Chapter 577 You Are Well

"Xiao Zhuang, can't you give me a chance?"

Ling Shuang showed helplessness, even though she really wanted to get close to the woman in front of her, she always didn't give herself a little hope, "It's been so many years, don't you still like him in your heart? If he likes you, he will definitely come to you, but He didn't come."

"Xiaozhuang, why don't you give me a chance to like you, don't you know how cruel you are?"

Mei Zhuang's eyes were apologetic, her face was a little dazed, but her gaze was far away: "Ling Shuang, you are fine."

"However, I only regard you as a friend, so I can't hurt you. Boss Mei once said that if you don't like it, you don't like it. If I just think of you, but give you hope, it will be the greatest thing for you. Hurt. So, I can't give you a chance. Whether I like other people or not, at least I don't like you between men and women. "

"You are perfect and should be suitable for a better girl. I am not worthy of your liking, because my heart is not complete. Even if I can forget the past, I can't hold other people. Thank you for being with me for so many years, I don't want to lose you as a good friend, but I know that if this continues, it will hurt you even more, so let's say goodbye, you should pursue your life and find your girl."

Ling Shuang opened his mouth, saw her determined back, but couldn't say anything, he knew that he was hopeless, in fact, he knew it from the very beginning.

He just didn't want to give up, and wanted to try to see if he could walk into her heart. Unfortunately, after many years, he still couldn't make her change a little bit.

"Xiao Zhuang, why don't you look back, maybe if you let go of one person and choose another, the result will be different."

Mei Zhuang turned around suddenly: "Ling Shuang, why don't you let go and choose another path?"

In a word, Ling Shuang choked, and his eyes suddenly became a little dazed, yes, even if he couldn't change his path, why did he force Xiaozhuang to be with him.His shoulders suddenly drooped loosely, and his eyes were full of disappointment.

"Xiao Zhuang, if this is what you want, then I respect your choice. If one day you figure it out, you are willing to take another look at me and open a door for me. I will wait for you here forever."

Mei Zhuang turned her head back, with gratitude in her eyes: "Ling Shuang, go pursue your world, don't wait for me, even if I can't be with that person, I won't choose another person. It's painful to like someone, actually , I have let go, and now I just want to be alone, without thinking about anything."

Ling Shuang still only had disappointment in her eyes, but she knew that Mei Zhuang would not agree no matter what.

"Okay, I'll go." His voice lost his voice, "Xiao Zhuang, since you have made such a choice, I won't say anything more. If you still consider me Ling Shuang as a friend in the future, if you have any difficulties or want any help, you will definitely talk to me. I said."

Mei Zhuang suddenly smiled: "Alright, Ling Shuang, I am very lucky to have you as a friend."

Ling Shuang finally turned around and left his favorite person.Since Xiaozhuang doesn't like him, he won't force her to do anything.Sometimes, love can not be obtained by persistence. In addition to persistence, you also need to like each other.He won't force Xiaozhuang to like someone he doesn't like, perhaps, he should also find a place and walk down alone.

Xiaozhuang, you said that even if you don't like that person, you won't like anyone else.

And why isn't he Ling Shuang?
Isn't it the same for him, his whole heart is full of plum makeup, so there is no room for other women.

Xiao Zhuang, you can't forget Bu Tianya, just like Ling Shuang can't forget Mei Zhuang.

Perhaps time can hide their memories deeply, but it cannot erase the person they love the most in their hearts.

Mei Zhuang silently watched Ling Shuang leave, sighed inexplicably, and only looked away when his back disappeared. In fact, Ling Shuang was the last person she wanted to hurt, but sometimes she had to.She really can't accept someone she doesn't love because of Ling Shuang's liking and Ling Shuang's love.

Touching the heart, there is still a vague shadow inside.She knew that he was in the demon world, and she went to look for him, but she didn't see him.Maybe he really doesn't like her, everything is her extravagant wish.

Once upon a time, when she was still an ignorant rabbit, one day, she was bought back by a woman and met another rabbit. She thought their fate was the same as other rabbits.

In her eyes, this male rabbit was a very handsome rabbit. When she took a look at it, she already secretly agreed with him, only feeling that he had infinite charm.

What happened later, her directness was not wrong. This rabbit was indeed of extraordinary origin. Later, she never thought that this ordinary little white rabbit of hers could experience such an extraordinary life.

She knew that her extraordinary life really started with this very handsome male rabbit.

He became her master. At that time, she was ignorant. Every time she saw him, she always sent out an instinctive mating message. Every time she saw his rejection, how should I put it, she always felt a little funny.

Even though she learned more later, she still couldn't help but have this kind of teasing thoughts. As time passed, she really wanted to be with him. After she expressed her feelings for the first time, she found that the relationship between them The distance between them is very far.

At that time, she seemed to understand more. She went to experience and understood what emotions in the world are like.

People have joys and sorrows, feelings also have separation and reunion, some you like, he doesn't like you, and some he likes you, but you don't like him, the most beautiful relationship in the world is that you like him, and he happens to like it too you.

The other two are the most painful, and they cannot get the feelings they want.

"Master, it seems that you don't like Xiao Zhuang anymore, so Xiao Zhuang treats you as if you have rejected Xiao Zhuang just like Xiao Zhuang rejected Ling Shuang today, and Xiao Zhuang will slowly forget you in the future. Ling Shuang because of I like Xiaozhuang, so I don't want to hurt Xiaozhuang, I force Xiaozhuang to do anything, and because Xiaozhuang loves Master deeply, I don't want to bring pain to Master, so Xiaozhuang will never force you to like her again."

The voice was infinitely desolate, and a tear rolled down her cheek. She turned and left the cliff, and her figure quickly disappeared into the sky.

Bu Tianya searched many places in the God Realm, but still did not see Mei Zhuang.

One day, he met someone he didn't want to see, and when he saw the other person was alone, he had no choice but to go forward.

It was a young son, the owner of a shop, Bu Tianya walked in, Ling Shuang seemed to feel a familiar atmosphere, suddenly raised his head, and saw Bu Tianya's figure.

(End of this chapter)

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