Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 543 Are You Caring About Me?

Chapter 543 Are You Caring About Me?
"You stubborn woman, can't you be flexible and insist on going to the end?" Gritting her teeth secretly, it was also the first time she was a little uneasy, "According to all the conditions, this deity is powerful. Can subvert other people, can't it be compared to him."

"It's not that you are inferior to him, but that you are good. I don't necessarily have to love you. I have fallen in love with him. How can feelings change as they say? If you want to love someone, you can love someone. You're a big carrot, by the way, aren't there many beauties around you? Why don't you see them these days?"

She didn't notice that his face was stiff for a moment, "It seems that you also love the other when you meet one!"

"What nonsense, those beauties are just illusions of this deity, just for fun, you take it seriously, this deity is alone, who can be by my side?"

When he looked at Mei Bao'er, he found that she looked extremely painful, her thin hands tightly hugged her head, he couldn't help hugging her up, green and gray rays of light glowed on her body, and she slowly dipped into her body. Her body, however, could only relax her brows a little bit.

"One more day will pass, there will be no next time."

Whether she could hear it or not, he still spoke softly.

Mei Baoer seemed to have fallen into a world where she was whipped alternately. Every day, someone whipped her, leaving her body covered with scars.Suddenly there was a warm thing surrounding her. Although she still couldn't block the whipping for her, it made her feel some comfort, at least she didn't feel as painful as before.


"Brother Zhuo, is there any news from you?"

Dongfang Ce's face was very serious. It had been two days and there was still no news from Bao'er. He clenched his fists hard and his eyes were half down.

Zhuo Xuanyu shook her head, and her figure swept down: "I didn't find her, I don't know where she went."

"Brother Dongfang, do you know where she likes to go the most?"

"She likes to go to Momei Palace the most." Dongfang Ce said lightly, raising his eyes to stare at Zhuo Xuanyu, "but she's not here." He moved his eyes away a little, and looked at Mo Ming behind Zhuo Xuanyu , "Brother Mo, she is Bao'er!"

At this moment, Dongfang Ce couldn't stand it anymore, "I tell you, I told you at the cost of my Dongfang Ce's life, she is Mei Baoer!! No one can explain the danger of this for a while, But she is Bao'er, it's absolutely true, none of you believe her, do you know how painful she is?"

"Aren't you Ai Baoer? Aren't you reluctant to let her be hurt? Why do you want to hurt her like this? If everyone doesn't believe her, she might not care, but you don't believe her, which is the biggest blow to her. "

"Brother Dongfang, let's find Miss Lin and talk about it!"

Zhuo Xuanyu quickly grabbed Dongfang Ce and stopped him: "Many things need evidence. If Miss Lin is Bao'er, then who is Bao'er?"

Dongfang Ce opened his mouth and snorted coldly: "Moming, if you don't believe her, you will regret it one day. Let me tell you, there is no evidence for this matter. You can decide for yourself if you believe it or not! Of course, we should pray To be able to find her, based on my understanding, it is definitely not because she is hiding. It is possible that she was caught by someone. Last time, those two were villains from the fairy world, who specially captured beautiful and talented women as furnaces..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the tension in Mo Ming's eyes, "Actually, you are also suspicious, Brother Mo, since you already have doubts, then go find her, and hope to find her sooner."

The three separated and went to various places to search again.

In the blink of an eye, three days later, Mei Baoer was finally freed from the pain, and she lost a lot of weight. The three days of torture made her mind a little confused.

When she opened her eyes, she found that there were clean clothes beside her and a wooden barrel with warm water in it.A rare smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and it was also rare that anyone would care about her at this time.

Standing up slowly, I only felt that my body was a little weak.

After cleaning up, changing clothes again, and taking some recovery pills, she felt like she had just walked through hell.At this moment, she felt that it was really good to be alive. After observing the surrounding environment, she found that this place should be the belly of an ancient tree.

It was only at this time that she realized that there were a few words engraved on the side, which roughly said that he would be away for a few days.Come to her in a few days and let her take good care of herself.

She stroked the words lightly, and they disappeared immediately.

When did this guy learn to care about her?
It's strange that it's too late to ridicule her or hit her.After adjusting her breath for a while, she walked out of here. Sure enough, there was an old tree behind her. After checking the location, she found that it was not far from Momei Palace.

I don't know that I disappeared for three days, no one was looking for her, maybe there was, I don't know if he will look for her?

Probably not!Isn't there a Mabel next to him?
The figure jumped, and slowly rushed to Momei Palace.Just arrived at the mountain gate of Momei Palace, before she could enter, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her.Three days, to her, it was like 300 years, and one day was 100 years of torture. It was really too slow, and she saw him before she came out.

"Are you going to believe that I'm Mabel today?"

She raised her head with a stubborn look, "I'll ask you one today, do you believe me?"

Without waiting for his answer, he walked up to her, staring at her face with a pair of heavy eyes.Although she had a smile on her brows, her small face was much thinner than before, and the clothes hanging on her body seemed to be loose and thinner!

For some reason, this word appeared in his mind.

"Are you going to answer or not?"

Mei Baoer frowned, it seemed that she disappeared for three days, and she wasn't worried at all!

"Where did you go?"

She was surprised, and then raised her eyes to fix on his face, showing no emotions.She couldn't even see the emotion in his eyes, but just saying where did he go, still made her laugh.

"Are you caring about me?"

She raised her eyebrows: "If you care about me, I can tell you where I went."

"Is this yours?" He took out the half-cut sleeve with some blood on it, but she didn't expect that the other party really looked for her, and his eyes became bright, "You looked for me?"

There are smiles in the eyes: "Tell me, do you trust me, or fall in love with me again?"


"Miss Lin."

Two voices came from a distance, interrupting the atmosphere between the two.Dongfang Ce and Zhuo Xuanyu rushed to her and found that she was intact, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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