Chapter 542

A group of people moved out one after another, and because there were many people watching, Shui Xinyue had to let the people of Momei Palace look for it.Among them, Zhuo Xuanyu and Dongfang Ce were the hardest-working ones, and the two mobilized all their forces.

Another person is An Pingle. Don't look at how he made things difficult for Mei Bao'er before. After hearing about her accident, he was very worried.Especially the familiarity of her made him unable to ignore it.

Thinking of how she kept saying that she was Mei Baoer, he felt a little flustered.If you count the miles, this girl Lin is indeed more like his sister Mei.

It occurred to him that, at least while he figured it all out, she couldn't be dead.

If you want to say who is the most complicated, it is naturally Shui Xinyue.At present, she doesn't have any memory. She just thinks that the woman surnamed Lin who suddenly appeared came back to snatch things from her.

"Bao'er, don't go out." Ye Litian warned, "Let other people find it, and you should prepare well to overcome the tribulation. There are enough people dispatched. If you still find If not, that Miss Lin is probably dead."

When he said the word "death", Mo Ming only felt his heart skip a beat, and even felt that something was about to be lost.In his mind, he thought of her firm look yesterday, as well as the disappointment and despair on her face, which made him clenched his fists tightly, with an urge to rush to find someone.

"Brother Mo, what's the matter with you? If you're worried about Miss Lin, you can go find her. I'll just stay here and take care of Bao'er."

Ye Litian gloated and said, Moming raised his head and glanced at him: "Don't worry about it!"

Ye Litian smiled, didn't say anything, and walked up to Shui Xinyue: "Bao'er, your soul is not stable yet, I think it's better to fix it for you in advance, at least before you cross the catastrophe, nothing will happen to you. , I might be able to think of other ways when we reach the God Realm."

Shui Xinyue did not refuse, and now she is able to avoid the pain in her soul, it is really thanks to Ye Litian.If it weren't for such a ghost emperor, how could she have a steady stream of soul power to nourish her soul.

Even so, she could only restrain herself, but couldn't restore her completely. Naturally, she knew that Miss Lin might have a hard time. Of course, she hoped that the other party would disappear like this forever and never come back.

She was also a little surprised by her own thoughts. How could she think so?After thinking about it, she still felt that Miss Lin was going to steal her things, and she was not wrong in thinking so.

"Ming, then I'm going to restore the soul first." Shui Xinyue turned her head and pulled his arm, "You wait here first, maybe you can recover in two days."

"it is good."

His tone softened, and Shui Xinyue felt a little more at ease, "Then you must wait here for me to come over, there are still a few months before the tribulation, and then we will go to the God Realm together."

"Go," Mo Ming stared at her eyes, no matter how he got along with her, since his Bao'er lost his memory, these eyes always gave him a very strange feeling.He told himself again and again that it was because Bao'er lost his memory that he felt strange.

Until the woman surnamed Lin appeared, he felt a little complicated, but he still felt that this was his Bao'er, and he couldn't find anything similar to Bao'er from that girl Lin, except for his memory.

But... He stared at the door, and every day a figure would break in, running over and asking him if he believed that she was Mei Bao'er, but he didn't come today.

An accident caused the blood in his heart to flow back, but he quickly reacted.

Shui Xinyue had already left with Ye Litian, he stared at the door, hesitated again and again, and finally walked out.Not long after he left, Shui Xinyue and Ye Litian appeared at the same place, looking at the fading figure.

She looked hurt by something: "Li Tian, ​​has he fallen in love with that Miss Lin?"

"He never paid attention to any woman, but since Miss Lin appeared, he has always been absent-minded. Even he himself didn't realize that Miss Lin had a far greater influence on him than he imagined."

Shui Xinyue felt a wave of hatred in her heart, at this moment she wished Miss Lin would die, she would die immediately, it would be better when they found her, it would be a dead body, so that Mo Ming would give up.

"Didn't you say that he only has affection for me? It turns out that this is all a lie."

Shui Xinyue covered her heart: "Li Tian, ​​take me away, I won't wait for him to go to God Realm. Let's go together, if he still has me in his heart, he will naturally come to me, if he already has that in his heart Lin girl, then don't come to me. I don't want this kind of man who has other women in his heart. "

"Okay, Bao'er, I'll take you back to the ghost world. From now on, you can go wherever you want. No one dares to bully you. The whole ghost world is yours."

After all, Ye Litian pinched the formula, and a passage appeared beside them, "Go back to the ghost world, and I will completely restore your soul, Bao'er, you will not suffer any pain in the future."

"Li Tian, ​​how can you be so kind, I don't even know how to repay you."

"As long as Bao'er can smile at me more." He led her and jumped into the passage, and then the passage disappeared completely.There was only a piece of paper floating down in place, and it was not clear what was written on it.


Besides, another day has passed, and Mei Baoer has already survived two days in pain, and the remaining day still makes her very painful.If it was said that she was still able to tease and joke with An An in the past two days, this time she could only lie on it, and it was a bit difficult to move.

This is still the result of secretly sending soul power to her, otherwise she would have passed out countless times.Even if he passed out, he would wake up from the pain.

"Can you still hold it?"

An An's voice was also a little softer, "If you can't hold on, I'll take you to the ghost world right away. There is enough soul power there. Although it won't make you recover, it can relieve your pain."

"It's okay, I can handle it, An, you don't have to help me so much. No matter what your purpose is, I may not be able to repay you." She had a little smile in her eyes, "However, I feel a little relieved in my heart, at least At this time, there is still one person who will care about me, I thought I was still alone and no one cared."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

He held the handkerchief and helped her wipe the sweat off her face, "Actually, you only found out that this deity is good now, and it's not too late. Do you want to change your mind? Do you think this deity is better than that person named Mo Ming?" Some?"

"You each have your own advantages, but I love him in my heart, so I'm sorry, I can't change my mind."

(End of this chapter)

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