Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 570 Old man, this girl has long wanted to kill you

Chapter 570 Old man, this girl has long wanted to kill you

"It only takes a moment to increase the strength by five times." Her eyes darkened, "After a moment, it will return to normal, and there will be a short period of weakness."

With her ability, she has tried her best to reduce the possibility of this. However, this elixir is for gods and men above the emperor. It is her best effort to be weak for a short period of time. It is only because of time constraints, otherwise she will definitely study it. A elixir that improves strength without any side effects.

Mo Ming held the bottle tightly and swallowed it without thinking.Seeing that Shui Xinyue was about to lose her strength, she raised her head and took the elixir.

The two jumped up from the ground, and their bodies were instantly filled with countless powers, wandering among the meridians, and the surrounding divine power was also crazily absorbed by them.

The figures of the two jumped in the air, and instantly recovered to their peak strength.

Immediately, the strength gradually increased, doubled!
double!three times!
Four times!
Boom boom boom, there seemed to be a thunder in the body, and finally the strength had increased to five times! !

The faces of the two were rosy, as if they couldn't see the previous injury, each held a sword, glanced at each other, and rushed out in front of the ancestor of the Mei family, Shui Xinyue had completely lost consciousness. When he hacked into the ancestors of the Mei family, he didn't expect how powerful they were.

Mei Baoer slashed at the arm that was holding Shui Xinyue's neck, the ancestor of the Mei family, who quickly threw Shui Xinyue away.Seeing this, Yeli, who was already in despair, quickly crawled over. Even though they were very close, they were still very far away for him at this moment.

No matter how far away, he just wanted to hug her tightly and never let go.

Whether she likes him or not, he doesn't want to let go. When losing her, it's too painful, and the pain makes him feel a little suffocated.

"It's you again!!"

The ancestor of the Mei family had already gritted his teeth. If the teeth were not strong enough, he would have been crushed by him long ago! !
"time is limited."

Mei Bao'er's voice was a little cold, no matter how terrifying the face of the ancestor of the Mei family was, wearing a black veil and holding a sword in one hand, the slender photographer leaped away, with fierce moves, and the sword stabbed at the opponent's vital points.Mo Ming was not to be outdone, and after increasing his strength by five times, the two of them immediately beat the ancestor of the Mei family to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

The ancestor of the Mei family gritted his teeth and hated secretly, but there was nothing he could do.

The corner of Mei Baoer's mouth curled up, and a sword appeared in her hand again, "Old man, this girl has long wanted to kill you!"

The ancestor of the Mei family paused, and said viciously: "Mei Baoer, you are a member of my Mei family after all, aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven if you treat your ancestor like this?"

Mei Baoer raised her brows: "God's punishment, what is God's punishment? You have done so many immoral things, and you haven't been punished by God. Facts have proved that bad guys live longer, even if God wants to take care of it, this girl will kill you Killing a bad guy is just doing justice for the heavens, you old bastard, do you think you can deceive this girl with just a few words?"

"Old man, what you did back then caused harm to this girl's body and mind, so today, this girl wants to get everything back!!"

She didn't ask where the Mei family had gone. Obviously, these people had been integrated into reincarnation long ago. If not, where did reincarnation get so much power after so many years? ?

The ancestor of the Mei family really calculated well! !

Using human essence and body to create reincarnation, even if I guessed it for so long, I didn't expect it to be such a thing.

And she said how could the man next to him think so much, that he already knew about the other party's conspiracy, and tried to hide it from her, not telling her the truth, all of which made her extremely angry.

The anger in both eyes instantly vented on the ancestor of the Mei family.Mo Ming only felt that her moves were getting stronger and stronger. Seeing that the ancestor of the Mei family was gradually unable to hold on, he also put in more effort, and the two cooperated very well.

Suddenly, Mei Baoer's double swords pierced into the belly of the ancestor of the Mei family, and Mo Ming slashed in from behind him with a single knife.

The two borrowed strength in mid-air and leaped back again. Seeing the blood coming out of the ancestor of the Mei family, their hearts became ruthless, and they once again aimed at the opponent's vital point.However, no matter how many times they slashed at each other, the ancestor of the Mei family seemed to never be able to kill him.


The ancestor of the Mei family laughed out loud. Even though his body was bleeding profusely, he still smiled wildly: "The life of the ancestor has long been connected with reincarnation. As long as the reincarnation is not extinct, the ancestor will not be extinct. You are killing..." In one sentence, you still Before he could kill me, the voice of the ancestor of the Mei family stopped abruptly.

The entire samsara trembled violently, the sound of explosions in various places was continuous, and even the dozen or so support points seemed to collapse at the same time.At this moment, the ancestor of the Mei family was a little stunned.
With a wrong forehead on his face: " is it possible!!!"

Mei Baoer knew that the others had already succeeded, so she lightly landed not far from the ancestor of the Mei family: "How is it impossible, this is your end, the end after playing tricks on everyone, this is your end!! "

The face of the ancestor of the Mei family cracked, but he couldn't control it at all. He felt that the reincarnation was about to collapse in an instant, and even the energy of his own body was constantly losing.

"Do not--"

He yelled in panic, "No, the ancestor's great cause has not been completed, how can he die!!"

"Do not--"

Accompanied by the unbelievable voice of the ancestor of the Mei family, the entire reincarnation has begun to collapse, the surroundings are shaking, countless powders are floating, and broken stones are flying everywhere.

Mei Baoer didn't get splashed on her body, she looked at all this with a smile, and it was finally over.

Ye Litian hugged the weak Shui Xinyue tightly, "Xinyue, it's over." He murmured in a low voice, as if coaxing some child, "Let's leave here and go to the ghost world, shall we?"

He caressed her cheek, although this face belonged to Zeng Mei Bao'er, but his heart can only accommodate this woman named Shui Xinyue, even if she is not a good person, he will never leave the sky Not a nice guy.

Shui Xinyue closed her eyes, her face was pale, she looked carefully, she didn't seem to be breathing anymore.

"Xinyue, don't blame me for locking your soul into your body, I will wake you up. In this world, there is no reincarnation at all. If you leave your body, I don't know where to find you. Now I am not a ghost world. Lord." He hugged her tightly, "But these are not important anymore, let's go, let's go back to the ghost world, there will always be a place for us, and we will not come back in the future."

He staggered and hugged Shui Xinyue, and disappeared in the swaying samsara.

(End of this chapter)

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