Chapter 566 This Is Your Ending
After the words of the ancestor of the Mei family fell, Shui Xinyue's hands touched the stone box uncontrollably. At this time, everyone seemed to notice, but it was too late to stop it.

When she touched the stone box, she only felt that the strength of her body was being continuously conveyed into it, whether it was blood essence or soul, it was gradually weakening.

"Do not--"

No, she doesn't want to die like this! !

She struggled to break free, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop the Mei Yin Needle inside the stone box from absorbing her soul and blood essence. She was really scared. This big one is a secret.


Suddenly, she yelled, turned her head and looked at Mo Ming, this time he just turned his head, and said in an extremely indifferent voice, "This is your end!!"

She was startled, her eyes couldn't believe it, did he know that she was a fake Mei Baoer? ?
"Ming, are you so cruel?"

Mo Ming slashed at the iron chain ruthlessly, sparking a dazzling spark, and said in a cold voice, "If you can live to this day, you must help Bao'er bear the pain she has suffered in the past!!"

Shui Xinyue couldn't believe it, she thought that she had concealed it well, the other party would never know that she was Shui Xinyue, and even in order to be more realistic, she did not hesitate to make herself amnesia, in order to get everything about Mei Baoer.Of course, what she cared most about was the man in front of her, but she never expected that he would have found him long ago, and he was still so ruthless to her.

"Why?? Why can't I win your heart no matter what I do? What's so good about her, Mei Baoer??" Tears were all over her face, and she finally understood why this man always emphasized that he only had Mei Baoer in his heart One, it turned out that things turned out to be like this.

A good one will do whatever he can, a good one will always only have Bao'er in his heart.

"Mo Ming, have you never liked me?"

Mo Ming didn't speak any more, and quickly rescued the strong men.As each strong man was rescued and participated in the battle to destroy the entire cycle of reincarnation, the voice of the ancestor of the Mei family was distraught.

"Destroy!! I want to destroy you all, kill you all, send you into reincarnation to suffer countless tortures, kill them!!" Following his call, figures floated around, and instantly moved towards each strong man. Leaping forward, the two sides fought quickly.

However, with the confinement of the formation, the ancestor of the Mei family could only walk around in a hurry, but when he saw that Shui Xinyue's face was getting paler and her soul power was getting less and less, the essence and blood on her body were also rapidly draining to Mei Yin's body. When it was time to get the needle, the whole person became excited.

"Haha, fortunately the last pure spirit body soul came here, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to succeed!!"

The voice of the ancestor of the Mei family spread in everyone's ears. Suddenly, his face changed: "What's going on?"

I saw Meiyin Needle, which was absorbing Shui Xinyue's essence, blood and soul, trembled for a moment. After seeing clearly what was going on, he clenched his fists fiercely and stared at Shui Xinyue viciously, "You are not Pure soul!!"

In an instant, everyone showed joy. They knew the conversation between Shui Xinyue and Mo Ming earlier, and they probably could guess what it was.

The ancestor of the Mei family naturally also thought of this, and his face was terribly hideous: "Hmph, do you think I have nothing to do without a pure soul? Hmph, once I absorb all your souls, I can also create reincarnation. Let everyone surrender under my feet!!"

After saying that, the ancestor of the Mei family recited a series of mantras again, and the Meiyin Needle, which had stopped absorbing Shui Xinyue's blood and soul, jumped up again and absorbed it quickly. At this moment, Shui Xinyue couldn't even struggle. It's useless.

She just stared at Mo Ming's direction blankly, seeing his ruthless appearance, she finally believed that there was only Mei Bao'er in his heart.

She suddenly shouted: "Ming, even if you don't like me, you can't be with Mei Bao'er anymore, she's already married!!" After she finished speaking, she laughed out loud, as if it was revenge.

Without looking back, Mo Ming said coldly, "She can only marry me!!"

Shui Xinyue didn't understand this sentence, and was dragged by the suction of the Meiyin needle, so she couldn't move at all.Feeling the gradual disappearance of vitality, she originally thought that she would die like this, but suddenly a force hugged her, and the warm soul power was injected into her body, and she immediately felt very comfortable.

She looked up for a moment, and saw Ye Litian with white hair, his eyes were a little confused, she didn't understand why this person came to rescue her even though her identity had been exposed.

"Li Tian, ​​I'm not Mei Baoer!"

She smiled wryly, planned everything, and calculated everything, but in the end she didn't know that she took the initiative to enter the urn and accepted all of Mei Baoer's plots. Could this be the so-called retribution?
"I know."

A pair of blue eyes looked at her, and fiddled with her messy hair: "Do you think I don't know?"

Shui Xinyue was stunned for a moment, and then she was a bit incredulous: "When did you know?"

"When you recover your memory."

Ye Litian let out a long sigh, his heart was very complicated.He thought that the one he had always loved was Mei Baoer, but the person he really got along with for a long time was Shui Xinyue.This woman is indeed not very good-hearted, but the relationship between the two of them made him really have feelings.

Shui Xinyue has a complicated face: "Then why are you?"

"This may be because a bad man is attracted to a bad woman!"

Ye Litian hugged her and was about to leave the high platform, but the laughter of the ancestor of the Mei family sounded behind him: "Hahaha, I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that this kid has a pure soul, boy, it seems that you come from Not too small, just absorbed by the ancestor, let the ancestor complete the rest of the great cause!!"

Ye Litian had a bad heart, and quickly fled with Shui Xinyue in his arms, but a force wrapped around the two of them in an instant.Rolling the two of them back onto the high platform, the golden light of Meiyin's needles radiated, instantly covering the bodies of the two of them, absorbing them quickly.

"Li Tian, ​​you go!!"

Shui Xinyue pushed him hard, especially as she grabbed his white hair, she finally couldn't help crying: "I never thought that Shui Xinyue would have someone who loves me in the end, that's enough. God, you go, you don't need to worry about me, all this is my fault, without me, so many things would not have happened. This must be the retribution given to me by God, in order to get the person I like, I will do whatever I can. Hurt everyone, so he doesn't allow me to get a lover!!"

She pushed Ye Litian's body hard, as if she had used up all her strength, but she still couldn't push him out.It seemed that he was an impregnable wall, and he couldn't move half a point at all.

(End of this chapter)

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