Chapter 539
Suddenly, a white light flashed, and the burly man covered his neck and screamed.

The young man took a look, only to find that the burly man had a handful of silver needles stuck in his neck, his eyes widened, and he fell straight to the ground, dead like this.

In the previous move, Mei Baoer had already exerted most of her strength, and there was nothing wrong with her body, but the pain in her soul made her look even paler, and she fell to the ground.

The young man's face was livid, and he had long since lost his previous politeness. He rushed over quickly, and slapped her chest with his palm. Mei Baoer jumped hard to avoid the opponent's attack.But because of the torn soul, he couldn't use his body flexibly, so he was hit a little bit, and his body fell down heavily like this.

The young man had a sneer on his face and said, "You don't have to drink a toast!" He flicked his sleeve robe, and then slapped his hand over. It caused her body to be injured, and the short fight had already caused large and small wounds on her body.

Suddenly, she hugged her head tightly, looking extremely painful.

The young man was overjoyed, and walked over at once. In his opinion, the death of the burly man was an accident, and he didn't take precautions against him.However, when he was about to subdue Mei Baoer, some powder suddenly scattered in front of him. He widened his eyes, grabbed her arm with one hand, and tore it fiercely, causing Mei Baoer to suffer. , she slammed her left hand on his palm, exhausted all her strength, and finally pulled her arm out. She was already numb to the broken bones.Physical pain, there is no soul pain at all.

Seeing the young man staring wide-eyed in disbelief, she smashed him into pieces with her palm.

The sleeve of the arm has been torn open, revealing a shocking wound, sprinkled some medicine powder on the wound, and took the elixir, finally limp on the ground, the whole person has no strength.

The pain was about to blur her consciousness, and she felt a little worried. Looking at it like this, if she was in danger again, she might not be able to hold on.Eyelids gradually sank, and just before her consciousness fell into darkness, hurried footsteps sounded in her ears, her heart trembled, she opened her eyes vigorously, finally realized who was coming, she breathed a sigh of relief, and closed her eyes.

But a dark voice came from next to my ear: "This deity has long said that it is safe to stay by my side, but this deity left for a short while, and you almost lost your life."

He hugged her up in secret resignation, and glanced at the two people she had killed, with complicated eyes.At this time her consciousness sank into darkness and she could not hear his voice.

"Is Mo Ming really that important?"

Holding her in the dark, he jumped up, and the figure disappeared in place.

Not long after the two disappeared, a figure hurriedly leaped over.Dongfang Ce saw everything in front of him, his face changed a little, his eyes searched carefully around, and finally found a cut sleeve, he quickly picked it up and saw that the aura on it belonged to Mei Baoer.

At this moment, his face couldn't be tense anymore. He got the news from Mei Bao'er earlier and knew that she was in danger, so he came here in a hurry.But don't you think it's still a step late?

"Go find someone right now!"

Following his words, countless figures emerged from the surroundings, quickly rushing in all directions.He paused here for a while, and then chased in a certain direction.

Bao'er, you can't do anything, didn't you say that you want everyone to believe in you!

Dongfang Ce's expression was complicated. He wanted to return to Momei Palace, but he stopped in his tracks. He didn't know what happened to Bao'er, so he had to find someone first to make sure she was safe.The person in Momei Palace is not Bao'er, if you tell them, it may not be able to help, and maybe it will add trouble to him.

Thinking about it this way, he didn't have any reason to hesitate.

I don't know what kind of place this is, it looks a bit dark, and there are tree roots entangled everywhere. The woman on the rattan bed tightly hugged her head, the pain made her face pale and bloodless, and her body was frighteningly thin.

She gritted her teeth forbearance, not knowing what kind of pain she was experiencing, except for some muffled groans, she didn't make any noise.She closed her eyes tightly, her brows were wrinkled into a ball, and she couldn't see the original appearance of her whole face.

"Can you hold on?"

Darkness appeared beside her, with her palms covering her cheeks, her body was terribly cold, "This time it hurts more than last time, I need to find the elixir as soon as possible, I am afraid there is no such thing in the fairy world, go to the god world!"

He spoke slowly, wondering if May Baoer heard it.

"Of course, if you can stay by this deity's side, with this deity helping you restore your soul every day, it will take thousands of years to restore you to normal."

Mei Baoer suddenly opened her eyes and pulled the cracked corners of her lips. Despite the pain, she still showed a smile: "No need." Her voice was so hoarse that she had lost her original timbre, and then there was another muffled groan, and she bit it. Gritting his teeth, "Jin Ren is over, I will make myself better as soon as possible, and I will go to the God Realm soon."

"Why are you so stubborn? Wouldn't it be better to stay with the deity and live safely for thousands of years without having to suffer any hardships? Why do you want to torture yourself like this for Mo Ming?"

"No," she suddenly looked up, her black and white eyes were extremely serious, "I am not only for him, but actually for myself, because I love him, as the so-called love him, I don't want to let him go. When I'm in love with him, I won't miss any chance. Dark, you overestimate me."

She laughed, "I'm not reconciled, why everything I carefully guarded disappeared in the end, and they don't belong to me anymore, I will take them back."

"Bao'er, don't lie to yourself. Even if you want to take back what belongs to you, it's because of him that you will suffer so much."

"He doesn't owe me anything!"

She lowered her eyes, as if slowly getting used to the pain in her soul, with a smile on the corner of her eyes, "Because he still loves me, I asked him if the person he loves is Mabel, and if he only loves her Man, he said yes!"

"I still have nine chances, I think, after nine times, if I can't call him back, then no matter how hard I try, I'm afraid the result will be the same."

"What would you do then? Just let it go?" There was a hint of surprise in the dark eyes, "This is not like you."

She pressed her head fiercely, and said forcefully: "What else can I do, of course, kill Shui Xinyue, take Momei Palace back, arrest that man, and give him a good beating!!"

"Ha ha--"

An suddenly laughed out loud, and seeing her snarling her teeth, she couldn't help shaking her head: "You still can't let it go!"

(End of this chapter)

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