Chapter 540 Who Are You?

"Who said I want to let go?" May Bo'er snorted coldly, "I never want to let go, a hundred chances is just a very gentle way I set for myself, if he If you don’t believe me, I can only use some other means. Perhaps, the world will say that I am extreme, and I am extreme, what do you want?”

"It's not that big, since you like it, you can do whatever you want." For some reason, when she heard An's voice, she always felt that he was a little happy.A trace of doubt flashed in her heart, this person was something she couldn't figure out.

Pain came again, grinning in pain, curled up on the bed with his head in his arms, rolling over and over, scolding a lot of motherfuckers in his heart, but still couldn't relieve the pain.

"I want to go to the God Realm before the next time!!"

A trace of surprise flashed in the dark eyes: "Within three years?"

"Yes, within three years!"

A smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "It won't be long before Shui Xinyue will become a god, she will succeed, and I must go up within three years. I will not give her any chance, whoever robs me, what It might be easier! Since she dares to snatch it, don't be afraid of losing your life!!"

"Bao'er, I find you cuter like this." An's palm touched her cheek, pinched her small chin, "Go and grab it! Take back everything you have. Do you want me to help you?"

"I dare not ask you to help." She snorted coldly, and the pain passed over again. The continuous pain really tortured her to death, "How long will it take this time?"

I remember that the last time was not too long, but this time it has been a year, and I still have no intention of stopping, and it is getting more and more painful.

"This time it should be three days, Bao'er, next time it should be nine days."

Whenever there is a chance, An An will create a crisis in her heart, and she is used to it.

"Understood, you go out, I'm afraid I will scare you later with a hideous face."

"No, this deity is not timid. I have seen you at the most terrifying time, for example, soul fragments, piece by piece, are all pieced together slowly by this deity..."

"Shut up!" Mei Bao'er gave him a stern look, "Are you trying to piss me off?"

"No, don't you think it hurts so much?" He touched her head, "When you are angry, you will naturally forget all the pain."

Hearing what he said, she suddenly realized that this man had been with her for a day.Although it was also very painful, time passed quickly, and she felt that she could still support it.

She was silent, and An An didn't speak any more.

"who are you?"

She still couldn't help but asked, "Why did you help me? You could watch me die straight away. Putting together souls is not something ordinary people can do, right? Even those guys from the God Realm may not be able to do it." Got it, and time travel, you were able to bring my body from that world, who are you, what secrets are you hiding, or what purpose do you have?"

"I don't know either."

He said dimly, "If you want to understand, you might as well stay here, and you can understand slowly and deeply."

She wasn't angry this time, knowing that he didn't want to talk, and didn't ask any more.At this moment, the body has no strength, and can only lie flat on the bed, and the eyes gradually fall into a kind of confusion.

"There are still two days."

Her voice turned out to be flat, "Thank you very much."

"Thank me for what?"

"At least one life was recovered, of course I have to thank you."

He stared at her eyes secretly, which seemed to be covered with a thin layer of veil, and there was a trace of complexity in his eyes, "Bao'er, if the last nine chances are lost and you kill Shui Xinyue, if he wants to find Don't you feel sad when you take revenge and want to kill you?"

"It hurts, who said he will definitely kill me, before he kills me, I can just catch him, monks have a long lifespan, I will slowly convince him that I am Mabel. "

"In the end, even if he believes it, the mutual hurt between you may not heal."

She froze, staring straight up, unable to heal?
Then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, not knowing what it meant.The pain from the soul struck again, she hugged her head, curled up on the bed, a muffled groan sounded, and she stopped saying a word.

The dark palm covered her body, sending soul power over continuously, but it didn't help much.Now that the tearing of the soul is getting stronger and stronger, even if it is repaired with soul power, it will have no effect unless the needed elixir can be found immediately.

However, most of the remaining elixir can only be found in the God Realm.


"It seems that Miss Lin was hurt by Brother Mo yesterday. The sun has already set, so it's not like she didn't come over." Ye Litian said with a smile, and looked outside, even he didn't know how to return Actually, I was looking forward to the arrival of that Miss Lin.

It seemed that every time she came over, she would bring them some surprises.Most importantly, it's really interesting that she will distract Brother Mo when she comes. It seems that he will be able to bring Bao'er back to his place soon.

"Li Tian, ​​Miss Lin's memory has not recovered before, after what happened yesterday, maybe it is possible to recover?"

Shui Xinyue guessed silently, in fact, she didn't want Mei Baoer to come over at all, she always felt that Mei Baoer would take away her things when she came.

Originally, she didn't want to recover her memory at all, but now she has an urgency to recover her memory. If she recovered her memory, it would be impossible for Miss Lin to come to Momei Palace with her memory and say that she is Mei Bao'er.

"That's true, but Miss Lin hasn't recovered a bit for so many years, is it really because of yesterday's stimulation that she was able to recover?" Ye Litian opened his eyes wide, and those blue eyes glanced at Mo Ming, Then he said, "What if something happens when you come here?"

As soon as the words fell, he managed to see a certain man's eyes darken a bit.The smile on Ye Litian's face grew more and more: "Brother Mo, aren't you worried about that Miss Lin?"

"I'm only worried about Bo'er."

Shui Xinyue feels a little comforted, Ming will only have her in her heart.Yesterday, he had already admitted that he only had Mei Bao'er in his heart, and this girl Lin couldn't make him take it to heart at all.

"Oh, is that so?" Ye Litian smiled playfully, "Bao'er is about to cross the catastrophe, and we will all go to the God Realm by then, brother Mo, be careful, if you fall in love with that Miss Lin Now, it’s better to let Bao’er go early, and let me protect Bao’er from now on.”

Mo Ming turned back to stare at him: "I don't need your concern, I will naturally protect Bao'er."

"Palace Master, Dongfang Ce is here."

At this time, a waiter came up to report from outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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