Chapter 553 Old Acquaintances

"Don't be so contemptuous of yourself. You are not Bao'er. I don't have any ideas. Since you concocted the medicine, you naturally have a way to solve it."

The voice is so cold, so cold.

She deserves it!

She slowly got up and left the bed: "Then you can go."

She closed her eyes, and there was nothing but despair in her heart. At this moment, he was unwilling to help her. He could only explain that whether he believed her or not, he didn't have much affection for her anymore.

She only remembers one sentence, how can you be willing to hurt her when you love someone!

She staggered away and said with a smile, "Since it has nothing to do with you, then I will go out and find a man who is pleasing to the eye." She walked quickly, and felt that the man behind her did not come after her. I feel a little desperate.

There are tears in the corner of her eyes, is God telling her to give up?
Then she should really give up.


"Let that man go, don't worry about me, I will go out for a while, and I will take you to the God Realm after a while."

"It's the master."

She looked up at the sky, fortunately she still had a group of obedient subordinates.The figure was getting further and further away, farther and farther away, but there was still no figure of him behind him.

She sighed helplessly, her figure jumped up, and she left straight in an unknown direction.She took out a elixir and took it silently. She really wouldn't trample on herself to find a man at will.But she understood that this man didn't like her anymore.

Every time I think of this, my heart hurts. He doesn't like her anymore.

All the vows he had made were gone, he didn't like her, and even under such circumstances, he allowed her to find other men. What can this explain? If a man loves her, how could he let her find him? other men.

Mei Bao'er, Mei Bao'er, what's the use of your hard work if people don't see it?
Finally, a city appeared in her vision, and she jumped down.Walking aimlessly, not knowing where to go.Feeling a little uncomfortable, she walked into an inn. Now that she has no family, she can only stay in this kind of inn.

"Girl, what do you need?"

"Give me an upper room." Mei Baoer took out the fairy stone and threw it to the shopkeeper.Seeing that she was generous, the shopkeeper quickly asked Xiaoer to take her up.Her cheeks were already a little red, it was the effect of the medicine that hadn't faded, but it didn't dissipate outside, and there was no problem with her body anymore.

But she was very uncomfortable in her heart, and she couldn't hold back the pain in her heart.

Just about to open the door and enter the room, when she raised her eyes, she suddenly saw a white figure coming out from the next door, and subconsciously shouted: "Fuchen?" After shouting, she felt that she must have misread, shouldn't Nangong Fuchen be in the Asura Realm? ?Why did you come to this place, lowered your eyes, and prepared to enter the house.

"I don't know who the girl is?"

She raised her head suddenly, her eyes widened, and she couldn't believe it: "Fuchen?"

Nangong Fuchen frowned, the girl was indeed not in his memory: "I don't know if we know each other, girl?"

"I..." Her throat was a little dry, "I'm Bao'er, I know you won't believe it, forget it, I don't want to talk about it anymore." She shook her head, she was no longer obsessed with who would believe her or not , from now on, she will kill Shui Xinyue first, and find a place to survive!

Don't talk about bullshit feelings anymore, that man lied to her, didn't he say he wouldn't leave her?Thinking about it, her heart felt sore, she really didn't believe it.From now on, she will practice hard, pursue strength, and develop influence, and she will not expect anything else.

"Are you Bo'er?"

Nangong Fuchen could only feel a sense of sadness from this woman, although her face was unfamiliar, his heart ached for her sadness.He observed carefully again, and saw that her eyes were half downcast, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes, and his heart ached.


He shouted, and she suddenly looked up: "Do you believe it?"

When he met those eyes, he believed it.For some reason, he felt that he should believe that she was Mei Baoer.He felt that if he didn't believe her, he must be heinous, even damned.Besides Mei Baoer, who else would make him have such feelings.


He said firmly, but Mei Baoer couldn't laugh or cry.Believe it, even Nangong Fuchen believed her with just one word, why did Mo Ming not believe her?

"Bao'er, what's going on, who bullied you, and what's going on with all this?"

She paused, and said: "Come in and talk, it's hard to explain in a few words, I'm afraid I can't make it clear in a few words, I also want to ask, why are you here."

Nangong Fuchen opened his mouth, but didn't speak. How could he say that when he was cultivating, her figure always appeared in his mind. After restraining himself for so many years, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, so he came to the fairyland to look for her.Unexpectedly, when he arrived here, he met her.

Although his face had changed and the people in front of him were very strange, he knew that this was the Bao'er engraved in his mind.

He followed her in, and the two talked a lot.He knew everything about her and felt sorry for her persistence.He really wanted to say, Bao'er, why don't you go back to the Asura Realm with him, and then go to the God Realm together, but he still didn't say anything.He knew that Bao'er might not be able to hold anyone in her heart.

"Fuchen, let's go back, since you have passed the thunder disaster, you can go from the fairy world to the god world."

Why didn't he agree to her words, the two of them came out from the door together, retired from the room, and walked out of the inn side by side.Even though the sun was shining on her body, he still felt the chill in her heart.

"Bao'er, I won't leave you from now on."

He whispered softly, but she turned her head back and chuckled: "Thank you, but I'm afraid I can't tolerate anyone anymore. If Fuchen has a girl he likes, just go after her! Don't miss it, I don't want these extravagantly anymore gone."

A relationship has made her so tortured, let her how to start the next one.

He didn't speak, but he said secretly in his heart that the person he didn't want to miss the last was actually her.

But he didn't say anything, he still chose to stay by her side silently until she didn't need him, when she wanted him to leave.

Suddenly, Mei Baoer seemed to feel something, raised her eyes, and that very familiar figure appeared in her vision, and the smile on her cheeks became stiff like this.

The man stared at her silently, as if he wanted to see something from her body, but she didn't say anything, just glanced between her and Nangong Fuchen.

"Fush, let's go!"

She yelled and never saw the man's enthusiasm again.She didn't want to work hard any more, maybe she was right, the deeper the love, the deeper the hurt.She loves this man, and even put down all her figure, just to make him believe her.

(End of this chapter)

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