Chapter 551 Make People Disappear
"Thank you so much, Li Tian." Shui Xinyue was very annoyed, "I have to get out the medicine for everyone to cross the catastrophe, so I let you do this."

The others quickly agreed, and Dongfang Ce also pretended to agree.

Shui Xinyue saw the empty seats, which belonged to Mo Ming, and she always felt empty in her heart. Although she knew that this person was a passage to explore the God Realm, after all, there were too many people in their group, and it was certain to go up in the usual way. will attract the attention of others.

There may be danger at that time, but I always feel empty in my heart, as if I want to lose something.

Only Ye Litian, who was waiting by her side, reassured her a lot, and her attitude towards Ye Litian was also much better.

Therefore, Shui Xinyue continued to study the potion for crossing the catastrophe, while the others went to find the person behind the scenes to deal with the Momei Palace. If you don't come out, except for Mei Baoer who can use this very straightforward method that doesn't leave a hair behind, who else will be.

With different moods, everyone quickly searched in the fairy world.But no matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find it.

Suddenly one day, Mei Zhuang ran in in a hurry and knocked on Shui Xinyue's room suddenly, Shui Xinyue frowned at the critical moment, opened the door anyway, saw Mei Zhuang anxious, couldn't help it Opened the mouth: "Xiao Zhuang, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Boss Mei, it's not good, Bai Su Wu Xing is gone."

Before Shui Xinyue could say anything, two more people came from behind, it was Dongfang Ce and Qin Weixue, and Qin Weixue also changed color, "Bao'er, Yu Xing and the others are gone too."

"My people found out that Li Qingshui's mother and son were attacked by unknown forces when they went out to do errands, and they are gone now." Dongfang Ce showed anxiety on his face, but his heart was very calm. He was already sure that the person who did this was Mabel is gone.

There was even a very subtle smile in the corner of her eyes, I didn't expect Bao'er to be really capable!Having captured everyone, he doesn't seem to worry about her safety at all now.

Indeed, it is the best way to make Shui Xinyue a polished commander now.He frowned, looked at Qin Weixue who was still worried, and said: "The other party seems to be very powerful, I am a little worried about Wei'er, how about Wei'er going back to Dongfang's house with me recently, I really feel relieved that you are alone go outside."

"But here..." Qin Weixue was a little hesitant, she was naturally skeptical, the person in front of her wearing Bao'er's skin probably wasn't Bao'er, "If I leave, what will happen to Bao'er here?"

"Brother Mo's formation is here, and the other party is arresting people outside, so they will definitely not be able to come inside." It seemed that Dongfang Ce's words made sense, before Shui Xinyue could say anything, Mei Zhuang nodded quickly: "Weixue, You can go back with him. Over the years, you have been separated for too long, and you can finally settle down, so don't care about these things. I believe Boss Mei will not say anything. After all, Boss Mei hopes that you can all be well. "

Mei Zhuang blocked Shui Xinyue to death with one word, she was a little bored, and always felt that she had overlooked something, but it would be fine to let Dongfang Ce take Qin Weixue away.It has no effect on Momei Palace. Now she only has one thought, which is to go to the God Realm. She always feels that something will happen if she goes late.

"Okay, Weixue, you can go back with him!" After finishing speaking, she glanced at Mei Zhuang and said, "Xiao Zhuang, don't go out, it's better to be safe in Momei Palace, let other people come back too Let's go to the God Realm earlier." She also had some doubts in her heart, who was going to punish her.

Mei Zhuang was also frightened. Of course, she was not frightened by those people disappearing, but that Mei Baoer could have such a powerful influence.With someone with such skill, it seems difficult for her not to believe that the other party is Mei Baoer.

She stared at Shui Xinyue in front of her, and she was the most suspicious for the first time. Shui Xinyue had been researching potions for several months. In her impression, Boss Mei's potions had never lasted for such a long time.

She left with doubts, but Shui Xinyue, who wanted to continue researching the potion, did not find peace.

News came one by one from outside, even if Ye Litian mobilized people from the ghost world, he still couldn't find that mysterious force, and there were fewer and fewer people in Momei Palace.

When Mo Ming came back, he only got one piece of news that most of the people in Momei Palace had disappeared, and the rest were either unimportant peripheral personnel or people from Momei Palace.

"Ming, can you find out the person behind the trick? I don't know what his purpose is, he only arrests our people, and he didn't ask for conditions!"

Shui Xinyue panicked, seeing Mo Ming's trembling, couldn't help rushing up to hug him, "You haven't come back for so long, I thought you would be taken away too."

Ye Litian sighed in his heart, he was still a little sore, but he thought, why didn't that man take Moming away.

"Brother Mo, can you see anything?"

At this time, Ye Litian had no choice but to send the most powerful ghost general, but he still couldn't find any trace of him.

"I gonna go see!"

Moming let go of Shui Xinyue, and was about to leave, but was held tightly by Shui Xinyue, "Ming, you better not go, the other party is too powerful, and can quietly take over Momei Palace, Not an ordinary person, I am a little worried about you."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, I'll go and have a look."

Mo Ming let go of her, but turned around to leave, Shui Xinyue looked at his receding back, always felt a little far away, and couldn't catch him at all.

"Li Tian, ​​can you help me restore my soul? I want to shorten the time to restore my memory. If I restore my memory, I will be able to remember my past and won't cause you any more trouble."

Shui Xinyue always feels that something is about to be lost.

"Bao'er, even if you return to the Soul Realm, it will take ten years to restore all of your soul. If you are no longer in the Soul Realm, it will take at least 20 years."

"No matter how long it takes, Litian, are you willing to help me?"

Shui Xinyue stared at him seriously, Ye Litian was stared at by these water eyes, how could he not agree: "Okay, I will help you, there is a way, it only takes five years to repair it."

"Thank you very much." Shui Xinyue hugged him happily, with a smile on her face, "Without you, I don't know when I would be able to recover.

Ye Litian felt a little uncomfortable, but felt her happiness, and thought that no matter what price he paid, as long as she could be happy, it was his happiness.I couldn't help hugging her, I've never been so close to her, ever since Bao'er lost his memory, he was finally able to let him get close to her.

(End of this chapter)

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