Chapter 541
Qin Weixue who was at the side trembled when she heard Dongfang Ce was coming.This time, Dongfang Ce reported directly, which meant that he was from Mei Baoer.For some reason, she felt a little lost in her heart.

Didn't she have no thoughts about this person for a long time?
Shui Xinyue glanced at Qin Weixue, and said, "Master Dongfang, please come in!"

Dongfang Ce came to find her, she felt a little surprised.

Everyone in the hall didn't say anything else, they all looked over in unison when they heard the approaching footsteps.Dongfang Ce was still dressed in white, very simple, and walked in quickly.

This time, he didn't run directly to Qin Weixue, but greeted everyone one by one.Then his eyes fell on Moming's Shui Xinyue, and when everyone thought he was going to say something, he finally explained his purpose of coming.

"Brother Mo, I don't know if you have met Miss Bao... Miss Lin?"

Dongfang Ce's heart is far from being so peaceful. It has been a day and there is still no news.If it wasn't for him knowing that Bao'er must still be alive, he would almost give up.During this period, he kept sending messages, but did not get any response.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, they all knew that Mei Baoer and Dongfang Ce were close.I didn't expect that he would come here to find someone, but remembering that Mei Bao'er really didn't come here today, I felt a little more puzzled.

"It seems that you don't know."

Dongfang Ce frowned tightly, and soon loosened his brows, and said to Qin Weixue, "Wei'er, I'll come to you some other day."

"Since Miss Lin isn't here, I'll leave first, sorry to bother you." Dongfang Ce bid farewell and was about to leave.

When Dongfang Ce walked to the door, Zhuo Xuanyu suddenly said, "Mr. Dongfang, what's wrong with Miss Lin?"

No one expected that Zhuo Xuanyu would ask Mei Baoer's whereabouts, even Dongfang Ce was a little surprised.Looking back at Zhuo Xuanyu's face, he found that there was indeed a trace of worry in the other person's eyes, so he didn't leave immediately.

He took out yesterday's broken sleeve, which was still stained with blood: "Yesterday, I received a letter from Miss Lin, asking me to rush there immediately. It seems that she is in danger. When I arrived, the scene was in a mess. Except for the two corpses, there is only this bloody broken sleeve left. I sent someone to look for it, and it has been a day, but there is still no news of her."

"It's really hers."

Zhuo Xuanyu had grasped the broken sleeve at some point. Although the others didn't believe that Miss Lin was Mei Bao'er, they didn't lie, and nodded their heads, expressing that the broken sleeve was indeed hers.When she came here yesterday, she was wearing clothes of this color.

"Miss Lin, something happened?"

Shui Xinyue also said in surprise, although she was not worried at all, and even had a flash of happiness, a voice in her heart told her that the death of Miss Lin was the best result for her, and she dared not have anyone else in the future. Come to steal her things.

"Well, something happened. She was supposed to go back to the inn in the city. I went there. According to the shopkeeper, after going out yesterday, she didn't go back. He thought the other party had gone away."

"Okay, everyone, I'm going to find her. Although you don't believe her, she has no ill intentions towards you. At least she is my friend of Dongfang Ce." He also did not explain that he believed that Miss Lin was Mei Baoer. , for this group of people, explanations are useless.Had he been in their shoes, he might not have believed it.

"Then I'll go too!"

Zhuo Xuanyu got up quickly, "It seems that she is in danger, her strength is not low, and ordinary people can't do anything to him." The more she thought about this, Zhuo Xuanyu's face suddenly changed, and this appearance made other people notice.

"Mr. Zhuo, what are you thinking of?" Mei Zhuang hurriedly asked, although she didn't believe that Miss Lin was Mei Bao'er, she didn't mean much malice after all, when she heard that something happened to someone, she subconsciously became nervous.

Zhuo Xuanyu's face turned pale, "If I'm not mistaken, the next few days will be when Miss Lin is ill."

When the words fell, everyone was surprised, and he continued: "When she came to Momei Palace before, I met her when she became ill. I heard that it was a problem with the soul. It happened once every three years. Incomparable pain, she also gave me a list of elixir before, and asked me to help find the elixir on it, which seems to be used to restore the soul. If my guess is correct, she probably encountered it when she was ill. It's dangerous. Now we don't know whether she has developed an illness or was taken away."

Zhuo Xuanyu was really worried, he had more than half the chance to guess that Miss Lin was Mei Baoer.It's just that he hasn't found any convincing evidence yet, so something happened to her.

Now he didn't have time to think about it, he held the folding fan tightly, and hurriedly followed: "Then I'll send someone to look for it, if something happened to her when she was ill, she would probably be in crisis."

Seeing Zhuo Xuanyu's seriousness, everyone was surprised, but also faintly worried.

"What happened to her?"

An Pingle's expression was a bit complicated. He didn't know how to describe this girl Lin who was always familiar to him.Now that something happened to her, she disappeared, disappeared, shouldn't it be the best result for Sister Mei?

However, he was very worried in his heart.

"It's better to find the person. She also met us anyway. Maybe she can recover her original memory after this time. I think her appearance has also caused troubles for everyone. If she dies, she probably won't be able to. Solving this mystery, or her existence, can also help Sister Mei heal the pain in her soul, I remember that Sister Mei also seems to have this symptom, but it has been controlled over the years."

Speaking of which, it was thanks to Shui Xinyue who left that she was able to control it. Thinking about it this way, An Pingle always felt that there was something weird about it.

Shui Xinyue's face froze for a moment, but seeing that other people looked concerned about her, she also agreed: "Well, let's find someone first!"

"Then we'll split up."

Zhuo Xuanyu glanced at Moming, and found that his eyes were heavy, he didn't know what he was thinking, and his heart was very complicated.This is a persistent and complicated man, and he doesn't know what to say at this time.He couldn't say that he suspected that Miss Lin was Mei Baoer, but there was no evidence, only suspicion.

So if Miss Lin is Mei Baoer, who is Baoer in front of her?

Could it be the Water Heart Moon?If it was Shui Xinyue, wouldn't they all know how to play tricks?Suppressing the suspicion in his heart, what he is more worried about now is the safety of Miss Lin.

He had to figure it all out.

(End of this chapter)

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