Chapter 550 Crazy Counterattack
Zhuo Xuanyu pulled her back: "Bao'er, what are you going to do? You must not put yourself in danger!! If you need help, just ask me, the big brother."

"Thank you, brother, but I have already resolved this matter, so I won't worry you. Shui Xinyue is not dead, so how could something happen to me? I just don't want my things to be in the hands of others, especially She stole my most important person!!"

Now the most important person in her heart doesn't even recognize her anymore. No matter what she does, the other party doesn't believe her. All of this is thanks to Shui Xinyue, so she will return it to the other party.

She bid farewell to Dongfang Ce and Zhuo Xuanyu. She will cherish these two people who can trust her.

She turned around gracefully, with a smile in the corner of her eyes, her thin figure jumped up, and gradually flew away from the abandoned planet, looking far away, heading in a certain direction.

Dongfang Ce couldn't look back for a long time, he clenched his fist and said, "What is Bao'er going to do?"

"I don't know. I think I should go home once. Since it is confirmed that the person here is not Bao'er, there is no need to stay."

There was a cold light in Zhuo Xuanyu's eyes, "Since Bao'er said that she wanted to expose Shui Xinyue, then we will find evidence to expose her. The other party's soul has not recovered for the time being, and he has passed the tribulation, so the only way is to go To God Realm.

"Brother Dongfang, let's just say goodbye."

"Brother Zhuo, take care."

The two also separated and left, each making their own preparations.

The fairyland seemed to be quiet as well. Many people knew that Shui Xinyue had passed the catastrophe and would leave the fairyland in two years.Currently preparing to rectify all the forces in the Momei Palace, and heard that she has a way to make everyone in the Momei Palace go to the God Realm. When these words came out, all the immortals were in an uproar.

Mei Bao'er, who was far away in the headquarters of the Pill Sect, also heard about this, but she thought of this method at the beginning. She really didn't expect that Shui Xinyue would inherit the medical principles and alchemy potions she thought of at the beginning. Thinking of the specialness of the Mei family's exercises, Shui Xinyue must have obtained those memories.

She doesn't care, it's the best thing for her to be free from such things now.Now that her soul is reorganized, even the ancestors of the Mei family can't find her.

Of course, she still didn't give up on searching for Meiyin Needle. This was a knot in her heart, and if she didn't figure it out for a day, she would feel very restless.And what is the treasure left by the ancestor of the Mei family that Shui Xinyue got?It seems that the other party has indeed gained a lot of benefits, but she is still not rare. Her talent, Mei Baoer, is not bad, and it is just a breeze to surpass Shui Xinyue.

"Master, it has been arranged."

Mei Baoer raised her eyes, looked at the man in the silver armor below her eyes, and said: "Then let people take action! Take back everything that belongs to me. Since Shui Xinyue dares to take it, then I must do it." It’s a hot preparation, since she wants to take away everyone in Momei Palace, then I won’t let her take anyone away!!”

"The subordinates understand that they will definitely satisfy the master." The man in the silver armor couldn't see his face clearly, he was fully armed, only a pair of dark eyes were exposed, this was the leader of the powerful force in the fairy world.It is also the force that Qiankun is pointing at. No one thought that this is actually a person from the headquarters of the Pill Sect.

When Mei Bao'er first came in, they recognized her as the master, and they also learned that if she hadn't come to the headquarters of the Pill Sect in person, it would be impossible to lead this power that shook the fairy world just by pulling her fingers.

"Go get ready, when the time comes, we will go to the God Realm together! You will also be able to see Master."

"Yes, Master."

She obviously felt that the man was getting a little excited, and she couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, Master actually left you here. Now that I have met you, I definitely won't keep you here."

"Okay, let's go down, remember to take all my things back, not a single hair is left."

She waved her hand, and she didn't continue to transform the immortal power in her body until after the man got down, and only after all the immortal power was transformed into divine power, then she could go to the God Realm.She must not go later than Shui Xinyue, she must go up first, Mo Ming, you have already pissed off this girl.

A cold light flashed across his eyes, he closed his eyes, his consciousness sank into his body, and slowly began to circulate his immortal power.Gradually, more and more pale golden divine power appeared in the fairy power.


It didn't take long before a big event happened in the fairyland. Everyone originally thought that some blind forces were retaliating against the Momei Palace. As more and more forces in the Momei Palace were occupied, all the things in it could be used All the people who moved away moved away, even the people moved away together.

While people are surprised, they are also guessing who dares to treat Momei Palace like this.

When this matter just came out of the walk, except for the power of Momei Palace in the Promise Starfield, all the big and small shops and powers in other places in the fairy world were taken away by someone, and the place where it disappeared seemed to be a flat ground. up.The incident seemed to happen overnight, everyone disappeared, and many people inquired, but still did not find out the whereabouts of these people.

This matter reached Shui Xinyue's ears, and she asked it several times before finally confirming that, except for the Promise Starfield, all the forces in other places were taken over by someone.

Before she could take any measures, a bigger news came that the other party had already started attacking in the Promise Starfield. When the disappearance reached her ears, except for the range of Momei Palace, everything else was taken over by the other party. up.

"Who is it!!"

Shui Xinyue's face was livid, even though she had lost her memory, she already regarded this place as hers.Obviously she was preparing to save everyone in Momei Palace, but she didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Boss Mei, don't worry, maybe the other party is too powerful." Mei Zhuang frowned, but doubts arose in her heart. Isn't this method Boss Mei is used to?

Suddenly, a face appeared in her mind, it was Mei Bao'er today, she opened her mouth wide, afraid of making a sound, she quickly covered it with her hands, her eyes were full of disbelief, couldn't she?Didn't that person just cross the catastrophe for a few days?How can it be so powerful?
It's not just Mei Zhuang who has doubts, but also other people.

Dongfang Ce has now often accompanied Qin Weixue in the Momei Palace. When he heard the news, he had already guessed that this incident must have been done by Mei Baoer. He just didn't expect Mei Baoer to be so powerful. Looking at it now There must be some great power in her hands.

"Don't worry, Bao'er. I'll bring people from the ghost world and find them all." Ye Litian stared at Shui Xinyue's face with his eyes. After so many years of hard work, he was finally so far away from her. near.

(End of this chapter)

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