Hot little cute doctor: The devil is too arrogant

Chapter 575 Mo Yu Is A Little Pervert

Chapter 575 Mo Yu Is A Little Pervert

"Boy Mo, what are your plans? Is there anything you want to do recently?"

Mo Ming paused, and said: "Master, I want to take Bao'er to reincarnation in another world."


Not only Danhuang was shocked, but other people couldn't help being surprised, and even found it a little unbelievable.Although this matter is easy to say, it is not so easy to do, especially with their current strength, although they can take people to another world, they don't know how much it will cost to reincarnate.

If it is not done well, other things will happen.

"Boy Mo, you have to think about this matter clearly. What should you do if something else happens?"

Mo Ming raised his head, eyes full of persistence: "Master, do you think Bao'er will really be able to wake up after 1 years?"

Danhuang suddenly fell silent, 1 years is just the best situation, even if the soul is completely repaired, it may not be able to wake up, the preparation said that the soul should be repaired in 1 years, but there is no definite affirmation able to wake up.

Ye Litian is a former ghost emperor, and he can't guarantee that Shui Xinyue will wake up in 10 years, let alone Mei Baoer.

Shui Xinyue was because most of the soul essence was absorbed by the ancestor of the Mei family, plus she was seriously injured, much more serious than Mei Baoer.She was not sleeping by herself, but was forcibly locked in her body and had to reincarnate. Apart from reincarnation, other hopes were very slim. Even if it was reincarnation, Ye Litian might really need to use up all she had.

And Mabel's situation is much better, as long as she is careful, he believes that there will be no problems.He will choose a place where the time is faster than here, and he can bring Bao'er back before Mo Yu grows up.

Although he can bring a lot to Mo Yu, he can't make up for his mother's love. He also discovered that Mo Yu is a child with a heavy heart.

"Boy Mo, have you really made up your mind? You know that if your decision doesn't go well, there will be other problems in the middle."

"Master, I have already made up my mind. The world I chose is 3 times faster than this one. I have [-] years with Bao'er. Master, don't worry. I am ready and will definitely bring Bao'er." When you come back, Yu'er will be taken care of by you, and I will bring Bao'er back three years later."

The Emperor Dan remained silent for a long time, and the others did not dare to speak. After 3 years, if they can't succeed in 3 years, they probably have nothing to do.Now that Mo Ming has made a decision, they can't change anything, they can only respect his decision.

In fact, they also understand that even if they wait in place, they don't know what the final result will be. They might as well be more proactive. Now that they have a way, the chances of success are still very high. If it was them, they would probably choose to do so.

"Okay, Mo boy, since you are so confident, then I, an old man, should have some courage, so I promise you. I like Bao'er, an old girl, and I will wait for you for three years. Yu'er also needs you. Come back earlier, and when you go, be more prepared."

"Thank you Master."

Mo Ming bowed respectfully, Danhuang has helped him a lot over the years.Especially about Mo Yu, he remembered it all in his heart.

Nangong Fuchen didn't expect that this man could be so decisive: "Brother Mo, I hope you can succeed, this time I won't trouble you." He sincerely wished that one day, the two of them could come back together.

Mo Ming gave a rare smile, he didn't feel so disgusted with these people who sincerely treat Bao'er well.

Everyone sent blessings one by one, and then Mo Ming began to prepare for reincarnation.He planned to use it for 3 years, just because May Baoer's soul was very cracked and needed constant reincarnation to repair her soul. This should be the best method with the least side effects.

If he could find the treasure, why would he choose this method.

Mo Ming devoted himself to preparing for reincarnation, and the people of Danmen became more silent. Of course, Mo Yu practiced harder, and his talent was also very perverted. He inherited all the talents of Mei Baoer and Mo Ming. Its formation and alchemy are even more amazing.

Both Zhenhuang and Danhuang liked him very much.

Qi Huang and Fu Huang were very jealous, and the two of them were also bored. After showing Mo Yu his book once, he found that he had the ability to refine weapons and draw symbols at the same time, and Mo Yu immediately became busy.The Beast Emperor's heart is also a little itchy. Although he already has an heir, this little pervert can have four talents at the same time. It shouldn't be a problem if he has one more talent, right?

So, taking advantage of the four old men's inattention, he passed on his inheritance to this little pervert, and was surprised to find that the little pervert was just a little pervert, and he was so powerful, and he really had the talent to summon monsters.

When the other four old men knew about it, they had to divide the little pervert's time again.

The five old men touched their gray beards one after another outside the yard, each of them disliked each other, wishing to throw their things out, so that the little pervert could learn from his own.

However, when they saw that the little pervert was in the yard, focusing on two tasks, and completing it very well, they gave up this idea again. Perhaps this is the difference between a genius and an ordinary person.

Mo Yu's metamorphosis is destined to take a different path from others, even more extraordinary, and the things he experiences in the future will also be different.

"It seems that we were too narrow-minded before. Mo Yu has such a talent. We should do our best to let him learn everything from us. Until the day we can no longer guide him, I can see all his achievements. Not here." Dan Huang had to sigh.

The emperor also nodded, his eyes locked on the little figure, "He has the temperament and talent of Mo boy and that girl at the same time, and he also has derived talents. This is not something that ordinary people can compare. We should work harder Some, otherwise in a few years, we will have nothing to teach him, wouldn't that kill a genius?"

Several old men nodded quickly, and after making a decision, they resolutely returned to their secret room, and began to continue to work hard to break through themselves in their own field.

Even Mo Yu didn't know that it was because of his perverted talent that the five old men achieved higher achievements.

Time flies by, and Mo Ming spent several months finally getting everything ready.

On this day, Moming carried Mei Bao'er out of the room for so many years, and everyone in the Danmen looked at the two of them seriously, watching him walk out of the house and go down to the mountain gate of the Danmen.

Mo Yu's small figure has been following him all the time, but his eyes are lingeringly looking at Mei Bao'er in Mo Ming's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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