Chapter 574 Another Way

Mo Yu's heart skipped a beat, she looked at Mo Ming and Nangong Fuchen silently, and took her leave very politely.The appearance is very cute, people have to like it, and now everyone in the Danmen doesn't feel sorry for Mo Yu, but he always feels that he has grown up.

In fact, he knew that his father must have something to say to Uncle Nangong and would not let him hear it, but he still chose to leave this room and listen to his father's words to practice.

I heard that the God Realm is a treasure that can repair the soul, but no one has found it for so many years.

When he grows up, even if his mother can't wake up, if he cultivates well, he will be able to find the treasure and let his mother wake up as soon as possible.

The two watched Mo Yu's small body step out of the door, and then closed the door.

Mo Yu stood at the door, his eyes fixed on the figures of the two through the crack of the door, but he couldn't hear the sound.He turned around silently and went to the secret room where he practiced.

Mother, Yu'er will definitely wake you up.

He clenched his fists, his eyes were firmer than before, and he walked step by step, not like a child of a few years old.

"Brother Nangong, what do you want to say?"

Mo Ming finally asked, and could feel some excitement in his hoarse voice.While tightly holding the woman's hand on the couch, he stared at Nangong Fuchen. The once proud man had become a bit haggard, and his eyes seemed to be able to accommodate only one person.

"I've seen Ye Litian."

Nangong Fuchen sighed: "Shui Xinyue hasn't woken up either, her soul has been locked in her body all this time, and there hasn't been any improvement over the years, so it can be seen that Ye Litian can't change anything in the ghost world."

How could it be so easy to get the treasure of restoring the soul, and he didn't know that things happened so dramatically.

Mo Ming didn't interrupt, but he didn't look away. Nangong Fuchen must have something else to say.

Sure enough, Nangong Fuchen said, "But he came up with another way."

Mo Ming's heart moved: "What way?"

Nangong Fuchen didn't say the answer immediately, but was silent for a long time, I don't know how long, as if remembering something, finally slowly said what he heard.

"He wants to break the passage of the world and take Shui Xinyue to a world where reincarnation is possible."

"A world that can reincarnate?"

Mo Ming was silent, this is the world of cultivators, if a cultivator dies, he will not be reincarnated, but if his soul exists, he will enter the ghost world to practice again.If there is no soul, then it will truly disappear in this world.

However, in those worlds that can reincarnate, there are very few practitioners, and there are yin organs that are in charge of reincarnation.But if you want to bring someone back to life and preserve their memories, the price you pay is not small, and you may not even be able to preserve the other person's memories.So, he didn't even think about using this method at first, he didn't want Bao'er to forget him, not even a little bit.

Back in the Jedi Starfield, after that incident, before the real Bao'er appeared, he thought that after Bao'er lost his memory, his heart was also very painful.

Seeing that he was silent, Nangong Fuchen didn't continue to speak: "He said, with Shui Xinyue's situation, if he continues to wait, he won't be able to wake up in 10 years, so he intends to exhaust all his skills and take her to Reincarnation, even if you are an ordinary person. Even if they fell in love for only 100 years in the human world, they will continue to reincarnate, and he will not regret it."

"I also asked him about Bao'er's situation. Bao'er's soul should be in the process of repairing. If it continues at this speed, it will take about 1 years. 1 years does not matter to us. Brother Mo should be able to wait go down,"

Originally, he didn't intend to tell this matter, but he opened his mouth because he saw Mo Yu. Mo Yu is too sensible. A little child should have enjoyed the love and care in his mother's arms, but he had to bear such a "Yu'er is still young, is Brother Mo really willing to let Yu'er wait for 1 years?"

Mo Ming fell silent.

Nangong Fuchen didn't continue talking, but waited for Mo Ming's reaction. He knew that this decision was very painful, and even they couldn't control the variables of reincarnation.He believed that this man, as long as it was good for Bao'er, he would definitely do it.

"Brother Mo, if there is nothing else, I will leave first. You can decide these things yourself! 1 years is just the preliminary budget for Yelitian. In fact, we can't predict what will happen in the middle, although We have already stood at the pinnacle of the God Realm, but this world is so simple, outside of the God Realm, I don’t know what else is there.”

"it is good."

Mo Ming responded, Nangong Fuchen saw him hanging his head in thought, and slowly backed out.He looked longingly at the woman on the couch, finally turned around, went out, closed the door, and went in another direction.

When passing by Mo Yu's courtyard, he found that it was quiet inside. It seemed that he could feel that Mo Yu had sunk into the state of cultivation. Just as he was about to leave, the door opened.

A small figure appeared in his field of vision, Mo Yu's eyes were dark and bright, and he walked over steadily.He raised his head and stared at Nangong Fuchen for a long time for some unknown purpose.

Nangong Fuchen also let him look at him, with a smile on his eyes.

After a long time, Mo Yu said, "Uncle Nangong, can you tell me what you and daddy said? Was it about mother?"


Nangong Fuchen wanted to touch Mo Yu's head, but felt the danger emanating from his little eyes, the hand raised in mid-air stiffened, and then retracted.He has not forgotten that Mo Yu is different from other children.


"Uncle Nangong, tell me, Mo Yu has grown up, not a child. If you can make mother wake up earlier, you can do whatever you want Mo Yu to do!"

Nangong Fuchen couldn't help squatting down, looking straight at Mo Yu: "If Bao'er wakes up earlier, we have to be separated from Yu'er for a while, will Yu'er be reluctant?"

"will not."

Mo Yu said righteously, but Nangong Fuchen still saw a trace of reluctance in his eyes, it should be very reluctance, and there is also a kind of fear, probably because he is afraid of losing his mother!
"Yu'er is a good boy, I believe Bao'er will wake up sooner. Practice hard, if you have anything, you can come to Uncle Nangong."

"Thank you."

Mo Yu watched Nangong Fuchen leave, thought for a while, left the yard, and went to Mei Baoer's room.

No one knew what happened inside, only knew that after that day, Mo Yu practiced more diligently, and Mo Ming also changed from the past to only stay in the room, and would go out occasionally.

This matter made the whole Dan sect pay attention, especially Dan Huang, who paid special attention to Mei Baoer, and hurriedly came to Mo Ming while he was free.

(End of this chapter)

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