Chapter 558 Challenge
She stared at the shiny black seeds, and whispered softly: "Bao'er loves Moming!"

He stroked it with his fingers, but there was no reaction on it, and suddenly remembered that she had never made a contract with this seed at all, so there would be no reaction, so he strung the seed into a necklace with a chain again, put it on his neck, and hid it in the skirt of his clothes.

The God Realm was once again shocked by an incident. It was heard that Mei Baoer, the head of the Dan Sect, was going to challenge the top forces in the God Realm and wanted to become one of the top sects.

There is indeed such a rule in the God Realm, as long as you challenge one of the top forces, you can replace it and become the ranking of that sect.When everyone heard that the force she was going to challenge turned out to be the sixth-ranked Shui family, everyone was shocked again.

No matter if it was from the Dan family or others, even Shui Xinyue never thought that Mei Baoer would challenge the Shui family.

Of course she knew what the other party meant by challenging which family, she just said silently in her heart, the Dan family has come to an end, a mere Mei Bao'er, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Shui family.

While everyone was still in shock, another message came. According to Mei Baoer, if she can win the challenge, she will compete with the talents of the God Realm that day. her husband.Of course, she will only compete with the most powerful people, and those who want to become her husband must naturally accept the challenges of others first.

When the news came out, the people in the God Realm were finally going crazy.

The strength of Danmen and Mei Baoer's talent are all admirable. If she can marry such a woman, then one can imagine what status she will have in the God Realm in the future.

"By the way, this master of the Dan sect really has a personality. Don't think so beautifully. There are many people who want to marry the master of the Mei sect. You have to win the opponent." A man with an unattractive appearance said , "Actually, I also want to marry, but I know how much I have, and I will probably be beaten before I touch the ring."

"It is said that this Mei Sect Master is not only powerful, but also beautiful. It would be really wonderful to have such a beautiful wife by his side every day."

"Isn't it? I heard that there are many people who admire Master Mei!"

When this news reached Shui Xinyue's ears, she laughed again, so she really could rest easy, Mei Baoer was married to someone else, and she would never come to grab Moming for her.

In fact, these days, she always felt that Mo Ming was not as careful with her as before. Of course, she did not suspect that the other party knew that she was Shui Xinyue. With Mo Ming's temperament, he would probably strangle her to death if he found out.

"Ming, Meimen is mainly challenging the head of the Shui family. Do you want to go and see?" Shui Xinyue was a little nervous. Now the head of the Shui family is her elder brother. Of course, she doesn't have any thoughts about the Shui family. Now she just wants to be with the Shui family. This man is together.

Mo Ming raised his head and said, "I'm not going. If Bao'er wants to see it, then go and see it. I want to see the map about reincarnation."

"Okay, then Li Tian and I will go over and have a look, and we'll talk to you when we get back." Shui Xinyue was actually relieved, of course she didn't want Mo Ming to go there, she even wished that he wouldn't go and that she wouldn't see Mei Boa, that's the best.

Many people from the God Realm rushed to the Shui family, wanting to witness whether Mei Baoer could succeed in the challenge today. Of course, some people hoped that she would succeed. It would be wonderful to see countless young talents competing in this way. Very, it seems that God Realm has not been so lively for many years.

Ever since the Mei Sect Master came up, he has always been able to bring them incomparable surprises.

"Master Meimen, are you sure you want to challenge my Shui family?"

The person who spoke was the head of the Shui family, Shui Yicheng, and Shui Yicheng was also called a young talent by the God Realm. Although his age seemed not young, he was really too young in the God Realm.

"Yes, I don't know if Master Shui dares to fight?"

The corners of Mei Baoer's eyes were raised, and she was dressed in black veil fluttering in the wind. Her appearance was a bit cold and flamboyant, especially her red lips, which were so charming that people couldn't help but look at them more.

Quite a few people were a little moved, let alone Mei Baoer's talent, just talking about her appearance can make countless people fall in love.

At this time, many people hope that she can win.

Shui Yicheng felt the gazes around him, and cupped his hands: "Okay, since Master Meimen has the courage, then Shui will not refuse, and accept your challenge! Of course, Master Meimen has thought clearly, life and death are uncertain in a fight , the consequences are not something you can bear."

"I've already thought it through, if Master Shui doesn't think there is any problem, then let's start!"

Shui Yicheng was a little angry at being humiliated in such a way by a junior, so he didn't say anything more, shook off his robe, and jumped onto the ring.Mei Baoer chuckled, and also jumped up, light and light, as if she had no weight at all.

"Then let's get started!"

As soon as her figure moved, she was no longer visible to the naked eye.At this time, everyone was stunned for a moment. It seemed that they hadn't known Mei Baoer's strength for so many years. No one revealed it. Naturally, no one had seen her make a move.

When Danmen wants to do something, most of them use 36 guards. These 36 people are all in silver armor, and no one has ever been able to defeat them.


Shui Yicheng's screams brought their consciousness back, and they saw him flying upside down, staggering and falling onto the ring, Mei Baoer landed gently beside him, staring at him: "Master Shui, are you still here?"

Shui Yicheng's face was gloomy, a little unconvinced, and he jumped up again. This time, everyone didn't want to miss such a wonderful event.I saw the two fighting quickly, Mei Baoer moved quickly, no matter how Shui Yicheng made a move, she seemed to be able to know in advance, so Shui Yicheng's moves were of no use to her at all.

Her gaze was sharp, and when Shui Yicheng was a little dazed, she slapped his chest with a palm, and he spat out blood before falling to the ground again.This time, Mei Bao'er didn't stop, and stepped on his neck: "Master Shui, you lost, so from now on, the Dan Sect will be one of the top sects in the God Realm, ranking sixth. , I accept the challenge!!"

One sentence is extremely arrogant, Shui Xinyue stared at the woman in black closely from below, why, even if she is a human being and a woman, Mei Baoer can still live so recklessly even without love, which makes people look up to her .

Why did she, Shui Xinyue, stay in the God Realm for so long, but still couldn't reach such a state?
She is really jealous.

"Bao Er, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing Ye Litian's words, she quickly shook her head: "No, I just didn't expect her to be so powerful now, Litian, she must have recovered her memory, otherwise she wouldn't have stopped looking for Ming after so many years. "

(End of this chapter)

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