Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 549 This is what you don't want

Chapter 549 This is what you don't want
When a group of people came to the abandoned planet where Mei Baoer crossed the catastrophe, they looked at the messy area, but there was no figure of Mei Baoer, and the scattered thunder disaster made them feel very tight in their chests.

Everyone began to search, and Mo Ming was the craziest among them.

However, no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find the slightest trace of Mei Baoer, and even Dongfang Ce and Zhuo Xuanyu showed remorse.

"Could it be that something happened to Bao'er?" Zhuo Xuanyu saw the man who was still looking, and grabbed him: "Do you believe that she is Bao'er? If you don't believe it, you are still looking for her here." What??"


The man's voice was indifferent, and he pushed Zhuo Xuanyu away, still searching selflessly.

Zhuo Xuanyu's heart was blocked, and he was about to slap him, when suddenly a voice caught his attention.

"Hey, what are you looking for?"

Hearing this familiar voice, everyone looked forward in unison, and saw a woman in plain clothes sitting on the scorched black stone, she propped her chin with one hand, and stared at the busy man The man said, "Are you looking for me?"

Mo Ming's body froze, and quickly withdrew all his movements, raised his eyes to stare at her, and walked over step by step, the two of them were close at hand: "I will kill you after Bao'er recovers her memory, you can't die now!"

"Haha——" Mei Bao'er laughed, "Don't pretend you don't know me, old monster, you were obviously very anxious before, if you weren't anxious from the bottom of your heart, why would you work so hard to find me?"

She stood up and looked up at him, his eyes could no longer see anything, "Even if you don't believe that I am Mabel, you are still attracted to me, and even occupy a large place in your heart." status, otherwise you wouldn't come looking for me in a hurry."

"You talk too much nonsense."

The man turned around and was about to leave, but she grabbed her and said, "Wait a minute, there is one more chance. I promised to ask you after the tribulation is over. Now you should answer. Do you believe that I am Mei?" Baoer, right?" She looked a little arrogant, like a coquettish little girl, "If you say what you say, you have to answer. If you immediately say you don't believe me, I will leave. Anyway, I will go to the God Realm in the future. That place It's so big, you don't want to see me, we won't see each other for the rest of our lives."

"refuse to answer!"

To everyone's astonishment, it was the first time that Mo Ming said something that didn't fit his image.

Mei Baoer can quit, "No, I have to answer, do you believe it or not, of course, if you think this question is difficult, let's change it, are you in love with me?" With a smile in his eyes, "You can answer this, if you say yes, then we will be together, if you say no, I won't bother you anymore, from now on, just go back to the road, Old and dead have nothing to do with each other."

Mo Ming ignored her, and was about to leave, she was so sorry that she hung on her body, "Don't go, you have to answer the question first."

"Ming, is this how you treat me?"

At this time, Shui Xinyue's voice sounded, and she and Ye Litian came out from a passage.Looking at the distance between the two, she felt a little dazzling, and there was a deep hatred in her eyes. She was just worried, so she gave up leaving the ghost world to recover her soul.

But he didn't expect to see the two of them like this as soon as they came.

Mei Bao'er curled her lips, she dared to be three.

She still hugged Moming tightly: "I won't let you go, old monster, you answered the question, just in time, she came too, so you can answer whether you believe me or not, love me or not."


Shui Xinyue yelled, her eyes hurt a little.

Mo Ming took off Mei Baoer who was hanging on her body, and looked straight into her eyes: "I don't believe it, I don't love it!" He spoke clearly and indifferently, making her smile freeze on her face like this.

Don't believe it, don't you love it?

Her faint smile appeared on her face again, "I'll give you another chance, this is the last chance."

"No need." After saying that, he turned around and left, and arrived at Shui Xinyue's side. He didn't know what he was saying, but she couldn't hear it anymore.

Suddenly, she raised her head and shouted: "Old monster, I have already given you a chance, you didn't want this!!"

He didn't look back, he was just talking to Shui Xinyue.

She lowered her eyes in a daze, why can other people believe that she is Mei Bao'er, but he doesn't believe it?
She clearly felt that he didn't have feelings for her, but why did he treat her like this?

"Miss Lin, it's better not to snatch things that don't belong to you." Shui Xinyue hugged Mo Ming's arm, "Ming, let's go back, just right, we will go to God Realm in a few days."

The two left holding each other, Ye Litian's face was extremely bitter, he looked at Mei Bao'er, didn't they feel sorry for each other.Shaking his head, he still followed.Mei Baoer stayed where she was, without any expression on her face, no one could know what she was thinking now.

Seeing that she was silent, Zhuo Xuanyu paced up to her: "Bao'er." He looked straight into her eyes, "No matter what, it's good that you can survive the thunder disaster, brother-in-law It is indeed a little different for you and other people. But it may not be easy for him to believe."

"I know."

Mei Baoer said calmly, "I just want to ask, why doesn't he believe me? You all believe me, why doesn't he believe it? Could it be that the 30 years of amnesia are not worth the 30 years of amnesia? Mabel' has been with him for [-] years, and he has been engraved in his mind?"

"Perhaps, my body and soul are really strange to him, and he has already given up the last chance between us." The corner of her mouth curled slightly, "Brother, I will not go back to Momei Palace."

"Boa, where are you going?"

Dongfang Ce frowned, "You're going to God Realm in a while, if you don't want to go back to Momei Palace, why don't you go back to Dongfang's house with me, at least you can take care of me, after taking Weixue through the catastrophe, we will go to God Realm together boundary."

"No, Dongfang, it seems that Weixue has almost forgiven you and blessed you, but I can't wait that long," she sighed, "Since he doesn't believe me, I can only do other things, Shui Xinyue has a good day, but I have a bad day, and she must be unlucky!"

The two looked at each other, not understanding what she meant, but they always felt that her words were a little dark.

She raised her head in vain, with a smile in her eyes: "Since Mo Ming doesn't recognize me, then it can't prevent me from chasing down the people who rob me, right? Shui Xinyue dares to rob me, hmph, I want to let her know what it means lesson!!"

"Okay, you guys go back!" She raised her hand and was about to turn around and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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