried hard to make him believe it.He said he loved Mabel, so she proved that she was Mabel.The figure staggered a little, but still left Momei Palace.

Mo Ming stared at the somewhat stubborn back, but his hands were held by a pair of weak hands, he subconsciously embraced her, turned and went back.

Zhuo Xuanyu didn't come back to his senses, and when he came to his senses, he found that many people were standing in place and thinking.

"Mr. Zhuo, why did Miss Lin ask three questions that she didn't want to do at the end?"

Not only Mei Zhuang was puzzled, but everyone else was also puzzled.

Zhuo Xuanyu shook his head: "I don't know." His heart tightened, and he became more and more suspicious that Miss Lin was Baoer, but with all the evidence in front of him, Miss Lin might just absorb Baoer's memory .Now he is also confused, if possible, he really hopes that Miss Lin is Mei Baoer.

Originally, he wanted to explore the purpose of this person, but he didn't expect to gradually fall into it.It seems that he needs to understand more. Looking back at the direction where Shui Xinyue disappeared, he fell into deep thought, what is the truth?Miss Lin's stubbornness is too much like Bao'er.

Mei Baoer staggered out of the Momei Palace, her face already extremely pale.After leaving the mountain gate, he couldn't bear it any longer and sat on the stone beside him, sinking into pain.The pain from the tearing of the soul, even she can't heal herself.

I didn't expect it to happen early.

Gritting his teeth tightly, he stood up slowly and walked away slowly, the pain!
What a pain!

It is a pain that cannot be uttered! !

The veins of the whole person have been exposed, the muscles of the whole body are tense, the teeth are shaking from gritting, and there is a sound.His steps became more and more unsteady, let alone flying, even walking was very difficult.Even so, with her tenacious character, she still didn't shout out.

She wanted to rush back to the inn as soon as possible, if she encountered danger on the way, there was nothing she could do.After a while, the clothes were soaked with sweat, and the sweat on her forehead gradually blurred her vision. If she looked from a distance, she could find that she had to use a lot of force to pass where she would usually be able to pass in an instant.

Suddenly, the sound of chaotic footsteps sounded around her, and there was a chill on the soles of her feet. When she raised her head, she found a not-so-kind look.As soon as her consciousness moved, the silver needle was already in her hand, but the pain in her soul made her hands tremble.

"Little girl, you seem to be in pain, do you want us to treat you?"


She gritted her teeth, "Go away, or you will die ugly!!"

"Haha—brothers, this little girl is still a hothead! I see that the little girl is really in pain, why don't we help this little girl, how about it?" Gradually came over, "Come back with us, we will definitely treat you well, and will not treat you badly. Speaking of which, here in the barren mountains and wild mountains, you may be in danger by yourself."

"Second brother, what are you doing with so much nonsense? When did you become such a mother-in-law? Do you think that the little girl looks tender and wants to pity the beauty and monopolize the beauty? I think this bitch looks very good It's tender, it's a good choice to catch it back and make it into a furnace."

After the young man heard about it earlier, he frowned and said to the burly man beside him, "Brother, you will scare the little girl like this, what if you scare her away, it's better to let her go with you voluntarily." Let's go back!"

"That's right, too," the burly man gradually walked towards Mei Bao'er with a wretched smile, "Little girl, if you obediently go back with me, I will definitely take pity on you."

(End of this chapter)

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