Chapter 557 What's Rare?
Time flies by, for mortals, it is only a few decades, even half a lifetime, for a god, it is just a blink of an eye, and a fraction of a life is not counted.

The development of Danmen is getting better and better. It has gained a foothold in five years, it has become a medium-sized school in ten years, it has become an upper-middle school in 20 years, and it has become a big school in 50 years. Now it is just a little bit away from the top school.

The name Mei Bao'er has become a legend in the God Realm. When such news was passed to Shui Xinyue's ears again and again while living under the identity of Mei Bao'er, she was not jealous countless times.

But now she only has Mei Baoer's body and her man.She can only comfort herself, as long as she gets Mo Ming, she can get everything, so what does she have for Mei Baoer?

But no matter what, she still couldn't suppress the jealousy in her heart, why Mei Baoer's luck was always so good.

All the people in Momei Palace back then, after coming to the God Realm, all entered Danmen without accident. Seeing their determination, Mei Baoer accepted them again.

Now she is focused on developing her power, leaving all her children's love behind. Although the market will hear about that person, she has learned to listen without deliberately.

"Bao Er."

Qin Weixue pushed the door in and saw the woman in black gauze, even the surroundings of her body were cold. She didn't know how to describe it, what made Mei Baoer become like this, like that elf in the past Where did the woman go.


Mei Bao'er raised her head lightly, her eyes didn't fluctuate.

"Bao'er, have you verified the guess I told you last time?"

Yes, when Qin Weixue came to God Realm, she took the opportunity to tell Dongfang Ce's guess.The Dongfang family is also well-known in the God Realm. She often comes to Danmen, and every time she sees Bao'er, she can't hide her distress.

"There is no need to confirm it, and there is no need to confirm it."

Rubbing the wine glass lightly with her jade finger, she made a low voice, "What are you confirming? Weixue, you should have a good time with Dongfang. Why do you participate in these things?"

"No, Bao'er, you... don't you suspect that Mo Ming may have some difficulties."

"No matter what the reasons are, if I deliberately conceal everything, I will never forgive him again. Even though he already knows that I am May Baoer, if he still does that, isn't it hurting me? Could it be that Mo Mo is the only one in the entire God Realm?" Can Ming be able to become my Mei Baoer's husband? I want to find a man, ten or eight are easy!"

"Bao'er!" Qin Weixue widened her eyes and saw the smile in the corner of the woman's eyes, "You really think so?"

"That's right, if one Mo Ming is gone, there are still thousands of others to be found, not just a man, what's so rare."

Qin Weixue shut up, if Bao'er really forgot what Mo Ming said, she wouldn't be able to persuade her to say anything.It's just that it's a bit too sad for two people who love each other so much to have such a setback.

"Bao'er doesn't think about it anymore?"

Mei Baoer raised her head suddenly: "Weixue, my situation is different from yours. I have already figured it out. When my alchemy sect becomes one of the top ten sects in the God Realm, I will recruit a husband-in-law."

With a smile, she frowned frivolously: "So, don't try to persuade me any more. You see, have I ever looked for him for so many years?"

Qin Weixue thought about it, and indeed she never did.But she always felt that Bao'er was not like this, but the woman in front of her was smiling, and there seemed to be no sadness in her eyes.

She sighed, had to agree, and said goodbye after talking about other things. Now that she is a mother of a child, she can no longer walk around as casually as she used to.

Mei Baoer stared at the closed door, rubbed her temples, "Did you find out?"

"Master." The man in silver armor appeared next to her again. "There are already some clues, and Shui Xinyue is also being searched for. There is no plan to go there for the time being. This place is a secret place."

Mei Baoer was surprised: "It turned out to be a secret place?"

"Yes, master, and this secret realm is very mysterious. It is said that the Pill Emperor disappeared from here, along with the Formation Emperor, Talisman Emperor, Beast Emperor and Tool Emperor, and of course others..."

Mei Baoer fell into deep thought, and seemed to be a little different from her guess.

"What about him?"

After a long time, she finally asked for his news.

"Returning to the master, his whereabouts are very mysterious and cannot be captured, but the subordinates have heard some news from the Mo family."

"what news?"

"The Mo family should have disappeared long ago."

Mei Baoer was taken aback suddenly, her eyes were a little shocked: "How is it possible, but... what happened to the Mo family for so many years?"

Over the years, the Mo family has often walked outside, and Mo Ming's parents are also famous people, and this news made her a little confused.Her eyes sank, could this be his reason?
snort!Then she has to see what this difficulty is! !

"Master, those people walking outside are very strange. Although they have the faces of the Mo family, there is a very uncomfortable aura in their bodies, as if... as if they are dead things at all, or even made up by something. something that gets up."

Her fingers kept tapping on the table, she paused: "Where is Shui Xinyue?"

"Shui Xinyue is under our surveillance. If the master wants to kill her, he only needs one word."

"No, keep her. Let's see where she is looking for the map. The ancestor of the Mei family should have looked for her. I want to see what the ancestor of the Mei family is planning, and why Mo Ming made all these decisions. , really made me very curious." There was a cold smile in the eyes, "If you can abandon the person you love the most, you have to carry out his purpose, Mo Ming, Mo Ming, you think I, Mei Baoer, are easy to deceive Is it?"

Even if she gave up the relationship between them, she still wouldn't give up on tracing the truth.

"What's the name of that secret place?"


She was slightly stunned, and before she could speak, the man handed over something, "Master, this is what we exchanged secretly."

Mei Baoer looked down, turned her face away quickly, and after a while, she still took this thing in her hand: "Isn't this a blood contract signed with that body? How did you get it back?"

"Emperor Dan once gave us many secret methods."

"Well, go down!"

She stared blankly at the seed in her hand, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and gently stroked, Bao'er loves Moming!Thinking of it being given to her by him himself, it was unexpected that it was not destroyed in the big bang.

Holding the seed tightly, why can't she forget it? She has tried very hard to forget this person.She obviously didn't have to inquire about anything about him, but she did so anyway, and when she found out what was wrong with him, she couldn't forget it in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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