Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 569 If there is an afterlife, I will definitely like you

Chapter 569 If there is an afterlife, I will definitely like you


The ancestor of the Mei family suddenly shouted, "Don't you want to stand at the pinnacle of the God Realm? As long as you agree to help the ancestor, the ancestor will guarantee that your life will be safe. You help the ancestor to let the ancestor absorb those two people. Zu promises not to kill you!!"

"Old man, are you awake and still daydreaming?"

Mei Baoer sneered, "Stop talking, since I chose to come here, there is only one way for you, death!!"

"Very good, haha, very good, then you just wait for the ancestor to destroy you all!!"

He wants to destroy all creatures, he wants to use reincarnation to create a group of creatures who only listen to him, he wants to control all the world, and he wants to stand at the peak of everything! !
The ancestor of the Mei family roared, and the surrounding power was quickly absorbed, dozens of times faster than before.Seeing this, Mei Baoer felt that something was wrong, she had been able to draw with the other party before, but now the other party was vaguely much stronger than the two of them.

The face of the ancestor of the Mei family was a bit hideous: "You forced the ancestor, since you don't help the ancestor, the ancestor will absorb you first!!"

After the words fell, his figure quickly flipped in the air, and quickly rushed to the side of Shui Xinyue and Ye Litian. Mei Baoer's expression changed, and he chased after him without thinking. The two, I'm afraid it's too late for her side to deal with them, so she must stop them no matter what.

Even if she wanted to kill Shui Xinyue very much, at this time, the ancestors of the Mei family could not absorb it, otherwise it would not be a good result for everyone.

"Stop him!!"

This was the only sentence Mei Baoer said to Mo Ming after she came in, he paused, and followed her, the speed of the two was not slow.However, the ancestor of the Mei family was even faster, grabbing Shui Xinyue's shoulder in a few jumps, and the next moment Ye Litian slapped the ancestor of the Mei family on the chest, the other party quickly dodged and had to release Shui Xinyue open.

"Boy, you have ruined the matter of the ancestor over and over again. If this is the case, the ancestor will absorb you first!!"

In an instant, the ancestor of the Mei family showed a ferocious face, and he slapped Shui Xinyue away with his palm, grasping the top of Ye Litian's head in an instant, and sucked in forcefully in an instant, he sucked a steady stream of soul power into his body.Ye Litian couldn't break free, and for some reason, he seemed to have given up breaking free.

When his consciousness was a little fuzzy, he thought, in fact, he was also living a very fuzzy life, and it was clearest only at the last moment, he finally did something for himself.

He saw Mei Baoer rushing over seriously, and the man beside her with an indifferent face, he thought, these two have always been a couple! !

"Those who block the ancestors, die!!"

The ancestor of the Mei family seemed to have gone mad, his body was filled with countless powers, and he sent Mei Baoer and Mo Ming flying with one palm! !He laughed wildly, and the whole reincarnation was his ferocious voice, "Old Ancestor, I want to remake you all!!"

He lowered his head and glanced at Ye Litian, who was getting weaker and weaker, with a terrifying smile on his face: "You are just the beginning of the ancestor! Everyone in the reincarnation, the ancestor will absorb them completely, not only Not only you, but also that girl who confused Patriarch, I will not let any one go."

Ye Litian seemed to have heard it, and kept struggling to free his hands, but there was nothing he could do. The muscles in his arms seemed to have dried up, and he could no longer use his strength. He was a little desperate. Xinyue might be the bad guy in everyone's eyes. A woman, but he just fell in love with this bad woman.

"Leave the sky!!"

Suddenly, Shui Xinyue's voice rang in his ears, he slowly opened his eyes, and saw her smiling with tears in her eyes.Bao'er doesn't like him, and Xinyue also likes Mo Ming, he thought that in Ye Litian's life, there would never be anyone who loved him.

However, seeing her anxious and tear-stained, he was a little satisfied, no matter whether Xinyue liked him or not, at least in a corner of her heart, there was his existence at night.

That's enough!
He trembled his lips, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but found that he couldn't utter a word. Suddenly, he felt that he was so useless. He was once the master of a world, but he couldn't protect his beloved.

Heart... Heart Moon...

He screamed in his heart, suddenly, panic appeared in his eyes, and then he felt that the power in his body stopped draining, and his whole body suddenly fell to the ground. He raised his head vigorously, and found that Mei Baoer and Mo Ming were also killed. The ancestor of the Mei family was wounded on the ground and did not get up for a while.

He suddenly heard a cautious cry of pain, and finally found the figure of the ancestor of the Mei family. He took a closer look, making him want to rush up immediately, but his body didn't have any strength, so he could only stare at Shui Xinyue's fair neck Being held by the ancestor of the Mei family, she had a smile on her face.

I don't know if she knew that he was looking at her, but she suddenly turned her gaze over: "Li... Li Tian."

She just opened her mouth, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, but he just knew he was calling his name.He tried hard to jump up, but found that no matter what he couldn't jump up, he had no choice but to crawl over slowly.

"Litian..." Shui Xinyue felt the strength of her body was constantly losing, and her eyes were a little sad, "I'm sorry, if there is an afterlife, I will definitely like you, forever, and only you!" Unknowingly, she Unexpectedly, she found out that she had put Ye Litian deep in her heart long ago.

His kindness, everything he gave for her, was not all touching to her, his patience and care made her truly feel the feeling of being loved.

Unfortunately, she missed it herself.

Tears kept falling down. Without this fate, maybe she would not be able to meet Li Tian. Thinking about it this way, she felt that as long as she could meet him, all the hardships would be worth it.


Ye Litian's voice was a little hoarse, what should have made him happy, but this time he was not happy at all, he would rather she was well, and it would be fine if she didn't like him.He clenched his fists fiercely, and moved the ancestor of the Mei family step by step.

Mei Baoer's complexion changed: "Not good, if the ancestor of the Mei family absorbs the pure spirit body," her eyes fell on Ye Litian, "he will not miss the pure soul."

Her Guan Moming's face was also very pale. The two of them were seriously injured by the ancestor of the Mei family whose strength suddenly increased. They couldn't recover for a while. Even if they recovered, with their current strength, I'm afraid they couldn't deal with it. .

There was a sound of explosions in Samsara, but it could only be shaken. In addition, the ancestor of the Mei family took down the shrimp soldiers and crab generals, which also caused some troubles for everyone.

She took out two medicine bottles and threw one to Mo Ming.

(End of this chapter)

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