Chapter 565 You Are Not Dead
Some of these iron chains passed through the ribs of the people around them. When they moved, the pulling of the iron chains still made the faces of those old men pale and ugly.

"Are you Minger?"

One of the middle-aged men suddenly raised his head and couldn't help exclaiming when he saw the extremely familiar moves. Although his face was a little strange, and even his body was no longer human, he could tell at a glance that this person was his master Taught son.

"Madam, Madam, wake up quickly, our Minger is back!!"

The middle-aged man's face was pale, and he pushed the woman beside him who was also imprisoned by iron chains with difficulty. Arrived at the young man who was destroying the formation.


The corner of the woman's mouth opened, and Mo Ming looked back at her: "Father, mother, you will be able to go out soon!!"

Both the middle-aged man and the woman showed unbelievable eyes, she couldn't help trembling, and there were tears in her eyes, " he really our Minger? Ah? He's not...he didn't die many years ago. Will you fly away? I am not dreaming, am I?"

"Brother Xing, tell me, am I dreaming?"

The middle-aged man nodded, and raised his hand to touch her face: "It's not a dream, it's Ming'er who came, ma'am, all this can be over, as long as the reincarnation is broken, all of us can go out."

The woman finally started to cry, "Ma'am, don't cry, when Ming'er has come to help us, our mission will be over."

In order to prevent the ancestors of the Mei family from succeeding, everyone has set up a powerful formation here. The formation lives on their blood. As long as they don't die, the ancestors of the Mei family have nothing to do.

Of course, the ancestors of the Mei family would not let them relax so easily. These iron chains were passed through their bodies by him.

However, as long as there are more pure spirit bodies and pure souls touching that stone box, the blood and souls will be absorbed by the Mei Yin Needle, and then the ancestors of the Mei family will become stronger and stronger, and their formation will become more and more powerful. will be broken by the opponent.

Fortunately, over the years, there are not many people who can possess a pure spirit body and a pure soul at the same time, otherwise they would have failed long ago.

However, the ancestors of the Mei family were not reconciled, and set up one conspiracy after another, such as Mei Baoer's time travel, she was originally a pure soul, and then transmigrated to a pure spirit body, just in line with the wishes of the ancestors of the Mei family.

This alone is not enough, the strength must be strengthened in order to be able to play a better role.

Originally, they all thought they were waiting to die, but they didn't expect Mo Ming to be able to come back.

The ancestor of the Mei family was furious: "You didn't die!!" Eyeballs protruding from their sockets, watching Mo Ming constantly cut off the surrounding iron chains, it cost him countless painstaking efforts.

There was a loud bang, only the breaking of the iron chain was heard, and an old man with a childlike face and white hair got up weakly, removed the remaining iron chain on his body, and while controlling the formation, he came to Mo Ming, "Boy, hurry up!" Give me some pills for me!!"

Mo Ming glanced at him, and casually threw the bottles into his hands one by one.

At the same time, the bottles in their hands flew out continuously and were thrown to other trapped people. Many people recovered a lot after eating the elixir, and their faces became rosy.

"Good boy, amazing! Lao Tzu is the legendary emperor, do you want to worship Lao Tzu as your teacher?"

The old man's eyes were bright, "Old man, I think you should have a certain understanding of the formation from the way you just did it?"

These iron chains cannot be broken with brute force, they are all connected by formations, and the formation emperor remembered that he had not received any disciples yet, and looked at Mo Ming with fiery eyes.

"Boy, do you want to promise me?"

Mo Ming glanced at him: "I've seen your Emperor's Legacy."

After finishing speaking, he ignored him, and with a movement of his figure, he rushed towards the Mo Xing couple, quickly breaking the surrounding iron chains.It's not that he didn't want to deal with the ancestor of the Mei family with a single blow. If it was easy to deal with, with so many strong men, they wouldn't end up so miserable.

As long as reincarnation exists, the ancestors of the Mei family will not be destroyed.Therefore, destroying reincarnation can end everything.He will choose to rescue these strong men first. If any one of these strong men shakes in the God Realm, countless people will worship them. If they can join forces, they will definitely destroy reincarnation.

The emperor was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the matter of passing the emperor to Mei Baoer, and suddenly opened his mouth. This kid should be the one she said? ?
Without thinking too much, the formation emperor also began to help break the formation.

The ancestor of the Mei family seemed to know Mo Ming's intentions, his heart sank, and his face was grim: "Boy, you dare to destroy my plan, very good, very good, you didn't kill you back then, now that you are back, Then the old man will let you die again!!"

After all, the curse from the mouth of the ancestor of the Mei family came out. A series of incomprehensible words made the imprisoned people around them look painful.

Of course, these people were not vegetarians, they had swallowed the elixirs before, and now they had more strength, and they also began to strengthen the formation. The ancestors of the Mei family also showed pain, and the two sides hurt each other like this.

At this moment, the entire reincarnation was a little turbulent, the ancestor of the Mei family was taken aback suddenly, and then seemed to know something: "Boy, I want you to die!!!"

"You actually let someone destroy my reincarnation!!"

Mo Ming paused, knowing that his arrangements had already begun.Keeping his hands on, he finally cut off the iron chains on Mo Xing and his wife, allowing them to recover, and he continued to rescue the next strong man very quickly.

Even if the ancestor of the Mei family wanted to stop it, it was too late.

But, will he make it so easy for Mo Ming?
Certainly not, the ancestor of the Mei family's consciousness moved, and Shui Xinyue, who was still in a daze, suddenly soared into the sky. At this moment, she seemed to be unable to control her figure.

"Hmph, the old man has long expected that someone will destroy it. As long as the last pure spirit body soul here is absorbed, the old man will be able to succeed."

Shui Xinyue finally showed a look of panic. She seemed to understand something. It turned out that this was all a conspiracy. Although she still couldn't figure out many things, she understood very well that if no one rescued her at this time, If she did, she would be dead.

She wanted to open her mouth to shout, but found that she couldn't control her body at all, and there was only panic in her eyes. The next moment, she approached the stone box.

"Bao'er, you did not disappoint the ancestor. Don't worry, the ancestor will definitely remember you. If there is a chance, the ancestor will bring you back to life!!"

(End of this chapter)

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