Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 552 How about admitting it

Chapter 552 How about admitting it

"Master, a very powerful man came outside. He said his name was Mo Ming, and he said he was looking for you."

Mei Baoer narrowed her eyes: "So soon, I knew he would definitely come! Let him in."

There was a playful smile on the corner of her mouth, old monster, you are here.She had been waiting for a long time, and when she gave him a chance, he didn't want it, but now it's better, and she came to her door automatically.

I just don't know if he came to settle accounts with her, or to seek justice for Shui Xinyue, so she will just wait and see!
Slight footsteps sounded beside her ear, she knew it was him who came, and she looked up and found his figure.What a familiar face, but she always felt that there was a strange line between them.

"You came!"

She said softly, and there was no sorrow on her face, as if the person who was pestering him a few months ago was not the person in front of her, but someone else.Mo Ming's eyes sank, and he approached her without stopping.

She was half leaning on the chair, looking very leisurely, and opened her eyelids: "Why, are you here to help that woman get justice, or are you here to ask me for help?"

He didn't speak, but his eyes never moved away, he kept paying attention to her face, as if he wanted to catch something from this face.

Mei Baoer poured a glass of wine, drank it down, and licked the corner of her pink lips, which made his eyes deepen.

"Would you like a drink?" She suddenly took back the wine glass that was handed to him, and drank it down again, "I forgot, you only drink tea, but unfortunately, I don't have tea here, only wine."

"You did it?"

Finally, he still asked out.

She smiled: "Yes, I did it, what do you want? You want to fight with me, or come to rob people, old monster, let me tell you, people, I did catch them, no, I I just let them come back to me, and as for those things that belong to me, I got them back little by little."

"Now I'm almost able to get everything back." She propped her chin, her cheeks flushed slightly, "Guess what it is?"

"Haha, of course it's you. Look, I didn't even come to steal you away, but you came by yourself. After all, you want to stay or leave." She poured herself another glass, just as she was about to When he drank it down, he held his hand, "Why, to stop me from drinking, who do you think you are!"

It hit him on the arm, but he didn't let go: "Warning you!"

His voice was still cold, but she smiled disapprovingly: "Tell me, how should I warn this girl, should I kill this girl, or fry her?"

She shook her head, and slapped him on the face: "I haven't settled with you yet, but I'm here to settle with you."

He pinched her chin: "Don't use Bao'er's memory to do whatever you want, no matter what you do, you can't carry her traces!!"

"Tut tsk tsk, yo yo yo, you sounded good, old monster, you are fucking blind! This girl can come here as she wants, you want me to care? It doesn't matter if I'm Mei Baoer or Lin Baoer, don't care. You shit! Don't believe I'm Mei Baoer, or you can admit that you like Lin Baoer!"

"You can do whatever you want, but you can't hurt Bao'er!"

She curled her lips: "Old monster, your heart has already turned towards me. Tell me, why don't you believe me? Do you have any purpose for immortality, or do you have any ideas, or plans? This girl's current strength must be I won't hold you back, as long as you tell me, I will forgive you for what you did before." She raised her eyebrows, "Think clearly before answering, after all, this girl is not so easy to talk to."

"I'm Mei Bao'er, but this body really doesn't have much to do with you. If you really don't admit it, I'll look for other men when I get to the God Realm. There are countless talented people in the God Realm, and there should be more in the God Realm." It's better than you, an old monster, who still doesn't believe me!"

She felt that he was not moving: "Why don't you admit it!"

But he let her go: "No matter what you do, you can't hurt Bao'er. Since you are going to the God Realm, then find a place to develop your power well. Everything about me has nothing to do with you!! "

"Moming!!" She suddenly shouted loudly, and her appearance returned to normal, "Don't you really have any feelings for me? Even if I'm really not Mei Baoer, don't you feel touched at all? If you didn't have feelings for me in your heart, why didn't you do it again and again, with your temperament, I'm afraid you should have done it long ago."

"Your strength is no lower than mine. Someone must have helped you last time."

The implication is that you have a master by your side, and he is afraid of getting into trouble.

Mei Baoer was really laughed out of anger, and quickly withdrew her expression: "Today, you just left, then you will never regret it!"

"It's good to do it yourself!!"

He dropped these words and was about to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly fell to the ground.Before he lost consciousness, he heard her sneer: "Since I'm here, I'm going to accept it. Is it possible that I still have to wait for you to leave, heh heh!! Old monster, since this girl can eat you once, Then there's nothing the second time."


"Mei Bao'er waved her hand: "Go down, remember, find a way to catch all the people in Momei Palace, and leave Ye Litian and Shui Xinyue alone. "


"By the way, treat those people well, they are all my subordinates."

"Yes, master, the subordinates will do it right away."

After the man went down, Mei Baoer walked up to Mo Ming, patted his cheek lightly, and a soft smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "I don't believe you, old monster, you don't have me in your heart, otherwise why would you Will endure my entanglement again and again! You have forgotten, we agreed to face everything, how can we forget completely!"


She slapped him hard on the face, with an affectionate face, and slapped him again: "If you don't obey, you should slap him! Damn man!!"

After the beating, she felt a little sorry to see this handsome man blushing, took out the potion, and slowly applied it on him to let the redness dissipate, then helped him up and put him on the couch .

Staring at his figure, she looked extremely soft, lay on his body, and hugged him tightly: "What a stinky old monster!"

"Do you think this girl will let you go? You are so naive." With a smile on the corner of her mouth, she tore off his clothes, "You don't want me to touch you, but you want to!"

(End of this chapter)

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